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Francois Normandin

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Everything posted by Francois Normandin

  1. Here's a little jing video to show the FadeIn - FadeOut effects. Check out the example built with a JKI QSM to see how simply it's done. FadeIn FadeOut
  2. Version 1.4.1


    UI Tools v1.4.0 Copyright © 2009-2016, François Normandin All rights reserved. Author:François Normandin Contact Info: Contact via PM on www.lavag.org LabVIEW Versions: Created and tested with LabVIEW 2012 Dependencies: OpenG Application Control Library >= OpenG Array Library >= OpenG File Library >= OpenG LabVIEW Data Library >= OpenG String Library >= LAVA Palette >= Description: This package contains tools for designing user interfaces. A first palette helps create special effects using transparency of front panel. Using them allows to quickly create fade-ins or outs using linear or exponential variation of the intensity. A second palette contains VIs to calculate the position of GObjects for many purposes like alignment, snap, mouse follow, etc. A third palette contains VIs to create dialog boxes based on class instances. "Simple Error Dialog" and "Simple Selection List" are featured with or without backrground blackening effect. A fourth palette includes some VIs to move objects programmatically on the front panel, using a basic deceleration algorithm to provide an impression of a smooth movement. The packaged VIs are all namespaced using a suffix “__lava_lib_ui_tools” which should not conflict with any of your own code. Includes: Front Panel Transparency (Fade In & Fade Out) Utilities (Alignment, Snap) Dialog (OOP based, extensible) Engine (Beta) for object movement Instructions: This package is distributed on the LabVIEW Tools Network (version 1.3) and updates are on LAVA (1.4). It can be installed directly in the addon folder of any LabVIEW version from 2012 to now. The addon installs automatically under the LAVA palette of the addon submenu. License: Distributed under the BSD license. Support: If you have any problems with this code or want to suggest features, please go to www.lavag.org and navigate to the discussion page.
  3. View File UI Tools UI Tools v1.4.0 Copyright © 2009-2016, François Normandin All rights reserved. Author:François Normandin Contact Info: Contact via PM on www.lavag.org LabVIEW Versions: Created and tested with LabVIEW 2012 Dependencies: OpenG Application Control Library >= OpenG Array Library >= OpenG File Library >= OpenG LabVIEW Data Library >= OpenG String Library >= LAVA Palette >= Description: This package contains tools for designing user interfaces. A first palette helps create special effects using transparency of front panel. Using them allows to quickly create fade-ins or outs using linear or exponential variation of the intensity. A second palette contains VIs to calculate the position of GObjects for many purposes like alignment, snap, mouse follow, etc. A third palette contains VIs to create dialog boxes based on class instances. "Simple Error Dialog" and "Simple Selection List" are featured with or without backrground blackening effect. A fourth palette includes some VIs to move objects programmatically on the front panel, using a basic deceleration algorithm to provide an impression of a smooth movement. The packaged VIs are all namespaced using a suffix “__lava_lib_ui_tools” which should not conflict with any of your own code. Includes: Front Panel Transparency (Fade In & Fade Out) Utilities (Alignment, Snap) Dialog (OOP based, extensible) Engine (Beta) for object movement Instructions: This package is distributed on the LabVIEW Tools Network (version 1.3) and updates are on LAVA (1.4). It can be installed directly in the addon folder of any LabVIEW version from 2012 to now. The addon installs automatically under the LAVA palette of the addon submenu. License: Distributed under the BSD license. Support: If you have any problems with this code or want to suggest features, please go to www.lavag.org and navigate to the discussion page. Submitter Francois Normandin Submitted 09/21/2009 Category LabVIEW Tools Network Certified LabVIEW Version
  4. Of course I'll help... I'd do almost anything to help a LAVA enthusiast.
  5. Tales from the other Dark Side Read through the company's reply... Seriously, that makes my day.
  6. You know, there are only 30 millions of my bunch and there are over 300 millions of them south of the border, so I'm careful not to wake up the sleeper. The 1812 invasion is still fresh to my mind...
  7. Yes it does, but "colour" works... (It might be filtering out using a canadian or british dictionary? )
  8. You've got to be logged in to download it. Borderless Cluster.ctl
  9. You need to open these old VIs with LV 7, save it to 7.x and then open with 8.6. The VI is broken. I think it's because of the Error wire conversion. But it's readable*. SCXI-1122 Voltage.vi * Wouldn't get a prize for coding style, but that's an old VI...
  10. I'm sorry to contradict you Paul, but in the exam I passed, I had four possible answers starting with "The timer counts up and..." while obviously the answer was "The timer counts down and...". So I answered solely based on the second part of the answer. There are definitely wrong answers, whether they are put there on purpose or not is another question though. And now returning to my last week vacation...
  11. By mere seconds... well I'm farther East than you are, we'll put that on time lag...
  12. For these types of equipments, you can get the drivers on the Instrument Driver Network on ni.com. For Lakeshore 331, you get the GPIB/serial driver on the website. It should be fairly simple once you've installed the driver to get the temperature readout.
  13. Thanks for the tip Eric. I don't use LabVIEW 2009 just yet. I've uploaded version 1.1.11 that should take care of this issue. I've tested it successfully on my system with the Evaluation version.
  14. Daryl, you've read too much of a certain thread for a single day... Take it easy!
  15. Thanks Paul, now I got it! A VI is worth a thousand words... (well 3 actually)
  16. I wouldn't know. [Political comment] I'm not really considered a canadian. [/Political comment] Well, if AQ says so... eh?
  17. I always say it el-vee-oop. Though I noticed at NI Week that people more often use el-voop. (let's blame it on my weird french canadian accent )
  18. You need the SCT (Shower Capture Tool).
  19. I just nearly don't spend enough time in there for it to be worthwhile...
  20. You're right essentially: they could create a wrapper on your code and license it, sell it, or anything they'd like, except that they cannot prevent you from doing the same with the same code, or any other company from creating a similar wrapper and distribute it for their own benefit. If something is released publicly, then it cannot be patented or copyrighted otherwise. On the other hand, if you create code and sell it (or give it away) before making it public, then it could be copyrighted by the new owner. I think this is why any code that you want to keep free of royalties should have licensing terms, however simple it could be (as BSD) or more restrictive (as xGPL's).
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