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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Just read this yelp review about a starbucks. Chill dude. http://t.co/kWu10BsjJ7

  2. You can find the labview installed versions in the Windows registry. You can find the VI Server ports in the ini files for those labview versions. It's all there.
  3. They'll be back soon. Not forgotten. Just on a break until I can reorganize my life so I can fit it in again. A major change happened where I'm now an independant consultant. So now any free time I had before is diverted to billable time. I need to change that. I'm a work in progress.
  4. So I understand your view. Anything paid for is elitism?
  5. Good points. NI came up with the CLA certification program so they can do with it what they want right? It just so happens that in order to become a CLA, it implies a certain level of effort and commitment to the language. Also a certain level of experience. So naturally the CLA summit draws presenters at a higher level. So the presentations are of higher quality. - usually. But that's no guarantee. Hey Mike, why don't you and I organize our own summit?
  6. I don't have a problem paying for stuff that adds value to my personal growth and also conveniently allows me to avoid traveling to Austin in August. Content doesn't only come from NI BTW. We all have it in us to present our knowledge and experience to the masses. Not having a venue isn't an excuse anymore. Now that the platforms are free and open to all. Go for it. NI of course has incentive to do it. But I'm sure there are many local LabVIEW user groups across the world with presentations that never see the light of day outside of the 4 walls of those meeting rooms. - right?
  7. There is also one other aspect to the CLA content not mentioned. I think Aristos Queue touched on this. The fact that content is not made widely accessible allows NI staff to be more candid and open about ideas and have discussions that could not happen in a public forum. I'd hate to lose that.
  8. I hope my personal record stands clear that I am a huge fan of giving away content away freely and am very community focussed. So don't take this the wrong way. Of course the content creators are free to do so as they please with their content. I'm not arguing against that at all. I wish more content creators would push their stuff online, but that's another discussion. NI has chosen to make the summit a special event, that is compelling enough that non-CLAs put extra effort into becoming certified just to attend the event. If you could get the content freely, then the certification has less value. This year, there was a lot of effort made to restructure the organization of it, so it's better managed. But I think this value statement remains. Again, NI could re-think their approach to this in the future. Perhaps if all the CLAs signed a petition and voted for it, then NI would do so? We all have a voice. How do other CLAs feel about this? Now for those that are CLAs and could not attend in person. Then an argument could be made for providing access to the content in a private way. However, one reason this hasn't happened is because it requires an investment in backend systems and people to make it work. We tried this last year and it was a fail. The best solution is still to have a camera and a tripod in the room. However, the private video distribution is problematic. These are solvable problems but require resource commitments. NI should just pay Mark and buy extra equipment to support him. Then have their internal web team add a special page on the CLA community to host the videos. It can be done. BTW, privately listed Youtube videos work as advertized. I've used this feature many times. So this videos can be embedded in the CLA community page perhaps. This year we had record attendance 170 people. At some point, the summit will outgrow the free NI campus and require an external paid venue. Questions are being raised about whether to charge for attending the summit. No decisions have been made but, I can see the request about giving away the content freely, to be questioned even further in that context. However the fact that you need to pay to get certified is also kind of the same. However as stated above. It's not so much about the money as it is the exclusivity. The niweek videos is a different issue. I have quite a bit of experience attending non-ni conferences and trade shows. NIWeek is a hybrid of trade-show and conference. Little known fact. You could attend niweek for free if you just want to visit the show floor and view the keynotes (which now stream online). If you want to see the sessions you have to pay. I've been to many conferences that provide the video recordings of the sessions online for a price. There are many models to this. There is usually a separate ticket price for those that just want the videos. Or the videos could be an add-on price to the main conference ticket. Others just add the cost of the videos to the ticket price. However in all cases, the videos were private to those that paid. Of course to support this, you have to outsource video recording and management. It's a huge task requiring a camera in every room with a camera-person for each, etc. Now NI already outsources the NIWeek audio\video already. The session room audio and keynote video is by an external company. NI could probably pay a fee to have them record the sessions as well. I think if people ask for it, NI will do it. But I'm sure they will have to consider the funding for it. I would. Is this a marketing investment, give them away for free? What about those that paid to get in? Won't they feel cheated? is this a separate price you charge? What if they added it to the niweek sessions ticket price? What will any of the above do to attendance? Does it matter? So now in this possible future world. Where does Mark fit into it? So, thank you Mark for doing what you do and staying under the radar so-to-speak and doing it all on donated time. I know I couldn't do it, even though I considered it seriously for a while. If you are a content creator, then consider online distribution of your presentations as part of your strategy. It's not just about the powerpoint slide deck anymore.
