Ok, here's what I did:
I found a lvlibp file in my LV14 installation, and extracted it:
$ file lv_icon.lvlibp
lv_icon.lvlibp: PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
$ wrestool -x --raw lv_icon.lvlibp -o ./
$ ls -l lv_icon*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mefisto None 5377536 2014-06-25 lv_icon.lvlibp
-rw-r--r-- 1 mefisto None 5375712 06-10 12:47 lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0
-rw-r--r-- 1 mefisto None 704 06-10 12:47 lv_icon.lvlibp_16_1
Then checked the RSRC file from inside:
$ file lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: National Instruments,
$ ./readRSRC.py -x -i 'lv_icon.lvlibp'
Error: [Errno RSRC {:d} Header sanity check failed.] 0
So, I never tried that before, and my tool doesn't currently support these files.
But it should be an easy fix, so I will patch it and get back to you with more info.
For fixing 'tampered with password' message - what I do is just removing the file from library when in extracted form (can't remember exactly, but I think 3 changes are required, one of them is removal of the LIBN which you mentioned).
Btw, NI is inconsistent here - they say the password is just 'unintended modification' avoidance, but the 'tampered' message suggests the intent for creating that functionality was to provide some impression of security.
EDIT: Fixed it!
Now I'm getting:
$ ./readRSRC.py -vv -x -i 'lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0'
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Starting file parse for RSRC extraction
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Block 'LVzp' index 0 recognized
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Block b'LVzp' max data size set to 5273600 bytes
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Block b'DATA' max data size set to 5375472 bytes
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Writing block b'LVzp'
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Storing block b'LVzp' section 0 binary in 'lv_icon_LVzp.bin'
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Writing block b'DATA'
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Storing block b'DATA' section 0 binary in 'lv_icon_DATA0.bin'
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Storing block b'DATA' section 1 binary in 'lv_icon_DATA1.bin'
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Storing block b'DATA' section 2 binary in 'lv_icon_DATA2.bin'
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Storing block b'DATA' section 3 binary in 'lv_icon_DATA3.bin'
lv_icon.lvlibp_10_2_0: Storing block b'DATA' section 4 binary in 'lv_icon_DATA4.bin'
lv_icon.xml: Writing binding XML
The ZIP is auto-decrypted, so we can now extract it:
$ file lv_icon_LVzp.bin
lv_icon_LVzp.bin: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
# unzip lv_icon_LVzp.bin
Archive: lv_icon_LVzp.bin
extracting: NI_Embedded_Library.xml
extracting: 1abvi3w/resource/dialog/lvconfig.llb/LV Config Read Boolean.vi
extracting: 1abvi3w/resource/dialog/lvconfig.llb/LV Config Read Color.vi
extracting: 1abvi3w/resource/dialog/lvconfig.llb/LV Config Read String.vi
extracting: 1abvi3w/resource/dialog/lvconfig.llb/LV Config Write Boolean.vi
extracting: 1abvi3w/resource/dialog/lvconfig.llb/LV Config Write Color.vi
extracting: 1abvi3w/resource/dialog/lvconfig.llb/LV Config Write String.vi
Will update after I look at the files I got.
EDIT2: Looked at the files:
The only real issue is lack of VCTP section. The rest of removing the VI from library is trivial, if you check how the file looks before and after compiling the library.
VCTP sections from all files seem to be merged together (after all it stands for VI Consolidated Types), and stored in DATA resource of index 0. That resource is then compressed with ZLIB.
Looks like DATA0 is zlib'ed, while DATA1+ are not. I will have to update the tools to handle a situation where the same resource ID has compressed and uncompressed sections.
If anyone wonders about the strange shortcuts we're using, I've made a wiki page on this: