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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. Ask the systems team at NI. They are good with names for NAFFISMs.
  2. If you look at this post (see the attachment). Yair created a transport class for some interfaces. He adds a serial a couple of posts below so that maybe useful to you.
  3. Can you show the result of a query that returns all rows before and after you have tried to delete? BTW. It is better to post a snippet or the actual VI you are using than normal images.
  4. You can also wrap the dedicated inits in a polymorphic VI to give the appearance of a single init (with different inputs-unlike a class) and maintan the design time polymorphism of the class.
  5. Indeed. But It is not a problem for you as the author but for me as a distributor of a composite or derivative works (including executables). Anyway, We digress into a well worn rabbit hole. Lets get this done.
  6. try DELETE FROM %s WHERE 'user' ILIKE '%%%s%%'; maybe the data has inadvertent spaces or capitlisation
  7. It doesn't just affect the source. It places a burden on making the particular source code used, and the entire build environment (usually tripling the distribution size) available for three years even if you just link to the binary. 99% of the time I' can't commit to that and adding the confusion when redistributing because the toolkit user needs to understand that as well (and usually they don't) means it's more hassle than its worth. As far as I can tell with GPL and LGPL. They are just licences designed to set traps for programmers without lawyers. Anyway. You are well aware of the arguments and the utter confusion voiced by many about openG licencing. So you release what you must. You seem to be the last man standing with the openG stuff and we all thank you for still consistently delivering. They say "one supports ones products until one dies" and so far you have kept to that
  8. Sounds great. I'm a great fan of examples as black-box, system tests so when you post the code I'll come up with some "examples" to exercise it. Can the c source be under the same BSD iicence or is there a particular reason for LGPL shenanigans?
  9. That's after you have been told to go away and learn thermodynamics and molecular physics when all you want to do is make a cup of coffee.
  10. What would it take to make this release ready?
  11. Yes +10 No. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. No. That's Linux thinking and should be derided at every opportunity..
  12. The OS condition is project only. When you deploy your package, the end user needs to have that in his project too (it also won't work if the VI is opened outside of a project). It is better to use the TARGET_TYPE (Windows, Unix and Mac) which doesn't require the user to do anything and works without a project file.
  13. Hmm. Isn't the string terminated? It may be that the read byte count is a red herring and doesn't behave as you would expect. It depends if the port was configured to use term chars in the serial init.
  14. The second one is just a different frame. It's not a different version-just a separation of "Swapped" from "Little Endian" as defined from the original drop down list. The 64 bit s a valid criticism, though and I'll leave it as an exercise for the OP if he decides that route (unlikely )
  15. Nice! . Does it ignore the terminating char because of the data type? That's a something to be aware of.. I think there is a bug in the original code since "Swapped" and "Little Endian" are the same. However. From experience "swapped" is the following and not supported by the primitive.: I forget now. But the flatten is quite an expensive operation on large data. Is there a performance consideration between the two approaches?
  16. They are not the source of your memory leak. The query could be tidied up a bit but with VISA there aren't many options. A slight change with a small advantage would be to build the concatenation at the loop edge (array of strings) then convert to a single string with the bulld string primitive. Real gains can only be made with fixed size buffers and replace elements but then you need all the ancillory capabilities like setting the size of the buffer and the different modes of operation like with the TCPIP primitives to make it generic. I'd leave it alone if it's working. Optimizing the second one is a no brainer, though. Since I don't know what the licence is for the Keithly Vis, I'll just show the alternative solution rather than post the VI.
  17. I haven't done much recently with these targets so can't contribute much. But!..... I wanted the project manager to be able to nest projects several years ago. That would solve this problem and enable developers to work and test on separate projects in parallel and pull them together as sub components much more easily-which is why I wanted it. So rather than being a separate target within the project. It would be separate project completely that you could add to another project. Every other IDE has this capability.
  18. Tongue in cheek..(What? No likes Transport.lvlib You think too much Too many engineers have their sense of humour beaten out of them by unrealistic marketing requirements and customer demands. Post and be damned My current favourite is: Linux is Windows 95 without the GUI.
  19. The best thing I like about *any* jokes is you get more likes than if you answer questions ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡~)
  20. None of the NI products can navigate proxies properly-even transparent ones. I have to connect directly if I want to use any of their download/upload features (updates, the toolkit down loaders, NIER, et al.),
  21. Likewise to all above. huge +1 thanks for taking the videos and distrinuting them for us.
  22. Well. This is do far off-topic I can't even remember the OPs questions Maybe Hooovahh can move this and the rest to another thread.?
  23. I don't know if the concatenating tunnel is more efficient. I thought it was just syntactic sugar. Anyway. You could back-save to 2011 and avoid everyone else from asking for it in an older version . You don't have to develop in the old version. The caveat would be if you wanted to use native primitives (like the parser in 2013).
  24. Why? 2011 works in all versions up to and including 2016
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