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Jordan Kuehn

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Everything posted by Jordan Kuehn

  1. I'm shocked that one isn't already available.
  2. Does that mean the toolkit is compatible with any ARM V7 Pi? A simple compatibility list/chart would be helpful. I'm looking at the Pi Compute 3+ for example as well as Pi 3 and 4.
  3. Is LINX its own separate topic or should be co-mingled with LV CE? Thanks for the new space!
  4. Is there a dedicated place for information and discussion about this? LabVIEWMakerHub is a bit sparse and I'm not sure it's completely up to date (mentions LV Home, etc.). I'm curious as to target support (RaspPi Compute 3?, Hats?, etc) and getting started. I have a RaspPi 3 and 4 on order as of last night. I'm very curious to see if this can fit a niche where a cRIO is overkill and $$, and I really need something like a USB-61xx in an embedded target.
  5. What in particular has you excited? If you can share today. I didn't do the beta this year so I'm out of the loop on the new stuff.
  6. Have you checked the Windows Event Log for any errors reported with the NIC during that time?
  7. Whoa, this might be a game changer. I had written off RCF stuff years ago because of behavior like this. Just assumed I was screwing it up and continued on without it despite seeing lots of cool stuff available.
  8. Honestly MQTT should have a native implementation for as much as NI has been hyping IIoT over the last years IMHO. I do get the overall point about making a case for GCentral though.
  9. Given that it's not an actual file perhaps it has no idea of how much to read without parsing the lines in the primitive? There is no "size" information but if it reads as lines it keeps going until the end using read operations. Regardless -1 does not work on my 9046.
  10. FWIW I just checked on a 9046 and same behavior as Neil.
  11. Perhaps beginning to diverge from OP, but I've been spending some time with the RTI DDS toolkit. It does seem useful, but it also seems like the LabVIEW integration needs some improvement. Perhaps I'm not past the learning curve peak yet though. ViSci are you using it as more of a tag engine or are you using it for streaming and/or commands as well? It seems like implementation as a tag engine could get cumbersome on the BD publishing individual tags. Clusters work after using their tool, but that also seems cumbersome.
  12. The auto discovery aspect is one appealing thing about the DDS package viSci was mentioning. However, from what I'm looking at I may still need to create some sort of announce topic like you mentioned using in MQTT to know what topics/keys are available. Does COAP provide a clean way of providing a list of all available pubs/topics/etc.? I haven't had a chance to look into that a lot yet. Also, are there LabVIEW toolkits for it? There are several MQTT toolkits, the shipping RTI DDS toolkit, and then back to the OP some 0mq and labbitmq available (not sure these all belong in the same list, but they are all in this thread).
  13. I've seen this mentioned a few times and it didn't make it onto my radar until recently. Have you had occasion to use it much in LabVIEW?
  14. As I read the OP the question was does zeromq fill this gap in native NI offerings? I quoted a mention of some of the holes that exist and suggest that I think they still exist. Perhaps I should add some context. I remember when this conversation first popped up as well as rabbitmq. I thought that it was just an effort to include a third-party communication protocol to make rt targets able to communicate with 3rd party devices and I don't really have *that* need. However, filling some of the holes in NI offerings is something I am interested in seeing if this is the case. I work with cRIOs daily and have a working toolset, but I was curious to see where this (or other) protocols sit today in terms of the original question. If I misunderstood the OP, my apologies, and I do realize this is an old thread, but that isn't always frowned on here.
  15. Has there been any recent movement on this? Currently from NI I see a clunky method of flushing streams suggested for native messaging/command control, and the STM library and I don't really see anything that natively addresses the issues mentioned here.
  16. I'm curious about the FLIR cameras. I've not had a chance to use them in an application, but they have always intrigued me. If you get your problem resolved (and I think Antoine gave some great advice) can you elaborate a little on the camera and perhaps the application?
  17. Well, things have morphed a little and I may have been using some terms a bit freely. But for now I've been able to replicate the steps used in Google Authenticator for producing HMAC-based One-time Password algorithm (HOTP) with the help of this article as a starting point. There's still plenty to work through, but I was unable to find this available for LabVIEW anywhere. Perhaps I may be mistaken and there are some more fully developed libraries out there. I would love to see those! The workflow is basically that an operator needs to get approval from an administrator to proceed with the sequence. Well, needs to be forced to get approval. A TFA implementation along the lines of what Shaun mentioned that could trigger the authentication process by an HTTP message to an existing service might be a way to use an authenticator app without a code. Obviously I'm no web developer. E.g. attempt to log onto a dummy google account with TFA set up and refuse to proceed until the service says that the authentication was successful. This would be dependent upon the pre-configured app on the supervisor's mobile device acknowledging the log-in, then LV would log back out. Perhaps the wrong hammer for this screw?
  18. Agreed wholeheartedly.
  19. Has anyone dealt with integrating with 3rd party two factor authentication systems (e.g. Google Authenticator, Authy, Microsoft Authenticator)? I've searched around and found some information about Oauth 1.0a here but I'm not sure that is much help. The use case is an operator wanting to trigger an action that is approved by a supervisor on a mobile device. Offline authentication would be very helpful too.
  20. Right. My point is that it is not intuitive to someone who is starting to work with NI Vision. Perhaps that has changed in recent years? I have seen so many people get confused why they branch the wire and perform image manipulation operations on it and wonder why the behavior is erratic for example.
  21. A good way to illustrate what the IMAQimage reference is. I really wish they had a better way to differentiate this on the wire. I've had to explain countless times that the wire is a reference not a value, but it just feels like it should be by value unlike other things that use reference wires.
  22. I use about as many four letter words each time I find Windows wants this stuff saved somewhere else or starts moving around user docs and such.
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