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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. I disagree with this characterisation. The losslessness is not a citeria for being a message-based system or not - nor is central handling. Put simply. Messages are just descriptors with or without data and a "tag" is just a message without data.
  2. Transmittion of data at a rate (Hz) is not very conducive for ethernet. It is intended to move large amounts of data efficiently. Typically, ethernet connections use the nagle algorythm where data is transmitted after the accumulation of a certain number of bytes or after a timeout (typically 250ms). This is to solve the issue of small data packets flooding the connection (which is what happens at high rates with, say, a single double in the packet) If the nagle is turned off, then packet overhead comes into play and the network can start to behave irratically at high data rates. This is where ethercat comes into it's own. At least one week if you don't already have a solution in your toolkit.
  3. One aspect of reflective memory architectures is determinism. For that reason and without a full detailed spec, I would err on a reflective memory network solution (option 1). You may have to start looking at ethercat and synchronising asynchronous systems depending on the reasoning for the insistance of the reflective memory in the first device since you get that for free with a reflective memory network.
  4. I'd be interested to see a comparison with SQLite (Altenbach didn't post his code). Those times seem really slow for the number of entries.
  5. xControls are at timestamp 1:01:51
  6. In todays censorious climate (and YT copyright trolls). The trend seems to be to use Bitchute as an alternative backup.
  7. As everyone else is suggesting. Simulators are non-trivial and product specific. You pretty much end up reverse engineering the software in the device you are simulating. One method I have used in the past though is message capture. This works with TCPIP, serial and other similar devices. Basically you capture/record the message strings for specific control messages and play them back to your software-usually used for testing. If your software architecture is message based, then it's trivial to switch out the endpoint just by redirecting to the comms interface instead of a play-back VI and you don't suffer from the "bug in simulator vs bug in device" problem.
  8. That's unfortunate as I've just released one xControl and am about to release another
  9. Nope. You may want to extend that courtesy but it isn't required for BSD.
  10. Perhaps this makes it clearer. What you are doing: What you want to do:
  11. The FP control is set to "Include Data Type" if the property node is "strict" and will be a boolean output from the property node. You will see a red cross in the bottom left corner of the control in this state. If "Include Data Type" is unchecked, there will be no cross and the output of the node will be a variant as no type information is defined for the control..
  12. The software was never productionised and released due to lack of interest.
  13. AQ has been looking into this for me offline (Thanks AQ) and managed to replicate the issue I was seeing. Addig a delay resolves the issue (which I plan to put in the known issues since it cannot be resolved internally in the xControl) AQs explanation of what is happening: He also said that the problem goes away if source code is separated from the VI (not available in 2009). So. I'll do some more testing and then release the xControl.
  14. Error 2250 is the windows error code for "This network connection does not exist.". It seems consistent with what Rolf is saying about the function.
  15. It's a conjugation. I think Americans are the biggest perpetrators especially for "setted". They do other funny stuff like leaving out letters and putting dates the wrong way round
  16. I just post something along the lines of "can't find it right now" and usually someone with better organisation than me finds the link. Damn. giving away all my secrets.
  17. My OCD is when people type "casted" as the past tense of "cast". Not helpful, I know but It drives me nuts! I'm the same with "set".
  18. Well. I didn't even get one like, let alone 10 points
  19. Apollo 13? (It's a NASA saying)
  20. You can use the Path to Array and then slice out whichever parts of the path you need and concatenate back again.
  21. They seem to have that covered. I would be more worried that because it is .NET; the default is UFT16-LE so any strings from property nodes could be that instead of ASCII. Things like the version/serial numbers, label text, class names etc. If that were the case, I could see a lot of utilities breaking.
  22. When I wrote Passa Mak I went through all this. It replaces Captions and Tip Strips and anything else that has a text property on-the-fly but the inevitable support required to allow people to use languages like Japanese or Chinese was just rediculous-so I didn't. The real problem was filenames, though. How did you resolve that?
  23. You'd think I would've known that since I produced a toolkit to do exactly that...lol.
  24. For JSON I use SQLite nowadays since all my apps have it (and it's searchable with SQL). Other than that. I don't use OpenG at all and, as far as I can remember, JSON was the only reason I used type functions. I'm using 2009 so it's not using the newer ones and the only thing I can think of could cause a problem is if the class names would be UTF16. I could easily work around that, though. I think anyone that has used variant look-ups as dynamic fast-tables would be shafted, though.
  25. You can get it to display Japanese under certain conditions (ini setting and Force Uncode Text on the control) but it is permanently "stuck" so you end up with spaces between chars for ascii. It also requires converting the to UTF16-LE via windows calls (hence you need the code language packs) so it is not cross platform and it doesn't work at all with filename controls or file functions.
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