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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. I just really quickly through together a VI and a XControl w/ only a listbox on the xcontrol and only the xcontrol on the vi. i'll try to attach later.

    But I have to disagree w/ your statement because I can do a text edit on the listbox in the xcontrol.

    Please post your example that you made so that we can see why it doesn't work.

  2. I'm sure you're going to get swamped with answers, but really the sky is the limit when it comes to automation systems. Simply think of LabVIEW as a general purpose programming language (since that is really what is it from my POV).

    Really where it shines is when you take advantage of the many built in functions such as connectivity w/ TCP/IP or mathematics processing.

    Also there is it's ability to 'easily' interface with other types of code (dll, activeX, pipes, etc)

    People have made bookkeeping programs with LV, others make full motion systems, distributed.... I mean we could go on and on and on.

    What are your interests and maybe we can target your sweet spots to tell you more

  3. Modeling Concurrency with Graphs: Petri Nets

    From the article:

    Among many of the fascinating things that we computer scientists do with graphs is use them as a visual representation of computing devices. There are many subtle problems that can come up in all sorts of contexts where being able to see what's going on can make a huge difference. Graphs are, generally, the preferred metaphor for most computing tasks. For example, think of finite state machines, flowcharts, UML diagrams, etc.

    One of the most interesting cases of this for one of the biggest programming problems today is visual representations of concurrency. Concurrent program is incredibly hard, and making a concurrency regime correct is a serious challenge - communicating that regime and its properties to another developer is even harder.

    Biggest programming problem today is visual representation of concurrency? Hmmmm. Anyone have any ideas?
  4. Another thing that just came up, is in the CompareKey.vi.

    Each of the comparison items needs to be a compare aggregates rather than elements.

    This needs to be changed if the data type of the key becomes anything other than a scalar.

    Any reason not to?


    Another item that bubble sorted to the top was the input/output array in 'In Order Fetch Keys' needs to be an array of the the key data type rather than just an array of strings.

  5. I have tried to use this many times as a mechanisim to take a template/baseline program (I'll explain in a bit) and copy it to a new location as to create something new from the baseline.

    Unfortunately, the exclusion of VI's within the project does not exclude their paths from being included within the preserved hierarchy. In other words, if you want to exclude some VIs at c:\foo\*.vi and the real files you want to distribute are at c:\foobar\neewom\*.vi and below directories, it will not preserve on the hierarchy from foobar and below, it will include 'c' as part of the presereved hierarchy as the least common directory and make it very difficult to move the files around.

    So you end up making a hierarchy w/ many empty directories especially if the directory that you want to preserve is many layers down from the least common directory.

  6. Our seats are user based, so I haven't had to deal with this. The best you could do is check with your IT group and ask if there are VPN services you can use. You would load the software at home, then connect to the office via VPN to validate your license each time you run.

    There shouldn't be too much of an issue with speed, it would depend on the frequency with which LV "checks" the server.

    (My experience is that you can load LV in eval mode and as long as you don't exit the app, you can exceed the 30 days limitation; it seems to only check on startup. :ninja: )

  7. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Sep 26 2007, 07:43 PM)

    That sounds a little bit like, "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? :laugh:

    Your question is not very clear to me and I don't understand the context. What are you trying to accomplish?

    It's part of what AQ does in his map structure. The structure of the map class is simply a container of a parent class, but the default value of the map class is not a container of that parent class but rather a container of the parent class who's default value is of a child class.

    So I think there may be some clever way of exploiting this so that we can make a parent class aware of it's children somehow.... hmmm...

    I don't like to work outside of the box... I like to take the box and fashion it into a trebuchet and use it to smash down the walls of everyone elses box.

    ~,~ in full effect

  8. QUOTE(Adam Kemp @ Sep 26 2007, 11:12 AM)

    You need to install the source for your kernel.

    Is the kernel rebuilt when installing LabVIEW, or is this only if you install DAQmx? I haven't dealt with *nix in some time, but I always shuddered when I had to rebuild the kernel for CAD applications years ago. Everything would look OK, then on reboot KABOOM! Load OS and start over...

  9. How are you offloading the buffer? Is the front panel of the reader visible?

    I don't see any example code, but you might want to use VI Server to start a high priority VI in the background that just pulls data as fast as possible from the resource (VISA?) and and then use a queue to pass the data to your parsing/analysis code.

    The other idea might be to replace the USB-RS232 adapter with a Ethernet-RS232 device. Most laptops will have an Ethernet port and the Ethernet-RS232 adapters have a dedicated processor and memory that would help buffer the data. The OS buffer would be much larger than the few bytes that a UART has and would help alot.

  10. You may want to adopt a strategy that looks like the LV options window, w/ a list box to the left and a subpanel to the right. You get a little different feel, but look what it's done for the options page and also the build exe page.

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