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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Everything posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. I pushed on the people, Deidre specifically, to get that into the Labs section also and I've got the feeling that they are definitely considering it. We just need to be the squeaky wheels.
  2. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Aug 20 2007, 03:24 PM) funny.... no... that was just me ROTFLMAO
  3. I had another idea that went up on Twitter so I'm not sure who all saw it on the blog But how bout a shirt that says Front: Would you like to see My x-node Back: AutoGrowEnabled=TRUE AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA OH My Someone stop me HAHAHAHAHAH
  4. Tomi recently posted a comment about preferring a left handed keyboard. I've read and contributed to several posts about handedness, ergonomics and such. I keep wondering what the breakdown of right handers vs. southpaws is in the LabVIEW community. Maybe an unscientific poll will make me feel better...Lefties unite! Start coding in LabVIEW right to left! Start a petition now to move shift register and case inputs to the right! Rebel now! Set your posts to right-justified!
  5. QUOTE(eaolson @ Aug 17 2007, 10:37 PM) AH. You're right, but you need only flatten the picture to string once to get your base structure, and then you use that base structure w/ the replaced data each time.
  6. QUOTE(eaolson @ Aug 17 2007, 09:45 AM) The nice thing is, you can send a string directly into a picture control terminal and it figures out what to do right away(as long as its formatted right), and for the picture control to string you use the cast function which didn't seem to add any overhead.
  7. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Aug 17 2007, 05:25 PM) You know what's really sad, the sensor in the Wii is simply a 3 axis MEMS Accelerometer which is really damn cheap and has a direct analog output from the chip related to orientation. A lot easier to wire one of those up rather than hack the remote....well not as flashy... but still.. come on
  8. well.. 10 times more and I catch up to you.. It's all relative... I guess.. (you'll have 400 posts by then!!!)
  9. Congratulations to ALL Champions!! And to the new ones!! Cheers!!
  10. I've now converted from northern BBQ to TexAS-stype BBQ!! Oh yeah baby... Takes much longer to cook (couple o' daze depending on if there's snow on the Barbie), but the meat is way more tender... he..he..he..he... gives more time to cool the beer... Working on a grill that'll make brisket tasty all the way to the 5th dimension!!
  11. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Aug 17 2007, 03:43 PM) Thanks for the the tip, I believe this was introduced in LV 8, is there a way to activate this in LV 7.1 ?
  12. [cross posted to NI forums] Hi all, I've been wondering for a long time if type conversion was inplace In the example below, is there any case were inplaceness will happen ? http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6668 My feeling is that : - no inplaceness when there is a conversion dot, - when converting to a representation with a larger bit depth, I believe inplaceness is not possible, - when converting to a representation with the same bit depth, I believe inplaceness is possible, - when converting to a representation with a smaller bit depth, I believe inplaceness is not possible. Is that correct (speaking in LV 7.1.1) ? What if put the same code in a LV 8.5 inplace structure ?
  13. Just an idea, "train your wrist to similar yet different exercises". I started playing the piano more often and now I can do up to 3 weeks coding marathons without wrist pain ; before I was limited to 1 week. Hard to say if both are related because I also changed my chair and my mouse, but I do think it had positive impact.
  14. the reason it was slow for you is that you had to re-build the entire picture every time, which means parsing all of these, ... move point... draw square... move point... draw square... FOR EVERYTHING but if you know where in the bit stream the data you want to change is, such as the color of the 23rd square is at byte location 2345, then all you have to do is change 32 bits at byte 2345 and resend the data to the picture control. MUCH FASTER. Now it becomes a simple replace bytes at offset rater than re-build entire string w/ new parameters
  15. Just thought up one for the more "senior" members of the community Front: Getting old stinks Back: I have memory.cpp problems
  16. Finally broke 200 posts, now I just need to mutiply that by 10 and I'll be up to CRelf.... well almost
  17. QUOTE(Daklu @ Aug 16 2007, 01:04 PM) Don't sell yourself short, I don't think it sounds silly in the least and i'm sure as you program more and more it will come up again in the future, especially since what you requested is possible. The trick is to remember these nuggest and pull them out when it makes the most sense.
  18. You just keep setting me up for some fun tricks. It turns out that you can get +30 fps easily within the picture control when displaying a live image. This is another one of my favorite tricks. Since you already can see how the picture control is put together, find where the raw bits of the picture data start and where they end, convert the picture control to a string through a cast, and do a string replace {inplace function :thumbup: } starting at the data start with the new frame image and then send the updated string back to the picture control. So what you do is in the first frame, allow the std pixmap function to populate the control and then figure out where the insertion point is and only use the string replace for future frames. I was able to get 40fps on a PII 150Mhz pc. Now w/ objects, encapsulating this functionality may be even easier, or at least cleaner.
  19. I haven't moved any projects specifically, but I tried to enable scripting and now 8.5 won't start and on the splash screen in the lower right, the section that says what's loading states that 'You should never see this message state' Damn rusty nails
  20. From what I can recall, you can use the datasocket VIs. This is actually already noted somewhere on NI's site, just not sure right now. But you will get the entire string of the page as the browser would get.
  21. QUOTE(Ben @ Aug 15 2007, 05:30 PM) looks like it's this http://forums.lavag.org/downloads-file11.html''>http://forums.lavag.org/downloads-file11.html' target="_blank">http://forums.lavag.org/downloads-file11.html
  22. I don't quite have the time to properly reply fully to your post, but I have dissected the picture control down to the 1's and 0's other than the 3d part of it. I have a very clear roadmap of how to rebuild the functions based upon LVOOP so I am VERY interested in getting you as much information as possible so that we can collaborate upon this. I have some pages of notes that that TST is looking to have also which will expose how to build and dissect the picture control from the ground up. I'll fill more in later, but for now I would highly suggest you put a simple line art picture together and cast it to a string control and look at the format. Also on NI forums I have put some of this information already. Lookup " nuggets and picture control " Enjoy
  23. QUOTE(deirdre @ Aug 15 2007, 04:23 PM) You are just wayyy to accessible. I find myself always fighting to figure out where to update my data at. I've decided to standardize on facebook, being the fastest and most flexible. Love the map container operations, but it doesn't install w/ 8.5 which is what I have at home so can't do too much playing. Any news on getting scripting in the labs?
  24. Hello Irene, By IP Camera, do you mean GigE ? If not, what driver do you use with LabVIEW to connect to an IP camera ?
  25. QUOTE(Dan Bookwalter @ Aug 15 2007, 12:27 PM) QUOTE(jzoller @ Aug 16 2007, 12:33 AM) Something I haven't seen on this post: money. Depending on the organization, it may be the only language your boss' boss knows, speaks, or cares about. The other type of money involved is investment. Is your boss prepared to replace or rewrite the existing set of tools deployed in the lab? Do you use instrument drivers from NI or the vendor that might require writing? The value of drivers alone (rewriting in C, testing) may help you.
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