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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. Yes. that's exactly what I am thinking (but poorly communicated). This is a common known gotcha for VI's with shift register memories (not the first call primitive per say). It will probably only bite you when you have multiple instances and where it's being used with different CRC types with different integer lengths. Here's an example: sub VI set to Preallocated (what we expect-11 more than the intialise value) sub VI set to Shared: If you run continuously, you will see other values as different threads become available at different times. rentrant clones.zip
  2. Nice. This is probably one of the only times (1 in 1,000,000) I would suggest an xnode may be preferable-and specifically for the lookup tables which should always be more performant. With an xnode, one can pre-calculate the tables at design time based on the type and save the cost of generating the table at first run run. This will also mean that the calculation will be constant time whether first called or later. xnodes are tricky and complicated beasts so I could understand not wanting to go down this hairy rabbit hole littered with rusty nails. Speaking of the table generation; I noticed you have the VI set to reentrant clones. I think this will be a problem when you run multiple instances as the shift registers may not contain the values you expect per instance.
  3. My takeaway from the roadmap is that they are concentrating on interoperability and relegating products to backend services. This was the direction NI were taking before Emerson but expect it's taken on a new impetus since the takeover. I expect the awful gRPC to be leading the charge so they can plug the NI products to their products. Unicode support isn't a consideration for that since the UI will be elsewhere.
  4. The ini (or config file as NI calls them) are only written when the reference is closed. You could put the flush in there but I don't think that's your problem. I have seen this before and it is usually on a failing hard drive or one that is about to fail. NTFS has a sort of self healing which is insidious for small files (less than the cluster size) and this is the usual result of it "healing". Larger corruptions are more detectable with chkdsk. (source) I would take a look at the S.M.A.R.T (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) information of your disk and pay particular attention to the write failures/errors.
  5. ..and splitters. It's these sorts of issues that are the reason some of us abandoned the LabVIEW UI altogether.
  6. There is an "Element" property for arrays. You can get that then cast it to the element type. Then your other methods should work (recursion). Boolean Get Image Testing_sr.vi
  7. To be fair. Those that VDB suggested aren't really protocols, they are middleware. One is based on OPC, the other is a translation service into an API. SILA is interesting in that it's basically what CoAPs does so I think your cartoon would definitely apply there Personally. I think they should just make all devices SCPI compliant and be done with it
  8. Test Stand is a test sequencer so what you have now isn't even in the same paradigm. In terms of LabVIEW, you have some limited block functionality that could be compared to Express VI's (which we don't use). From what I can tell, It seems to be the Python version of Node Red (Javascript). It has a place but people are very quickly going to be dropped into text coding for anything more than hobbyist applications. Many people on this forum (not me) are also adept Python Developers already and I expect they will weigh in sooner or later. If you are going to target the LabVIEW community, I would suggest you work on your videos. From what I can tell, they are pretty much: Plug in some wires Magic happens Trust me bro, the pretty pictures are because of the magic".
  9. And that's another big reason why ECL won't be available in Linux. It was ok when it used the NI binaries but the switch to standard OpenSSL binaries means that the CLFN usually loads system wide binaries (even if you define a path) and there is no way for LabVIEW to use "RTLD_DEEPBIND".
  10. The problem with test stand is it tries to be all things to all people. IMO, simplifying is best. I haven't used TS for quite a while but when I did, I offloaded all tests to LabVIEW and just used it basically as a script. I had a VI with command/response capabilities (via TCPIP) which meant that TS sequences were a list of operations and just sent strings to execute tests and take measurements. One nice side-effect of the TCPIP meant that you could also execute tests remotely so an operator didn't even have to be sitting next to the machine the tests were running on (quality engineers loved that they could run tests and calibrate from their desks instead of going out to the machine).
  11. I had a girlfriend like that. It turned out that her father used mix metaphors for comic effect but she didn't realise and thought it was the correct metaphor. When she said "everyone says it like that" what she meant was "my family says it like that"
  12. Not that so much but he might be right and I've been using an eggcorn for my entire life.
  13. A malapropism is similar but more common for comedy because it doesn't need to make sense in context (so it's easier and funnier).
  14. I love Rolf's eggcorns. I never point them out because he knows my language better than I do.
  15. it was meant tongue in cheek and specifically chosen because you've done it a million times (probably). I wonder what the forum mark-up is for that?
  16. Don't have that problem with dynamic typing. Typecasting is the "get out of jail" card for typed systems. This one seem familiar? linger Lngr={0,0}; setsockopt(Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *)&Lngr, sizeof(Lngr)); DWORD ReUseSocket=0; setsockopt(Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&ReUseSocket, sizeof(ReUseSocket));
  17. Oddly specific. I would want a method of being able to coerce to a type for a specific line of code where I thought it necessary (for things like precision) but generally...bring it on. After all. In C/C++ most of the time we are casting to other types just to get the compiler to shut up. They broke PHP with class scoping. They are now proposing breaking it more with strict typing. Typescript is another. It's the latest fad.
  18. Actually. your particular problem is that the variant type is only a half-arsed variant type. It's easy to get something into a variant, but convoluted and unwieldy to get them out again. I think "Generics" were supposed to resolve this but they never materialised. I shake my head with the recent push in the software industries to strict type everywhere. Most of the programming I do is to get around strict typing.
  19. If only there were a way that one could use strings to define the event. We could call them, let me see, "Named Events"?.
  20. There is a "best practices" document (this too) but I suspect you are looking for a less abstract set of guidelines.
  21. We have the Start Asynchronous Call for creating callbacks in LabVIEW. There are a couple of issues with what you are proposing in that callbacks tend not to have the same inputs and outputs. What we definitely don't have, at all, is a way for implementing callbacks for use in external code (in DLL's). While what I'm proposing *may* suffice for your use case, it's the external code use case where LabVIEW is lacking (which is why it makes Rolf nervous ).
  22. It's only software One isn't constrained by physics.
  23. None of that is a solution though; just excuses of why NI might not do it.
  24. We've had these arguments before. I always argue that It's not for me to define the implementation details, that's NI's problem. We already have blocking events (the Panel Close? greys out the "Lock Front Panel" checkbox because it's synchronous). The precedent is already there. What I think we can agree on is that the inability to interface to callback functions in DLL's is a weakness of the language. I am simply vocalising the syntactic sugar I would like to see to address it. Feel free to proffer other solutions if events is not to your liking but I don't really like the .NET callbacks solution (which doesn't work outside of .NET anyway).
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