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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE(Enki @ Nov 7 2007, 12:59 PM)

    The hardware spec lists its update rate at 1.7kHz, maybe I've misread that into thinking its capable of the 500Hz sampling frequency. I've also changed the advise rate for the device to 1ms, previously I had it set at 2ms.

    I've played with reading in multiple samples and then transmitting them back in one block, but have actually gotten worse results from that than a straight pt by pt. Though I'm not fully sure how to implement that particular architecture.

    That spec may aply to just using the cFP as an I/O device from a PC.

    Loop rates inside the cFP are dog slow if you are doing anything useful.

    10Hz PID loops may work but I'd be nervous about promising anything faster inside the cFP.


  2. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Nov 6 2007, 03:28 PM)

    Ben, what are you talking about? This "feature" has been there since I can remember. Now it's a bug?I agree however that this may not be the desired behaviour. What I would like is to be able to right-click and give me options, like in Word: Paste special->raw unformatted text....

    If the target control is not tall enough, you can't see what you pasted without set the font of the targaet control.

    The "raw unformatted" would be my preference for the paste.

    Your comment about it always being there made me realize that I so rarely used mixed sized controls, that I have never seen this before.

    So its news to me.


  3. QUOTE(TiT @ Nov 6 2007, 09:44 AM)

    In some text editors the keyboard shortcut "ctrl + shift + C", "ctrl + shift + V" allow to copy not the text but the text format (font, size, etc)

    Wouldn't it be nice to be able to be able to use it in LabVIEW to copy all the "format and precision" properties of a numeric to another one ?

    ONLY if you are in edit mode and only if I want it do that.

    I'm yelling because I was do one of my stand-up coding routines on Friday under LV 8.5.

    I had a BIG indicator that displayed the measured resistance.

    When I cut and pasted the value from the big indicator into a standard sized control and the font size and style came with it. This of course meant I could not read the value I had pasted without re-sizing the control.

    I turned to the NI rep and siad "Thats a bug."

    Thanks for reminding me!

    I have to go report that bug.


    PS: I just got off the phone with NI and they duplicated the behaviour.


    Mug Bearer,

    Your wish has been fulfilled! Just upgrade to LV 8.5

  4. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 5 2007, 12:20 PM)

    My wife is a http://www.vt.edu/' target="_blank">Hokie, so I'm always proud of the program they've built there.

    I have to stay with the home team (even though I believe they did NOT use LV, bummer) because the Team Leaders wife sang at my wedding and sings in the same choir as my wife.

    The is hope in the future!

    We have started to teach a LV course at CMU using "LabVIEW for Everyone".


    PS: Now I can delete that other posting.

  5. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 3 2007, 01:24 AM)

    As crass as this sounds, I would be more inclined to answer homework questions if the people asking them would buy Premium Memberships first :P .

    Now there is a good idea!

    How about a "Homework" section on the Premium side.

    We could justify it as "doing tutoring to support LAVA"

    Hey, if they can afford their texts books, a LAVA Premium Membership would count as chump-change.


    PS: Norm (aka Exceptional Norm, is that an oxymoron?) didn't the RGB come with the picture control as an add-on back in LV 7.0? If so the data manipulation >>> split word is the widget to look for.

  6. QUOTE(crelf @ Nov 2 2007, 07:44 PM)

    Just what are you trying to say ?!? :blink:

    PS: you're all officially geeks with far too much time on your hands!

    So 7-bits is enough to qualify as geek?

    Sometime ago Jim posted a link were we could evaluate how geeky we were. If I remeber correctly, being able to recognize Maxwell was one of the questions.

    Jim rated as "Geek God".

    I fell short of that level of geekiness.

    Maybe those LAVA boxers my wife ordered will help.


  7. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Nov 2 2007, 12:26 PM)

    Anyone making VIs that cant fit within 32767x32767 needs to discover "Create SubVI From Selection" quickly (or they've got a bastard developer on their team who is hiding code way out at the edges of diagrams hoping it won't be noticed).

    I recall someone (you?) mentioning that there was a limit on the total length of a wire, but can't find it; I guess I've forgotten the key words...

  8. I looked at the example output you attached, and it appears to be a very nice tool. :thumbup: My current project is still far from complete, but as we get to the end I will recommend that we look at this.

    QUOTE(crelf @ Oct 31 2007, 01:31 PM)

    (Actually, I'm not in Sales or Marketing - this is just a shout-out to let you know about a tool that I couldn't live without :) )

    Reminds me of a NI Developer Education Day presentation that Brian Powell made in Boston. Brian's presentation talked about the development process for new features within NI. At the beginning, someone asked how many people were on the LabVIEW team and he answered "Everybody is on the LabVIEW team." Later on, someone asked how a new feature was put on the list for development and Brian said "Only a LabVIEW team member could do this."

    I guess they provided too much coffee and sugary snacks that day, because I blurted out "I thought everyone at NI was on the LabVIEW team!" It was probably bad form on my part to say such a thing, and Brian seemed a bit uncomfortable with my comment. I obviously still feel guilty about it because I feel an need to share it :oops:

    I guess in the the end we are all part of the sales and marketing group of our employer. Over the years I've seen xtaldaz, aristos and now Brian at these presentations. It's not their every day job to sell and market these products they've developed, yet they do it very well.

    (Sorry Brian!)

  9. QUOTE(sahara agrasen @ Oct 31 2007, 09:19 PM)

    Then I will start again.

    In reply #71 of the thread found at this URL


    I posted an example that finds prime numbers using the brute force approach of trial and error.

    It also takes into concideration that that largest number that is worth attempting to divide a number by is its square root.

    Other that that, it is straight forward.

    Please look at that code and then ask follow-up questions.


    I am game to keep these battle ideas going but I'd like to make an observation.

    THese ideas are tending toward the complicated side and few of us are going to be able to do it all individually (Norm excluded).

    So what about turning these ideas into a multi-phase project and proceed using the Unified Process of breaking it down into simple steps that lead to our end goal.

    Just tossing out ideas,


  10. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Oct 31 2007, 02:51 PM)

    Didn't we just cover this in another thread a few days ago?

    EDIT: Oh, look! http://forums.lavag.org/Need-to-Solve-Two-Problems-t9333.html' target="_blank">We did! And the original topic starter was sahara that time, too. The problem wasn't exactly the same, but it was close enough that I'd think anybody who solved that problem (or used the pointers we provided) would be able to solve this one.

    Well in that case I'll wait for a real challenge. Something like...

    Use the 3d Picture control to develop a robotic frame that can be outfit with user designed weapons and armor and who's motion and behaviour are offered as services that a user specified VI can utilize to control the motion and behaviour.

    That way we can have virtual robot wars and fight over who is the meanest LV developer.

    Bonus points awarded for tracking and animating parts that fall of durring battle.


  11. QUOTE(RodolfoAcialdi @ Oct 31 2007, 01:34 PM)


    Does it work for serial transmition?

    Your question is a little like asking "Will a bolt work for an automobile?"

    Sure, if you use it correctly.

    Try it out and if you have trouble, post an image of your code and we'll take a closer look.


  12. QUOTE(RodolfoAcialdi @ Oct 31 2007, 01:07 PM)


    I'm acquiring

    Quick before he completes the questions, lets guess what the answer is!

    Under data manipulation there is a "join" operator that will take two u8 and return a single u16.

    Did I get close?


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