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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2017 in all areas

  1. What's wrong with flooding the buffer? (they are allocated for each connection) TCPIP connections block when the buffer is full (that's why there is a timeout on the write). If you set the buffer to, say, 10 x message size then it will fill up with 10 messages and wait until at least one has been received (nak'd) and then write another.
    1 point
  2. Don't forget .NET calls in LabVIEW are extremely slow compared to DLL calls, something to do with the managed memory aspect. I seem to remember even simple calls taking several ms to return.
    1 point
  3. Ohhh! This is a different issue all together. You don't have a Waveform Graph, you have XY graph. A Waveform graph has every sample be the same distance apart, where XY it is arbitrary. Attached is an updated version where we write three channels, one for the X one for Array 1 and one for Array 2. Then when we read we read all values from all three channels, then build them back into a bundle of X and Y values. I also built that into an array so one XY Graph can show both plots but you may want that on separate plots. TDMS Waveform Example 2.vi
    1 point
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