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Francois Normandin

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Everything posted by Francois Normandin

  1. <sigh>Not another one who'll clog the RSS feeds.</sigh>
  2. You're right, perhaps it's a shame we're so shy to give rep points... For newbies, it surely helps to know that someone with a good reputation on the forums is taking time to answer their questions. They can feel reassured that the answerer is competent (not garanteed, but still...) The fact that I know (in person or through my daily browsing of LAVA) the top posters doesn't mean that it's the same for all. I'll try to put myself in other's shoes...
  3. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to imply that the reputation system is bad. I kind of like to receive those clicks too... It's just that I don't think it should be a race to figure in the top 10, but rather a way, as you pointed out, to attract my eyes on posts that others have liked.
  4. Way to go Noah! Hope to see you on the forums soon...
  5. Well phrased. And this is why I think it shouldn't be on the front page. See my remark a long time ago...
  6. I think the Top Reputation list on the front page is not really necessary. What would be better is to be able to search through Reputable posts... This way, it could serve as an annotation for memorable posts or extremely useful content, just the way tags worked on LAVA1.0. (I kind of miss the tagging features too, not so much the tag cluster on the front page as the tagging itself).
  7. It's a private property. Try SuperSecretLabVIEWLullaby=TRUE.
  8. version 1.0.11 released. I've added an Outlook-style sidebar based on radio buttons. This allows to take advantage of the Enum typedef. Disconnect the typedef and customize with your own buttons, change button order or even style. http://content.scree...-10-08_1129.swf
  9. Indeed, to preserve dataflow, this is exactly what you have to do. If you have many classes, let's say "pigs", "cows" and "goats", then you should add a layer "animal" from which they all inherit. Your Farm class would contain a list of Animals and you can have only one "Write/Read infants" for the Animal class, provided that all animals have the same "bornalive/stillborn/mummified" properties for the infant counts. If you need to override with a different Read/Write for a particular animal, then you can. But it should let you have only one UpdateObject for the whole animals hierarchy.
  10. I sometimes use KompoZer. It's open-source and includes a wysywyg editor. It's of course nothing compared to Dreamweaver, but it does the job. Otherwise I use WebExpert which allows a good way of managing code snippets, javascripts and other stuff like this. It's not free, but definitely not pricey either. Its ease of use makes it my day-to-day tool. It's great for maintaining a website already built or to start from a template.
  11. If you use an Event case, the Coordinates are given. Then you can use the Point to Row Column method...
  12. I thought GIMP was too complicated when I tried it last year. But Paint.NET is exactly what I wanted! thanks I didn't think about using Illustrator. Humm, I guess I could do other stuff than vectorial drawing with it...
  13. I'm looking for a simple and effective image editor, preferably open-source, that would allow me to quickly customize more buttons for the UI tools package I made. I can use copy & paste with NI's control customization tool, but I lack a good program to tweak some rough edges. Something that manages PNG transparency as well as the new 2009 icon editor... For example, I created this button but noticed that the corners are "system" colored... I would like those corners to be transparent. Perhaps I should do that in LabVIEW?? Any thoughts? Good: Bad:
  14. It works fine for me. (It must be some sort of conspiracy against you ) Sorry, I couldn't resist... Sadly, I have no clue at where you should look to correct this otherwise. Perhaps directly in the Tools/Options... menu?(Environment Tab)
  15. There's a LabVIEW.ini setting that you can set to 99. maxUndoSteps=99
  16. On the toolbar, you will find a button for Locking/Unlocking Objects on your front panel.
  17. Hi Eugen, I asked that very question a few weeks ago... and I was saddened by the answer... Perhaps someday?
  18. Hi Philippe, About the "Show terminals"... there is also a bug [Low priority] when we rotate the terminals. I don't know if there's a way to know if it's been rotated programmatically? Anyway, here's a screenshot. It's really unusual that I'd use a different connector pane than the 4x2x2x4...
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