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Everything posted by 0_o

  1. Thank you for the reply. If it was code related I could have sent you a code sample. However, it feels more like an environment issue to me. If I save everything there will be no crash. If I code for a couple of hours without saving... a crash will be very likely no matter what project I'm working on. It can even be related to a strong antivirus access blocking issue. I don't want to guess, do an endless elimination or reinstall LV. I want proof. The direction you give is what I found. Thanks for the analysis example. I wish NI gave a tool that would analyze that dmp file for us. Attached you can find the dmps and the MAX report in case you can understand the reason for the crashes. How do I load the correct symbols in order to understand that dmp file? You din't give an example to that part 16.0f5 (32-bit).zip ni_support.zip That said, I would love to understand what NI R&D would do? How do I turn on full dump reports? Are there other tricks that could help me find the culprit? How does other programmers here handle such issues?
  2. Hi, My LabVIEW 2016 32 bit is crashing a lot. I can guess it is related to: 1. incompatibility with DAQmx 9.1.5 and the related device driver which I need for LabVIEW 8.5.1 which I also use (NI's support jumped on that issue yet I think it is not related) 2. an addon that I use to access OpenCV leaving some references open in the dlls 3. Controls with same label or with no label (I believe that this is the issue -LV can't recover correctly in such cases) However, I don't want to guess like NI's support that it is point 1 and do nothing to prove it. I expect to see the reason in a log file yet the support wasn't able to show me where to find it. Searching around I found the dmp file under documents\LabVIEWdata Is that the way to check those crashes or one of you know of a better way to check it beside elimination? Thanks in advance
  3. Back to the topic... Installing LabVIEW 2017 on the same machine with LabVIEW 8.5.1 causing the later to stop loading. You see the icon of 8.5.1 on the taskbar yet nothing happens. Removing LV 2017 doesn't help. Reinstalling 8.5.1 doesn't help. Uninstalling all NI products doesn't help. Only deleting NI folder in program files and reinstalling 8.5.1 helped. Reinstalling 2017 reproduced the problem. Calling NI support resulted in NI telling me that 8.5.1 will get support only if it is over Vista. For years 8.5.1 was working perfectly over Win10 and only 2017 broke it dramatically with no worning but NOOOooo... It is a Win10 compatibility issue. Yeah right. I hope that the NI developer that caused that issue will perform a harakiri and I do love LabVIEW. After the years of having a broken implementation of LVOOP, unlike ShaunR, I went for each update since it really did improve over time but 2017 really stubbed me in the back.
  4. I would check another issue which is not mySQL related but rather generic to .net dll calls: When you call a .net dll you should have: 1. The required .net version installed, preferable multitarget 2. If you are working from an older Version of LabVIEW you should also have .net 4.0.30319 multitarget installed with a config file next to LabVIEW and next to each of the exes that call that dll through LabVIEW's runtime according to http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/32B0BA28A72AA87D8625782600737DE9 3. .net 3.5 enabled under control panel -> add remove apps -> turn on off windows features (uncheck->ok->recheck->ok) 4. run full windows updates 5. LabVIEW's runtime obviously Create a vi that calls that dll. If the constructor gives you error 1172 you might have a .net version issue. If the properties calling a method gives your 1195 enable .net 3.5 and run windows update. If LabVIEW crashes you might have tried to tell an old LabVIEW to work with a .net version which is above .net 4 inside the config file. If I understand correctly then old LabVIEWs were built for .net 2. The config file makes LabVIEW talk with .net 4. The Multitarget allows one .net version talk to another and thus, your problem might be related to a .net update that resulted in .net 4 not being able to talk with the new version. Good luck.
  5. This is a very bad tool since I'll end up losing my prestige as the LVLibP guru at work. All the hard learned issues with PPLs that I was solving for my co workers will now be a non issue All jokes aside... You rock! PPLs are non trivial and, hopefully, your tool will bring the good while keeping the bad away. Thanks!
