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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. Neither is SQLite. My (brief) foray into this area was before those solutions were available.
  2. Well. SQLite doesn't let you use point cloud queries directly like LASTools or PGPointCloud. drjdpowell would be better to answer that question on how he did it.
  3. If you grew up on Fortran I would have hoped they had let you retire by now. No rest for the wicked?
  4. RTree just gives you a bounded nearest neighbour search. How you come up with those bounds is not within that scope.
  5. "Just". Without it, it would be a debugging nightmare and if I was coming up with that method, I would "just" think it wasn't working.
  6. Yup. On first glance I thought something could have been done with bytearraytostring etc. But the handle created isn't an array (in the LabVIEW sense) so a Moveblock would be needed to copy into another array to dereference it (double the memory required-not what we want). The really devious bit of your code is the sequence structure. That's some voodoo I probably would never have thought of.
  7. One of the requirements for 3d feature extraction is extracting datapoints in the neighbourhood of the feature. RTree is a good solution for that. RTree would give you the datapoints around your "finger", "elbow" and "shoulder" and you could draw lines between the centroid of those (giving you the lengths). Given you have three centroids you can then calculate the angle between the shoulder/elbow and finger/elbow.
  8. I have done this for VIP, and Zip packages for an installer I've had on the back burner for a while.
  9. I already have that superpower I once used lots of letters so that if you read the for loops top to bottom the letters spelt out my name and a message. I also once heard that wether you use "a" or "i" depends on if you came from a mathematical or engineering background. What's really stange (for me) is in C and PHP; I use "i". But in Pascal, and Python ; I use "a". I know that to a certain extent it is muscle memory since if I use "i" in Pascal, I nearly always leave out the colon before the equal sign. Maybe it's a coping mechanism because I switch between languages so much.
  10. There is DSMaxMem and DSMemStats which aren't much use. Do you have any info on DSMemStatsSlow and DSMemStats2?
  11. Did this today (and any other day I write C). for (int i=0; i < len; i++){ The big question is .. should it have been "a" instead of "i"?
  12. I think you answered your own question there and used the two term method that I described. This is exactly why I said:
  13. I don't think it's that hard. You just have to use two words, one of which describes the domain. Learning complexity, system, complexity, code complexity, network complexity et. al. They all adequately describe what's being talked about. I only had an issue with "accidental" complexity. When using non-domain terminology (like "accidental", "inherent" etc) it needs more defintion in the statement, for example "the inherent complexity of the code". The inherent complexity of the system, etc. This is mainly a grammatical problem rather than semantic.
  14. Thanks.It worked great but I don't think I'm going to go through the other 13 versions and installing it.
  15. Hmm. No 64 bit versions for 2009-2015. Thanks for the info.
  16. I've got it in 2019 but not in all the other versions. Is there a separate test install for each version?
  17. Potato, Potato Like i keep saying (and you agreed earlier) the Priority Queue is ordered PRIORITIES, not necessarily the elements (we disagree on this bit). The underlying implementation is irrelevant the name-it could even be a linked list.
  18. Moderator comment: Discussion started here. Nice. However this is mine.
  19. I don't think it does Cyclomatic Complexity Correct if I'm wrong because I rarely use it.
  20. Perhaps in the AF case. However it's also fairly common for the underlying implementation to be a stack (LIFO). That is effectively what the DQMH implementation is. Like "accidental"? You understimate the power of a marketing department, my friend
  21. Huh? I never said anything about an elderly person. Are you in the right thread?
  22. Well. My supermarket obviously isn't as isn't classy as yours. Flashing a Platinum Amex and then moving to the front would probably get you a bop on the nose.
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