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  1. Snagit. I snagged it and LoveIt! :thumbup:
  2. CITATION(JFM @ Mar 5 2007, 02:25 PM) WAOW !!! That's really great :thumbup: ! I'm going to use this alot and it's going to save me at least a 1000 clicks a day ! :worship: Thanks alot for the tip !
  3. CITATION(frentzen @ Mar 5 2007, 01:21 PM) Hi, I get no error when I run your code...
  4. CITATION(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 5 2007, 09:48 AM) Well... As I said I don't really know... If not, then why the memory usage keeps increasing ? How should I code the "write to DataBase" so as to keep the memory usage stable ? I've just downloaded a couple of example code from NI KnowledgeBase, I'm going to have a look into it.
  5. @ xtaldaz The MSSQL seems up to date (seems because I MS website is too messy for me an I couldn't find the cuurent version, my MS SQL server service manager is 8.00.760). @ yen The method you described is indeed quite nice, what I did is similar, maybe a bit less "decoupled". My architecture has room for improvement but at the moment I am more focusing on a "technical/functional" issue regarding the DataBase and how to write into it. @ Omar Mussa : Indeed, Error Handling is necessary in a customer application, I do check the connection and handle (and log to file) potentiel errors. The issue here is not that the connection is no longer alive. It seems to that when I open the DataBase connection, the whole DB is loaded in memory ; but again, I know nothing about DataBase ... I "heard to say" that there are different ways to open a connection to a DataBase, there must be a way that does not load the whole DB to memory ; this is what I am looking for ... Any help would be highly appriciated.
  6. CITATION(Nullllll @ Mar 4 2007, 07:15 AM) Yes you can, you need to get the enterprise toolkit that includes SPC module, internet connectivity module and database connectivity module. See this link on NI website : http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/fr/nid/10697''>http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/fr/nid/10697' target="_blank">http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/fr/nid/10697
  7. Some free resources for you... http://www.ni.com/academic/lv_training/how_learn_lv.htm http://www.ni.com/academic/ http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/5054
  8. CITATION(xtaldaz @ Mar 2 2007, 09:46 PM) Thanks a lot for sharing your experience ! I know my SQL toolkit is up to date, I'll check my MSSQL driver and update it if needed, if this doesn't solve the issue I'll try the OBDC solution. I'll let you know the result
  9. Freeware Hex Editor - XVI32 http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/free...xvi32/xvi32.htm. I keep this on my USB stick drive; you don't have to install it, it handles large files
  10. CITATION(chrisdavis @ Mar 2 2007, 03:18 PM) I indeed started by drawing a single VI that opens, writes, closes the reference at each call (every 5sec as I said). The VI runs like a small state machine : - first the "open" case runs, - then one of the write cases (there are a couple of different things than can be written), - and the "close" case Would it be better to open the reference once when the application starts, hold the ref in a shift register and close it only when the application is shut down ? Here are 3 screenshots of the VI call ed to write data to DataBase (open case, write case and close case).
  11. Hi all, I developped a relatively small application in LV 7.1.1 that saves data every 5 sec to a DataBase (MSSQL) using SQL toolkit. This is the first time I use this toolkit and my knowlegde regarding DataBase is really poor so I might just be doing a beginner's mistake. Here is the issue : If I disable the "write to DataBase" functions my application can run forever without any trouble an its memory usage in thet task manager is 34120K and will not move of a byte. If I enable the "write to DataBase" functions, the memory usage will slowly increase, then the system starts using Virtual Memory, and after 15 days (approximately), the max amount of virutal memory allowed is met, the PC crashes down and has to be restarted. Obviously I must be making a bad use of SQL VIs... So, is there any "common silly mistake" to avoid when writing data to MSSQL DataBase ? If needed I can upload my code... Thanks for any help.
  12. QUOTE(mermeladeK @ Mar 2 2007, 01:45 PM) For fundamental questions: http://www.ni.com/training/ The Basic 1 course will answer your questions.... There are also some Books available... EDIT: There are also a lot of examples included in LabVIEW, which show what you need...
  13. QUOTE(aparnap @ Mar 2 2007, 12:51 PM) If you had such a function, then you had to think about following: You have one Control and one or more Indicators... So how would you know for which Control/Indicator is this property or invoke node? (you could include that in that programm as well) But when you click on a wire which is between some data manipulation functions, (without Control/Indicators) then this option should'n work...