  6. The IT guys insist they already checked with legal and using SVN compromises my source code yet the fact Microsoft uses GIT proves them wrong. As to VIPM, I referred to the tools, not VIPM itself and I didn't say I was using a GPL tool but rather talked about the consequences of doing so in theory. As a matter of fact I personally check each tool from VIPM and use only BSD tools. However, VIPM doesn't show on the main page what type of license the tool enforces and doesn't let you filter/sort according to the license type. Some times you simply have to read through the license to see that even BSD/GPL standard doesn't mean the license text you sign on is the same. What makes it worse is the fact that reinstalling all the tools from VIPM and the modules from LabVIEW once something goes wrong or you upgrade to a new version takes up the entire day even without reading through all the licenses. Since some tools require other tools as dependency and since during an upgrade a tool might change it's license type without us noticing I think there is real danger here to commercial tools. In the past I thought a disclaimer was enough and only because of that headache I refused to use anything but BSD but now I see there is more to it. I'm waiting for a reply from the legal department... Thanks for the replies.
  7. The IT department instructed me not to use SVN anymore since it is GPL and that means that I would have to share MY OWN source code which is for commercial use. They referred me to the following links: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html#SEC1 https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/47032/can-i-use-gpl-software-in-a-commercial-application Is this correct? they want me to use TFS and if I understand correctly it is GIT based and not working as good as SVN with LabVIEW. If they are correct, the second I use a tool from VIPM which is GNU GPL I need to open MY OWN CODE! Is that correct?
  8. Thanks! I'm checking the alternatives and will report back when the project is done with the conclusion.
  9. Now that I can control the device I need to implements many standard tests using a LabVIEW sequencer that I use (If TestStand is .net my sqquencer is the application): Conducted EMS (Electro Magnetic Susceptibility) measurements according to IEC / EN 61000-4-6 EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference) measurements according to CISPR 16-2-1 Rohde & Schwarz Windows application EMC32 has such tests like “conducted EMI” For example - the following steps have to be performed: 1. Preview Spectrum Measurement 2. Data Reduction (The data reduction sequence step avoids spending unnecessary measurement time for uninteresting frequencies during ZOOM, MAXIMIZATION, ADJUSTMENT and FINAL MEASUREMENT) 3. Frequency Zoom (The accuracy of the remaining frequencies after data reduction can be increased by partial scans or sweeps) 4. Final Measurements Is there a LabVIEW application or library which can replace EMC32 application – and perform EMI test by controlling the actual measurement device ESU40. Some other tests that I'm interested in are: FCC 15.209 Section 15.107, Conducted emission at AC power port FCC 15.209 Section 15.109, Radiated emission The reason I don't want to use the EMC32 app is that I have control over many other Spectrum Analyzers now and I want one app to control them all through my test automation. Best regards
  10. Thanks. Project finished. Must say I that the drivers they gave got more than 2000 vis and their install process worked great.
  11. Currently EMC32 Windows application controls via GPIB the EMI Receiver/Analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ESU 40 The “conducted EMI “ test includes several spectrum measurements , intermediate results analysis and additional measurements – For example - the following steps have to be performed: 1. Preview Spectrum Measurement 2. Data Reduction (The data reduction sequence step avoids spending unnecessary measurement time for uninteresting frequencies during ZOOM, MAXIMIZATION, ADJUSTMENT and FINAL MEASUREMENT) 3. Frequency Zoom (The accuracy of the remaining frequencies after data reduction can be increased by partial scans or sweeps) 4. Final Measurements I remember NI pushed their new VSA device and had a special software to program it, however, at the moment I'm not going to use this device, I just want to control automate the current scenario through LabVIEW. Thus, since I'm new to this field, I wonder if there is a library or software by NI that can replace EMC32 application – and perform EMI test by controlling the actual measurement device ESU40 and having all the required analysis functions. Any additional intro to this field will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi, I'm using LabVIEW 8.5 up to 2016 on a Windows 10 64 bit. After: 1. installing LV2017, some modules offered by the update manager 2. Windows pushed the big developer update I suddenly found out that LV8.5 stopped working. It appears in the Task Manager as using 32 % CPU yet there is no icon in the taskbar. I tried clean boot, safemode and malwarebytes. Do you have any idea before I uninstall it, clean its registry trail and reinstall? NI's support simply states that LV8.5 is not supported under Win10. Thanks in advance.
  13. I understand. Any chance LV NXG will support multiple inheritance?
  14. Nice! Does it mean that in the background LVOOP started supporting multiple inheritance and one day it will become available to us all?
  15. 0_o

