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Everything posted by Yair

  1. QUOTE (Darren @ Aug 8 2008, 12:29 AM) You should have assigned them a shortcut (e.g. if it was Mike Porter, it could be MP). :laugh: Of course, if you had a better algorithm, maybe you would find their name easier when thinking of Ben. By the way, you might like this video. It starts out slow, and it's out of focus all the way through, but it becomes reasonable:
  2. LabVIEW has a MATLAB script node, which can run MATLAB code, but since I never used it (or MATLAB, for that matter), I can't tell you if it will work in RT. A search would be in order.
  3. QUOTE (Neville D @ Aug 7 2008, 12:46 AM) I seem to remember seeing 8.6 RT available for download when I looked a couple of days ago.
  4. QUOTE (BrokenArrow @ Aug 7 2008, 12:37 AM) Yes.
  5. QUOTE (BrokenArrow @ Aug 6 2008, 09:44 PM) Why not? It's should simply be a matter of creating an installer or a zipped folder. The biggest advantage is that you can then use different sets of images or randomize them more. P.S. Next time, you might wish to create a development distribution for VIs you post.
  6. The support thread for the CR submission should have the VIs in 7.1.
  7. Looks fine here too on XP. Since you don't have any fonts, there shouldn't really be an OS issue. If you want to make the VI smaller (and have the possibility for having dynamic sets of images, etc.), you can replace the picture ring with a picture control and remember the values by index (if you don't want to change your current code much). You can either make the pictures fit the size of the square or use some code to change their size at run time. Here's one example.
  8. You can also just not plot those points. An XY graph does not require the different plots to have the same number of elements.
  9. I'm not an 8.x user, so I don't have any experience with this, but here are a couple of guesses: Give each class a method returning its name. Then, use the call parent implementation node on the class you loaded and you will get the name of its parent. Hack the lvclass file. The parent seems to be in there, but its data is binary.
  10. QUOTE (Ton @ Aug 4 2008, 09:38 PM) NOW you're talking! :thumbup: You should come. I'm sure you'll like it. Unfortunately, NI Israel doesn't really hold technical LabVIEW days. They have NIDays, but that isn't really technical and so far they always brought marketing\management people from abroad.
  11. Here's a useful tip - go do that search now. Really.
  12. Um, you right click the control in the facade VI and edit its context menu? It looks like each control in the facade VI has its own context menu.
  13. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Aug 3 2008, 12:34 PM) You need to use the Callees[] property of the VIs until there are no more VIs which you haven't listed. One way would be to have two arrays (VIs which you already went over and VIs which you haven't went over yet) and to make sure that you have no duplicates.
  14. Ooh, is it Dread NcKaskle? (groans welcome) P.S. Nice stuff, Stephen & team. It looks like I'll actually be using 8.6. :thumbup:
  15. When I wanted to use USB cameras, I had the same question. A simple search of NI's site solved it in a couple of minutes.
  16. QUOTE (hfettig @ Jul 25 2008, 04:01 PM) http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/7336#toc0' target="_blank">Hmm...
  17. Welcome to LAVA. I can't help you, since I never used MATLAB, but I suggest you start by searching, both here, in NI's site and in the Mathworks' site. Then, if you can't find it, you should come back and post a proper question with the full details.
  18. I never thought about it, but it probably stands for image acquisition, just like DAQ stands for data acquisition.
  19. QUOTE (crelf @ Jul 31 2008, 09:32 PM) I guess you have the Aussie version of LabVIEW.
  20. As mentioned, dqGOOP works very well and there are other by-ref GOOP toolkits around (e.g. Endevo GOOP, Sciware GOOP), but you can also have by-ref wrappers for LVOOP, and there's even a shipping examples. Additionally, if you search the forums, you should find a link Aristos Queue posted to a list of design patterns implentations in LVOOP.
  21. Nice idea, but wouldn't it be simpler and more robust to write a simple display VI which will do this? I'm assuming the only advantage (?) that the console window has is that it can recieve messages from the entire process, as opposed to the VI, which should be limited to a single app instance if you use something like a queue to pass the messages.
  22. QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Jul 29 2008, 04:33 PM) Good thing you didn't call it G-SLUM. :laugh:
  23. Over here it's been surprisingly pleasant over the last few days. >100 is the usual temperature for pretty much the entire summer, but these last few days it's probably been around 85, possibly even less.
  24. Yair


    Welcome to LAVA. Enjoy NIWeek, but just remember that the LAVA BBQ is on Tuesday night. Wednesday probably has the NI party, which is also good, but you wouldn't want to mix up the days, since the two events are not in the same place. :laugh:
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