SVG is the way to go. There is a mountain of open source SVG rendering code that was built to make modern browsers SVG compatible. The thing to do would be to create a custom SVG-based format for all LabVIEW controls/indicators, and publish the specification. That way anyone who wants to would be able to create their own front panel object design libraries. Users could create their own designs and look for any application. I mentioned this over a decade ago in my Websocket post. They could also integrate the connector pane into the diagram as a boundary with multiple frames and tools for creating connector terminals. Unlimited sprawl on the diagram would be replaced with "main structure" whose boundary is the connector pane. Users would create paginated code within the boundary, with the separate pages executing in parallel. This would be an option rather than a rule. There would still be a traditional connector pane, but it would go with the diagram rather than the front panel. The relationship between front panel objects and diagram terminals would be user-configurable (Diagram files would be configurable to point to one or more front panel files, with the front panel objects therein becoming available to be included in the diagram, at the user's discretion).