  14. QUOTE(lraynal @ Mar 2 2007, 12:18 PM) Password => Brute Force Attack => Not 100% secure... So you should take a verry long password... However there are different ways... (reverse engineering) Another way: remove the Blockdiagramm (but then the vi is only able to run in the LabVIEW version which you used to developp)
  15. QUOTE(alnaimi @ Mar 2 2007, 05:40 AM) Training would be a good idea. Your profile indicates your location as Qatar; I'm not sure what is available in that region of the world. If you're learning all on your own, you might get answers to your "small questions" from the LAVA FAQ, or from this site. Please don't be offended by the title (LabVIEW for Dummies); there are a whole series of books published in the US that are called "... for Dummies". The purpose of buying these books is to familiarize yourself with a subject. I don't know of a actual printed version of a LabVIEW book of this type, but the site http://www.iit.edu/~labview/Dummies.html is free :thumbup: . As for your loop behavior question, it may be that you are starting the VI by clicking on the continuous run button. Try using the run button to see if that answers that question. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5092
  16. QUOTE(alnaimi @ Mar 2 2007, 11:40 AM) For fundamental questions: http://www.ni.com/training/''>http://www.ni.com/training/' target="_blank">http://www.ni.com/training/ The Basic 1 course will answer your questions....
  17. QUOTE(alnaimi @ Mar 2 2007, 11:34 AM) Not to 100%....
  18. QUOTE(siallid @ Mar 2 2007, 08:35 AM) Yes I see, I just mean, that you should show a bit more effort, in finding out such easy things... I didn't new the PCI-6023E bevore as well So I just started... http://www.ni.com/ I entered 6023 in the search field... in the results, I clicked on http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/10967' target="_blank">NI PCI-6023E Then I clicked on Specifications Scroll down to Analog Output Number of Channels 0 (Time needed to do that: approx. 15 seconds, when ni.com is already open, and you have a good internet connection) So you see what I mean? You need less time to find this out by yourself than startin 2 topics here at LAVA...
  19. QUOTE(siallid @ Mar 2 2007, 07:41 AM) You should not post everything twice... hello siallid, this is not the NI-Forum, so you should ask NI or just have a look at http://www.ni.com and search for your hardware... However PCI-6023E => No analog Output... So you need diffrent HW... you could use a USB-Module from NI with an Analog Output. I use the USB-6259 (32 Analog Inputs, 4 Analog Outputs) or another PCI card... => http://www.ni.com
  20. QUOTE(siallid @ Mar 2 2007, 05:20 AM) hello siallid, this is not the NI-Forum, so you should ask NI or just have a look at http://www.ni.com and search for your hardware... However PCI-6023E => No analog Output... So you need diffrent HW... you could use a USB-Module from NI with an Analog Output. I use the USB-6259 (32 Analog Inputs, 4 Analog Outputs) or another PCI card... => http://www.ni.com
  21. QUOTE(Ben @ Mar 1 2007, 08:32 AM) I hope the release notes aren't as big as http://www.labviewforeveryone.com/wiki/Main_Page' target="_blank">LabVIEW for Everyone, Third Edition :laugh:
  22. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Feb 26 2007, 05:11 PM) NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT 6. Home Usage Exception. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, if you are a business or other entity, the designated Named User for (or in the case of single seat license, the primary user of the single computer on which the SOFTWARE is installed and used under) the applicable license may also install and use the SOFTWARE on one (1) computer located in such user's home; provided the use of the SOFTWARE on such home computer is limited to work performed in the scope of such person's employment with you and further provided such person promptly deletes the SOFTWARE from the home computer upon the termination of his or her employment with you or termination of this Agreement (whichever is earlier).
  23. QUOTE(Jeff Plotzke @ Feb 26 2007, 11:44 PM) Hello Jeff, We made a control system which almost represent your ideas... http://www.ruag.com/ruag/binary?media=130200&open=true''>http://www.ruag.com/ruag/binary?media=130200&open=true' target="_blank">http://www.ruag.com/ruag/binary?media=130200&open=true The control System is used to control 4 hydraulic engines for a wind tunnel model (Airbus A400- almost like the Hercules). 12000 RPM, +/- 10 RPM, 35kW per Engine. We also use proportional valves for fine tunning and a another motor for the "aproximate" adjust of the flow of the 200kW Pump. The proplems you have to solve are quite tricky, you have to care about the levels of the valves and the main flow etc. when you change from the big to the fine tune etc. A further challange was to solve the issue, that we only have one hydraulic pump for 2 hydraulic engines... I would make a slow adjust for the big valve and a fast PID Loop for the fine tunning, but I don't know how fast your control system has to be...
  24. CITATION(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Feb 22 2007, 02:32 AM) It does, but only for OpenG packages, if I have some custom packages added VIPM will not deal with then I don't exactly know how works the palette description (I guess it is in MNU files) but reading these and a computer should give the complete palette description I guess. By the way, is there any documentation or tutorial to show how to build and add a custom subpalette so that in can be easily deployed ? I guess we need to create an LLB and the MNU file that goes with..
  25. CITATION(Jim Kring @ Feb 21 2007, 08:50 PM) Hi Jim, Do you mean I actually have to reconfigure the palettes ? This would be a very nice new feature for the VIPM, on the old computer, save an archive file that contains the packages, subpalettes desciption and so on and then install labview and VIPM on the brand new computer, load that archive file and VIPM does everything to reconfigure the tool and function palettes. That would be so lovely !! No doubt it would be a lot of work, but I guess it is technically possible, no ?
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