    NIWeek Videos

  16. 0_o

    NIWeek Videos

    Thank you thank you thank you. Downloaded them all. 2017NIWEEK_205 is missing... You are the man!
  17. A power failure crashed my LabVIEW before I pushed some important work to the repository. Recover seemed to work yet I got a message saying that the vi can't be saved and it was actually corrupted: "Cannot load diagram of "....vi"" and the only option is "cancel save". Regular cut and paste tricks didn't work and before starting to go over the Hex code I tried something that I didn't see anyone write about and it worked so here it goes for those future corruption fighters (I can't promise it will work each time though): The VI was written in LV 2011. I tried opening a new vi by using the still opened corrupted vi as a template. It didn't work. I moved up to LV 2013 and it still didn't work. Trying the same with LV 2014 did the magic. All that was left to do is to save to previous version (LV 2011) and correct the file's location and name. Done.
  18. Yep. The tool and the example worked fine and even demonstrated very well the need for html reload vs Jquery updates. It was possible to correct the loaded html while keeping the server side running. I'll ask a JS expert what is the best way to tackle the issues since I hate doing stuff the hard way. I wonder if a headless VI can update the html without the memory being allocated in LV but rather only in the browser. At the moment the memory and cpu are working twice for everything.
  19. Cool! Playing around I saw that there is lots to work on. The main issue for me is that the CSS is embedded into the html making the page unresponsive. I was hoping that moving to html5 will spare me the code I need to add to a VI to make it resizable. In theory I can write a JS to clean and correct the CSS and add classes for all the controls that I use. However, I don't have much free time and there are rumors that NI is converting their FP into JS and if that is so I will wait and spend my time elsewhere. Is this tool something we need to work on? Does one of you know some specifics regarding a time table for upgrading the UI?
  20. Cool!
  21. Besides that, if it is not a very complicated flow, maybe you can use a quick and dirty approach using pictures on the FP. As a getting started point you could use the attached vi which is an improved version of what NI ships as an example for event handling. I would love to see a screenshot of the results. as for the arrows, maybe you could harness the power of the bookmarks and the auto arrows attaching to objects NI just added in the latest version. However, as far as I know it is applicable only to the BD. Dynamic Event Generation.vi
  22. You had your answer right there in your question. You can use the GOOP editor since it is open source. You just need to join the GIT getting access through NI who bought it. What Mikael did there is writing the graphical library of Java in LabVIEW from scratch if I remember correctly.
  23. How secure are the messages communicating this way via tcp/ip and the vi server (correct me if this is not the case)? Is it open to simple sniffing/wireshark/viserver listen to all? I know this is not a specific issue for REx, I just thought that you might have a solution maybe by communication between processes in memory for local machines or hashing/encrypting the messages.
  24. I didn't read the post yet the calculation caught my eye. chris754, I guess you wanted to write in the derivative = abCos(ax)
  25. I would try using a licensing mechanism that will let them use your solution as long as they paid and make any bug fixing part of the support bundle they get if they want to. I would also make it clear that your solution passed their tests if you don't get any complaint within a fixed period of time. Once that period ends it is as if your solution is ok and they have no way to sue you for bugs or harm. Thus, they get nothing if they don't pay, bugs in the first month are on you as it should be, bugs found later (which is the case most of the time) are not on you since they actually declared your solution to be good enough and any future work is to be seen as additional work under support or not. You can even limit the licensing to one year in case they get support so you could end their contract if you don't want to keep on working with them. You can also take a look at the latest VI Shots Live webcast/hangout number 2 event. They talk about the consulting business and they have some contract types options talked about. Anyhow, I'm working at a regular firm, I'm not a lawyer and all the consulting I ever did was for free fun so I have no way to know if the options above are good enough. From within my firm I can tell that whenever I saw someone go legal on us it was because they had a cash flow problem or they couldn't get their specs right so they were always unsatisfied since they didn't know what they wanted to begin with. in those cases it might be helpful to start with a high price and give them discounts while working close with them making sure they know what to expect out of your solution with all its limitations. Try and understand what the previous consultants made wrong and do better, Preferably ask for their contact information and hear from them what went south and what tricks the costumer played on them. However, if you see that the problem with them starts from the type of personality the manager has I would seriously run away no matter what they pay. If it is already late and you need a solution try and go over the person that holds the money to the person that manages him. Many accounting managers use their power in a bad way since they are afraid that all their books are out of control and they don't know how to get it in order beside saving a bit here and there until they get sued. It is an ostrich way of handling money, ignore till you have no other way out. In those cases just starting the talks with the lawyers will scare the bully enough. If you won't have your standards and always run after the costumer without thinking about making a profit it is like an economic suicide that can only go downhill. Take into account the extra work and get pre paid for it if the risk is high or as Jack described in the Live Shots above: you can only risk a small percentage of your business income. One last thought I have for now is for you to use plugins (lvlibp). They not only hide your code but you can use them to push bug fixing keeping the initial work as is and adding different licensing to the new lvlibp. Always keep a leverage. Good luck.
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