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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Quite happy with it James... After NI patched the issue I mentioned in my first post that prevented proper authentication with name+password. I never got certificates working properly either, but this may have also been fixed by the patch. I have mainly used it as a client, and have production ready code stable with with approx 100 tags. I have created some proof of concept code to run the server side as well and it worked fine. My only issue is that the server does not allow to register for listeners, so you have to poll. I don't really know all the nuances of OPC-UA so perhaps this is normal, it just seems strange that the client can get periodic events (nicely handled in an event structure), but the server has to poll. I am planning on using it in several more projects, it certainly seems to do everything I need and is much easier to integrate into your codebase than other OPC-UA toolkits.
    1 point
  2. HI Rob, Have you looked at the example code (and video linked to) here? It’s a TCP example. Standard Request-Reply and Register-Notify should work seamlessly over TCP (as the various TCP actors route the messages back over the connection) without needing to do anything special.
    1 point
  3. I was not the one who made this decision, but if I were I would have the following reasoning. What would you reply with? Would it be personal information about your qualifications or personal contact information? If so then there is no good reason to reply. On the NI side there have been several times someone posts a job and people reply by attaching their resume. This puts personal information like their address, date of birth, job history, references, and contact information in public view where spam bots crawl (among other bad things that could happen). If you want to contact the poster, then send them a private message, or contact them through the links they may provide.
    1 point
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