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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. Ahh. I see what you mean (I thought it was at least in Dispatcher-have to check) Here they are).
  2. There is nothing special about the clear error. It is just a control and indicator unwired. These are my versions of the clear error and clear specific error (you can find them in many of my submissions to the CR) that uses far less realestate and can be placed between property nodes (and similar) without having to route wires around.
  3. Just one final thought on this (probably not relevant). I have seen exactly what you describe when a machine has Bluetooth . The 5- 8 second freezes go away when the Bluetooth adapter is disabled. I never got to the bottom of this since the machine didn't need Bluetooth, so I just disabled it.
  4. Good point...... Don't forget to press the "Generate" button to regenerate the product code in the version page if your copying an installer.
  5. Not really.....but... The project file is xml. So in the past I have cut and pasted the section <Item Name="Build Specifications" Type="Build"> ..... </item> and it worked fine.
  6. I thought I already was . Isn't my name on an openG FP somewhere?
  7. Naaah. I'd prefer it like like JGs. You would have made a huge profit in only 3 weeks.
  8. I believe it is (or at least a wrapper for it). This is the prototype it (TCP Get Raw Net Object.vi) uses as the call to LabVIEW int32_t NCGetRawNetObject(uint32_t nc, uintptr_t *netobject); It is just a typecast to get the nc parm from the connection ID.
  9. Well. there is an "Addons" palette. So shouldn't "Addons" be in there? I know your post is against top level folders but I also don't prefer bunching other tools in the labview installed locations as I prefer separation between the standard labview installed software and addons/toolkits. It's already a case that we have to drill down 3 or 4 layers of folders to find (for example) the TCPIP vis. It is that that causes menus to roam across the screen rather than having them further up the hierarchy. There is (as I have mentioned) the addons folder. There is also the User Libraries and Favourites on the top level which rarely have much in them...if anything. Better use of the top level palette folders would make more sense. But we are being told that we shouldn't use the User Libraries folder?
  10. The execution systems consist of a number of (typically 4...up to 8) threads. In this respect, you are specifying a smaller "pool" of threads that labview should use for a particular VI or set of VIs rather than explicitly defining which threads things run in.
  11. You can still use it, but show the caption instead of the label. I use a similar method for changing languages. Captions are not used nearly as frequently as they should be (IMHO)
  12. I guess that by saying you are using the "Client Request Waveform" that you are actually polling for the wave forms rather than streaming. This is really bad for performance since you get double the amount of network latency. 16000 data points (assuming double precision numbers) equates to about 125KB. On a 100Mb connection you should be getting in the region of 60-80 updates per sec (10MB/125kB = 80). For an example of streaming waveforms, take a look at Transport.lvlib
  13. All controls/indicators have a "visible" property.
  14. Peak detection above or below waist? (Peaks above=female, peak below=male) Seriously though. I read somewhere that the fundamental frequencies for males voices are about 120Hz and for female are about 210Hz. so i expect Fourier is the way forward.
  15. Labwindows is (essentially) ANSI C. But it is the packaged libraries you will have to learn since they are proprietary to NI. I would dive straight in with Labwindows (C doesn't have front panels for example) and any good book on C will do for the stuff in-between.
  16. How about a pitch shifter (make people sound like they are on helium). If you google, there is even an example in labview.
  17. Well. It's not a different product, just a different version. I was kinda hoping the old one wasn't deleted permanently and it could be merged back in. would renaming mean that this would be possible?
  18. Name: Transport.lvlib Submitter: ShaunR Submitted: 27 Aug 2011 Category: Remote Control, Monitoring and the Internet LabVIEW Version: 2009License Type: Other (included with download) Transport.lvlib is a LabView API to simplify and accelerate networked communication development. It simplifies development by abstracting TCPIP, UDP and Bluetooth and TLS interfaces into a single polymorphic vi which is a thin wrapper around the conventional open, read, write, close and listener VIs for all the network interfaces. Features: Supports TCP/IP, Bluetooth, UDP (p2p, broadcast and multicast) and TLS. Supports symetric encryption (blowfish). Supports compression (zlib). INSTALLATION: Run the supplied installer and follow the instructions. Click here to download this file
  19. Fast Trim rermoves null chars (non-printable) and not just whitespace.
  20. Looks familair . But I think the second 0xD in the arrays needs to be a 0xB if it is considered a white-space (personally, I don't think 0xB and 0xC are...but that's probably a judgement call).
  21. Hmmm. Foesn't make a lot of sense. Must be sheer willpower then
  22. @JG Well. Both functions of yours are much faster than on my machine. Not running on a quad core are you? (it does use parallelism). Yes I have optimised the order. But for the purposes of your tests; I moved the space char to be the last. But in my tests (poor lowly Dual core) it made no difference whether it was in the first frame or last. The original was about 10ms faster, but since your tests are 100 ms faster than mine anyway;that's about a gnats fart It's interesting to note that in both our cases, the native LV function is pretty similar. Again I'm coming back to parallelism since the regex functions only use the UI thread (if I remember correctly). Note that I don't have the openG libs installed so the old one is disabled (hence zero) Still waiting to see the performance improvements in 2011...lol. @JK. The main advantage of this method (over and above just being faster than the in-built function) is that it is very robust in terms of the length of the string (very similar times for a short string of say 10 chars and one of ..say 10,000 chars-all beginning and end white spaces being equal). Performance is dictated by the number of white spaces only, unlike the other methods that need to iterate over the entire string.
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