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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Take a look at this example code I posted a while back: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?s=&s...post&p=8956
  2. Your problem is described in detail but honestly there could be a million things wrong. I would look at the notifier. Perhaps you're missing notifications? Try using a queue instead.
  3. File Name: JKI Progress Bar Dialog File Submitter: Michael_Aivaliotis File Submitted: 24 Oct 2006 File Updated: 24 Oct 2006 File Category: User Interface JKI Progress Bar Dialog V1.0.0 Copyright
  4. Jesus guys, so tell me, what in the GUI gives you the slightest hint that holding down the mouse would give you this menu. A clever UI trick but not very usefull if only a handfull of people find it.
  5. Just for shits and giggles, what would it take (money fame whatever) for a LAVA member to create code that converts a VI to a text representation and back? Call it a compiler, call it what you want. Sure, it isn't something for the faint of heart, sure, it can't be done over lunch. Sure, it's not your typical challenge. Let's call it the LAVA Super Grand Challenge.
  6. I just fixed it. The URL to the video was not complete so the player was not working. Probably a copy paste mistake...
  7. Admin Note: For the next release, perhaps you can include the older labview versions in the zip file. Another option is to develop in LV7.0 or 7.1 and release it in that version only. People can then upconvert. Just some suggestions to streamline the process.
  8. I was using .NET once to do a tray icon. For some reason it was crashing. I discovered that it was an issue with an ActiveX call I was making while the app was minimized. It turns out that the issue was related to the front panel not having the focus. This only applies if you are using .NET to do the system tray icon.
  9. What do you mean by by "ordinary"? These need to be API calls. Simulating keyboard strokes using a windows API should do it.
  10. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0756114/In order to see the humor in this video, you really need to watch a few episodes of Full House. Be warned! After watching the show you will get the urge to jump off a high building. Full House is also where the Olsen Twins got their big break. Bob Saget went on to host America's Funniest Videos. I actually liked watching people getting bashed in their private parts by baseball bats. The only problem with the show was Bob Saget. If only he kept his mouth shut it would have been fine. In fact, I still don't know why they even need a host for that show. Just give us the videos back to back... Why do you even need an audience?
  11. You should update your profile to reflect that. Here is my solution. The problem is that you have the guages overlapping so that when one is colored, it overlaps the other. The solution is to create a round boolean and use THAT as the background. Then program the color of it as required. The guages should be transparent always in this case.The code is in LV801 Download File:post-2-1161577508.vi
  12. I would say that this is a usability issue. NI should handle this with a message or a description\note on the dialog explaining that you must run the VI or save it first. We're suppose to know this magically somehow?
  13. You can already give the community many gifts here. Show us what you've got.As far as coding challenges, I'm up for the more challenging ones that push the envelope and the limits of LabVIEW. Bit twidling and the like is pretty boring, if you ask me. You should also throw in a little VI scripting while you're at it. For example, why not have a challenge that asks you to come up with a text representation of a VI? Then you create a tool to read-in that file and generate the VI for you. Now that's a challenge! This is LAVA after all...
  14. Be my guest! You don't need any special invite... It's open to all.
  15. Warning Bob has a potty mouth. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I0U4P9Imis"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I0U4P9Imis"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I0U4P9Imis" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  16. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  17. Admin Note: This is a great example of how to participate on the LAVA Forums! :thumbup:
  18. Parallel port strikes again! Maybe we need a parallel port forum? Ya, I know... a "me too" post.
  19. Ok, so I've decided to make this the official Classic Arcade thread... Just because. Look at this find from 1972, Australia. Why chose between Beer or Pong? Now you can have both! Barrel Pong Click on the pics for a close up. You too can score these hot chicks by playing Pong-Tron.
  20. One tip: Don't be afraid to try something. This is easier to do in software than it is in hardware. This also applies to: Before asking on LAVA: "what would happen if I do this, or that?" my answer: Try it!!!
  21. Cabinet: This is what I built. Control Panel: The SlikStik control panel is the best! That's the one I will be upgrading to, soon. I'm swaping out the one I have. Quad playing rocks. You'll also need one of these, and one of these. Monitor: As far as the monitor, I used this one: Well-Gardner D9200 Arcade Monitor. This is now discontinued but it's been replaced by the D9400 (WGM2794-U0TS40E). It's a massive 27" giant, but it makes playing vertical games more enjoyable. This eliminates the need for special rotating setups. If you overlay the front with tinted plexiglass (which you probably will anyway), you can't see the vertical black lines in the vert. game. The D9200 is an arcade multisync monitor so it can operate at the native arcade resolutions and frequencies. In order to make this work properly, you must buy an ArcadeVGA video card. The video card I had was version 1. It seems now they have a version2 which supports native resolutions on non-arcade monitors (standard PC monitors). I haven't tried the v2 card so I don't know how well it will show on a PC monitor. I can tell you however, that the D9200 (and probably the D9400) are awsome monitors for arcade cabinets. The games look exactly like they do at the arcade, back in the day. All the other stuff is not as important but here are some tips: Pay attention to how loud the cabinet will be. PC cooling fans become annoying loud after a while. Check out fanless power supplies and high performance CPU cooling fans that you can lower the speed of the fan but get same cooling. Think of the main cabinet as THE PC. treat it like an instrument rack. It will get hot. Make some provisions for cooling the main cabinet. Again, low speed fans (quiet). Buy one of these: SmartStrip, Review. Then remote the PC powerdown to an external easy access spot. Put-In an external volume control knob. The easiest way to do this is to buy PC speakers that have a remote volume knob. I hacked up my own setup for this. But it's convenient. When you are playing a game, you don't have access to the windows software volume control. Speaking of speakers, buy PC speakers with a base box. Put this inside the cabinet. Makes explosions sound better. Edit: Almost forgot... Beer Holders
  22. Ya, I've been using MameWah exclusively, toggling between that and winamp. Also Itunes doesn't run too well on 640x480 displays .Care to share the specs? What cab layout? What controls? What monitor?... One suggestion is to use the right parts for the job. Having been through the process, I can give you some pointers. The LED display will show high scores of the current game in progress? Sounds cool. Will you be parsing the highscore.dat file?
  23. I realize that about only 2-3 people will appreaciate this bit of info here but what the hell. I was looking around yesterday trying to find a better audio player\jukebox software for my arcade cabinet. I stumbled across GameEx. This is simply awsome. It rivals other software like windows media center and it even handles mame: http://tomspeirs.com/gameex/ So if anyone is thinking of converting a PC to a media center, try it out.
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