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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2020 in all areas

  1. > Admittedly, it has been probably a year since I heard that discussion. About a year... yeah. 🙂NXG's G scripting priority was... shall we say... re-evaluated after the European CLA Summit in 2019. It was kicked up a few notches after some very pointed comments from the user community, confirmed by Americas CLAs later that year. I'm not on that team and haven't kept tabs, but there should be some scripting support soon if it isn't already there.
    2 points
  2. Thanks! Wish you would've told me that a few months ago! 😉
    1 point
  3. That is interesting! I actually came to the same conclusion. I was trying to launch 4 of my own style actors which each opened an IMAQ reference to a (different) camera and quite often trying to do this launch in parallel would cause the system to hang. I changed it to a serial launch process and the problem never happened again.
    1 point
  4. Sure. My primary motivators were: Performance (it always seemed slow even to access the web interface, and ssh pushes and pulls often took forever) The war is over, Git has been crowned the victor. I backed the wrong horse about 8 years ago and now it is time to move on. The only reason I chose Bitbucket in the first place was their support for Hg. The way they have handled the move to Git was terrible. GitHub now has free private repositories, and as of yesterday you can have teams for free Realistically, the only thing keeping me on Bitbucket for several years was the pain of moving all 100 of my repositories over to somewhere else. They forced my hand with this and I have not looked back since. Since then I have found other good things: GitKraken is incredible Visual Studio has really nice (simple) support for Git with the Git extension I don't have to remember how to pronounce Atlassian anymore
    1 point
  5. And when can we add G code extension to NXG's IDE? I'll move over when I get GDS running there 😉
    1 point
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