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Francois Normandin

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Everything posted by Francois Normandin

  1. Since it's gonna be my first NI Week and I'm still super excited about LAVA 2.0, let's do this officially: Jim , Jeff (done) , Justin (done), Chris (done), Mark (done), Philippe (done) & Mike (done) (cross-post)
  2. The external links open in the same tab. If I remember LAVA1.0, it spawned a new tab. Since we usually want to keep LAVA while we wander through the meanders of the web, could it be changed to open in a new tab or is it a deliberate change in behavior?
  3. Hi Antoine, Scott had asked this question on the Dark Side but what is interesting is Darren's reply... Keep that bit of code somewhere safe!
  4. A big thanks to the six of you. This is a collosal achievement. I think we collectively owe you guys a round at the next LAVA BBQ... Jim , Jeff , Justin , Chris , Mark , Philippe & Mike
  5. Get Window Handle.zip Get MAC Address - francais.zip
  6. What I find odd with this reputation system is that it can only go up (apparently). Anyway, we're not on Ebay...
  7. Firefox 3.0.11, Vista It works but cannot upload .vip files. (But that's not the issue, I know Admin CP can easily correct that.) Could there be that you don't have the latest Flash Plugin? I run Shockwave Flash 10 (rev22).
  8. I think it was the "Type Sensitive Popup" in the Code Repository. Not sure when it's gonna be back online, but you want to remember looking for it when it does.
  9. I would bet Chris is already in deep meditation thinking at the best way to restore the posts (along with his hard-earned place at the top of poster's list...)
  10. Hi Eugen, there's a "Mark Board As Read" completely at the bottom-left of of thread pages. That's the one you're looking for. Perhaps it could be added at the top as well... but that's soooo LV 1.0!
  11. Okay... (I don't have any Facebook account) Could you enlighten me? EDIT: I googgled it. thanks. Gee, I'm old already!!!
  12. What is the function of the member "status" ? What is the expected status?
  13. QUOTE (lavezza @ Jun 5 2009, 04:56 PM) Am I the only one who read it as App.MenuLunchVIE? I must have been confused by Darren's avatar and all that cannibalism talk. QUOTE (crelf @ Jun 5 2009, 04:50 PM) It's always nice to eat new clients. Ummmm, I mean "meet"! And you prefer "meating" them in packs of three?
  14. QUOTE (jmax007 @ Jun 4 2009, 08:17 PM) Hi Jamie, look at the "Replace Array Subset" primitive on the Array palette. Read the table values, replace the cell you want and write the result. QUOTE (jmax007 @ Jun 4 2009, 08:17 PM) On that note, is there a easier way to clear the background colors. Currently I am re-writing each cell to reset the background. Use (-2,-2) for Active Cell to select all rows and columns.
  15. Check out the String palette. You can build a string from a base name for your file to which you'll concatenate the loop number (Format Into String). Then build the filepath using the "Build Path" VI in the file palette. Check the help (Ctrl-H) to see how you should wire the Format Into String primitive.
  16. QUOTE (oskarbosch @ May 29 2009, 03:50 PM) Right-click on your graph indicator, choose Advanced>>Customize. Then you can select the scale legend, move it to back and hide the axis label indicators behind the main graph. Apply changes and go back to your VI. You should get the desired effect and it's even gonna rescale with your graph on the front panel.
  17. QUOTE (Michael Malak @ May 27 2009, 02:48 PM) http://lavag.org/old_files/post-10515-1243452782.vi'>Download File:post-10515-1243452782.vi (LV8.2)
  18. QUOTE (Michael Malak @ May 27 2009, 12:26 PM) Use Property>Plot Area>Width|Height.
  19. QUOTE (Michael Malak @ May 22 2009, 08:12 PM) The XY Graph is polymorphic. If you wire a different datatype in a VI, it's gonna change datatype to adapt. But if you use a reference, the datatype needs to be matched to the one in the VI where you got your reference from. Be careful with this because once you've created your reference and used it elsewhere in your program, you have a lot of broken arrows or error pop-ups (if value is a variant) if you ever change the datatype of your graph...
  20. OK, I've reinstalled 7.1 and here's what I did: I created a colorbox constant (7.1) and resized it. I saved and opened this VI in 8.6. I got a resized colorbox (not reverted to standard size) but it was no longer resizable...
  21. QUOTE (bmoyer @ May 21 2009, 02:44 PM) The most "specific" class specifier I can find for a Color Box constant is "GObject>>ColorBox Constant", but you have read-only access to the height & width of the constant just like "GObject". Was there a different class hierarchy in LV7.1?
  22. QUOTE (Antoine Châlons @ May 15 2009, 04:30 AM) Indeed those are great news. It's gonna be a big help in coding speed and framework development. Next step is to have scripting abilities at runtime...
  23. QUOTE (manojba @ May 14 2009, 06:45 AM) You could also get inspired by this http://forums.lavag.org/-t199.html&view=findpost&p=62386' target="_blank">example from John Lokanis.
  24. QUOTE (Michael Malak @ May 13 2009, 07:29 PM) As Mike says, you need scripting (not available in exe) to create graphs "spontaneously", BUT if you're looking for a solution with "Open VI reference", then it's an other ballgame! Try out those VIs (attached). You can spawn multiple graph windows and communicate your data to each of them, either from the main VI that spawned them using some means that you can certainly find in other threads, or by having each spawned VI acquire it's own data. Now this is what Mike and others advised: it's a good time to refactor your design while still satisfying your customer! Each instance of "XY Graph Instance.vi" will be independant. (Launch XY Graph Main.vi, don't open XY Graph Instance.vi) Hoping it's in the right direction for you... Download File:post-10515-1242264287.vi Download File:post-10515-1242264294.vi This has been programmed in LV 8.6 EDIT: BTW, you profile says you use LabVIEW 2009, which is still in Beta testing. Perhaps you should change your profile to tell us which version you use (and can read our code snippets). It will prevent us from uploading code that you can't read.
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