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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi guys; As a friendly heads up, the LabVIEW compiler for RasPi has been released (can you hear my sigh of relief through my post?)... The downloads and documentation are available on this Github repo. Cheers and hope to see you all at NIWeek 2017. I'm supper excited with the possibility of no longer being on the verge of a heat stroke in Austin every NIWeek... This coming one will be my NIWeek number 17 and it will be a new experience for sure. If I don't catch you at the LAVA BBQ, come to our booth to say What's Up.
    3 points
  2. I saw a hissy fit recently between the AMD folks and linux core folks. As I understand it amd said basically 'we're making our driver this way because you keep changing the function interface for video drivers' and the kernel folks said 'if you do that we won't accept it'. Then AMD made it their way so they could finally have a proper functioning gpu driver on linux while not sinking a ridiculous amount of money into a platform that such a small number of people use. Then the kernel folks said 'nopenopenopenope' and rejected it. And then I lol'd.
    2 points
  3. A cluster is a fixed-size array. I often use this to convert clusters (of mixed types) into an Array of Variants.
    1 point
  4. If they don't listen to their guru, Linus Torvalds, they deserve "snarky" comments as far as I'm concerned. Let's be clear, here. It is a community problem that Python is just the tip of the iceberg and perpetuates because of its ubiquitous use. I have many Linux friends that complain like hell that games are often not ported to Linux and when I tell them why, they get all defensive and demand cross-platform developers yield and point blank refuse to improve the platform (even though they have the skills to do so). When seeking support, after being told to read the manual, I am always told to patch/port it myself, send it to them and they "will think about it". So ...... what is good for the goose is good for the gander, right? (Not the guys/gals who maintain CMake. They are a drop of water in the dessert) As you will probably be aware, most of my toolkits are backwards compatible to 2009 and work on Windows, Mac and Linux (mainly due to LabVIEWs guarantee) but I removed support for Linux with those that use external libraries for exactly these reasons. I wouldn't blame you in the slightest for putting LabPython back into your private toolbox because it is more hassle than it is worth and they (the Linux community) aren't prepared to give an inch to improve the platform. Of course. They could ask you or your employer for a quote to upgrade to a certain Python version on a particular distribution version. Perhaps start a Kickstarter campaign?
    1 point
  5. LabVIEW ignores frame rates less than 1 second (greater is OK) and doesn't support extension blocks.
    1 point
  6. I had the same issue when my application was running fine in development mode, but gave error 1502 when attempted to build an exe. Found the reason being a broken VI in an instrument driver class that I used in my project. The broken VI was an "Example.vi" in the driver class, however this "Example.vi" was never used in my application, it was used as a standalone VI to test driver functionality. Somehow having that broken(but unused) VI being part of the class that I used in my application caused the build to fail. By fixing the broken VI and build became successful. The same issue does not occur if the broken VI is inside a library. To prevent this from happening again to see the error after a long build process, I have created a VI to search for broken VI(s) within my project dependent classes before the build process. Cheers, Jimmy
    1 point
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