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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. I use Firefox. I tried logging out and back in. Now "View New Posts" doens't work any more, and I still can't change back to outline mode. I still can't change from "Standard" to anything else, nothing is listed, just "--"

    I went to Internet Explorer and logged in and out; "View New Posts" doesn't work there either BUT if I open a thread from the "Portal" I see them in Outline mode. I've tried selecting the Options pull-down and still only see "Standard" no Outline or Linear options; just "--"

    I can use IE for now, but something is goofy Goofyb.gif...

  2. QUOTE(Gary Rubin @ Oct 18 2007, 10:18 AM)


    Just about every part of that statement is over my head. What does that refer to?

    (yeah, yeah, split infinitive - my wife is the English major, not me...)


    I'm not sure what a split infinitive is.

    When you call NI and ask for help, they need to know your name to figure who you are and if you get support etc. Once the operator finds you they can transfer you to support or whatever. If you ask them what your contact ID# is and record it, the next tim eyou call you can just give them your ID# and there is no question about who you are. Old-timers will have an ID# that ends in the letter "L" for legacy.

    Newer users get the next number available.

    The newest member of my team has an ID# of the form 49XXXXX which is just short of 5,000,000.

    Sorry about the confusion.


  3. QUOTE(Gary Rubin @ Oct 18 2007, 09:33 AM)


    Incidentally, I was in a Matlab training class yesterday. One of the introduction slides claimed that Matlab is used by more than 1E6 users in over 130 countries.

    I don't know LabVIEW's numbers, but I would suspect that they are smaller....Gary

    The newset member on the NI forum has "user.id=95299". So if we say that only one in ten register on their forum then the user community would be about the same.

    My freshest rookie has an NI contact ID# just short of 5M.

    So LV's user base MAY be over 1M.


  4. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Oct 18 2007, 01:51 PM)

    I ran out of time; I guess I'm too slow or just not up to snuff... :(

    I also had problems with the time - but I made it the first time...

    I think the most important is to have a good style (documentation etc.) ...

    And a week ago I just received the instructions to renew my NI LabVIEW Developer certification...

  5. QUOTE(labmaster @ Oct 18 2007, 01:40 AM)

    Maybe, I will post my question here as well as NI discussion board.

    Welcome, labmaster!

    If your question is "How do I do ... but with LabVIEW?", the more appropriate place might be to search and then ask on the NI forums first. If your question is "What is the best technique for doing ..." then you might get a quicker or more complete response here on LAVA.

    I would encourage you to think before posting a single question to both the NI and LAVA forums. In general, cross posting between these two forums is considered "bad form". If you must post in both places, please note the fact on both forums (i.e. "Cross posted on LAVA/NI forums") Many of the LAVA people also regularly read the NI forums and will answer "how to" questions there.

    Again welcome!


    I went to Korea on a business trip many years ago. I still remember spending two weeks in Taejon installing cellular communications equipment. I learned how to pour a drink for others and discovered ginseng tea, but never quite developed a taste for dried squid! There were many "after work" meetings with plenty of drinking and one or two hang-overs!

    The only phrases I still remember are "gam sa haam ni da" (thank you) and "sil haam ni da" (excuse me).

  6. ZITAT(Aristos Queue @ Oct 15 2007, 07:27 PM)

    I've actually CAR'd this myself as a more general issue. When you drag and drop from one VI to another VI, the target VI needs to come into focus when you release. Otherwise your ctrl+z (to undo) undoes the wrong thing. After some discussion within the team, I think there's consensus that any drag and drop should bring the target to focus.

    Indeed. That I haven't noticed yet. So my CAR # is only a sub-issue from yours. It would be great, if it could be fixed in a future version. Your mentioned problem is more annoying.


  7. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Oct 16 2007, 06:56 PM)

    I don't know how comfortable I would have been with the surgeon performing my open heart (now 18 years older) had he said: "And we got the anesthesia and surgical instruments for free!"

    You should be very uncomfortable!

    I know as a fact :shifty: that a significant amount of the equipment used in emergency and surgery rooms is "free" (pumps, instruments). The money is in the disposables. When equipment wears out or is broken by poor handling, the vendors give new equipment to keep their competitors out.

  8. QUOTE(Giseli Ramos @ Oct 16 2007, 04:15 PM)

    ...The people of SOAR generally uses LabVIEW for the control of the telescope and it is usually a "standard" for the control of instruments too.

    That is it! :)



  9. QUOTE(jpdrolet @ Oct 16 2007, 04:03 PM)

    • ...Make a LabVIEW Light version, without the heavy stuff for data acquisition. Keep Serial and TCP/UDP and some common protocols.
    • ...

    Listen closely and we can hear the NI Marketing types saying;

    "So our customers can develop for third party hardware cheaper than if they develop for our hardware?"

    I think NI is playing the dominate game rather well. They are working the currption of children to accept LV like code.

    They are alos not attracting too much attention that could lead to M$ Bill to write out a check to squash LV.

    To go mainstream (as I hope) there must be proper support structures in place to support the product. For NI to do that internal would be a big challenge. It appears (I don't know any secrets) that NI's support of user forums and the comunity is the move they should be making now.

    Making LV mainstream is a lot like "fixing the world", the first step begins with ourselves. Continue participation in forums, start or attend user group meetings...


  10. Welcome!

    I don't look at the NI forums much, so I don't recognize the name/avatar. Care to share with us a bit of what you use LabVIEW for?

    This should be my 500th post, so if things keep going the way they do on LAVA and you like it here, you should pass me by in about 12 weeks! :P

  11. QUOTE(Giseli Ramos @ Oct 16 2007, 12:01 PM)

    Hi everyone,

    I am new at this forum, and I'm impressed with the expertise of this forum. Because of this, I wanted to create an account to share and learn with these people.

    I started with LabVIEW at the beginning of 2007, working on a astronomic instrument project. Astronomic projects are huge... but is a nice challenge!

    Hope to be of some help!

    Welcome to LAVA Giseli!

    We have a lot of physics types around here. What is the nature of your "Astonomic project"?

    How are you planning to use LabVIEW?


  12. QUOTE(hskupin @ Oct 15 2007, 06:12 AM)


    Due to my work I regulary find bugs which I already reported to NI. I'll try to file some of them - which are related to LV8.5 - within the bug section. That's also the main reason why I created the account.

    Thanks for the great platform.



    Oh Oh another bug hunter. We always need more bug hunters.

    Thanks for joining the team!


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