  9. You can attend the the CLA summit as a benefit of making it to the CLA certification level. If you are not a CLA then you shouldn't have access to the videos. The CLA summit is all about in person attendance and talking with your peers. And especially this year, there was an extra 2 days of awesome content that was a "must see". Even watching the videos doesn't do it justice, since I got the most value from one on one conversations. Perhaps in the future, this event will be open to all, but now it isn't. Mark is not paid to record videos and has not been instructed to do so by NI or anyone else (maybe some presenters have asked - no idea). He does it out of his own passion. It's quite possible that NI might prevent him from recording videos in the future at all events. This is entirely in their legal right to do so. After all, this is paid content distributed for free (CLA summit and NIWeek sessions). So please be thankful and please don't stir the pot. If you know how to find the links and are lucky then great. The YouTube solution brings a lot of attention which I think Mark's recordings should not get, in my opinion. As far as the presenters. There is technology today that you can use to record your audio and your computer screen. You can even attach a webcam if you want to be fancy. If presenters don't have their content online, it's not because it couldn't be done.
  10. This new feature to SP1 is a first for NI. Also, this tool was demoed at the Austin CLA summit last week by NI. It's really nice.
  11. Take a look at this. It should help you with your problem: http://vishots.com/005-visv-labview-class-factory-pattern/
  12. Native LVOOP is Goop4? I haven't heard that term. Just checking.
  13. There are strategies for this. You can release small and gradual until full capacity. People get cocky, and they ignore obvious signs. I'm a fan of releasing early and often. Yearly monolithic release cycles are big, scary and should be avoided. But hey, that's how most are used to working. Microsoft is going to release Windows 10 with frequent updates for free. But if you're a corporate user and want no updates, you have to pay.
  14. So basically what you're saying is that we need to let an arbitrary length of time pass between making software changes and releasing it to the public. But we can't find out if the changes caused problems unless we release it to the public. - What does time give you? More testing? If you cut corners at the last minute to squeeze in a fix, then I can see it as a problem. But if you follow the same process, what's the harm? All software has bugs. It really depends on how rigorous your internal and external testing is. Having a public open beta or some kind of user involvement helps. It's also important to have a fast turnaround process on releasing new versions when a bug is found in the wild. Isn't that what "F" patches are for?
  15. Filipe mentioned that it works on the Yun. I encourage you to check it out. it has built-in ethernet and wifi as well and Linux.
  16. Hey folks. The issue that Hooovahh reported to me was that some tables in the mysql database got corrupted. Doing a simple repair on them fixed the issue. The server is fully managed. I just sent a support ticket to the server hosting company and they quickly fixed it. Now the current issue may be related to resource starvation during peak loads. There's a slider I can adjust; more resources = more money. I will slide it up one notch to see if it solves the problem. I looked at the resource usage for the past few weeks and it seems that there was a few times where the server hit the limit on Ram usage. Maybe that was the cause. Who knows. If you still see the issue, report it here with a screenshot so I can get the hosting company involved.
  17. How about fixing it for Mac OSX? https://lavag.org/topic/16662-macbin-resource-file-info-core-generating-error-on-mac-osx/#entry102203
  18. That demo was great. Will this work on LabVIEW for Mac? If not, I think it should be on the roadmap. But not critical for first release.
  19. It doesn't require the NI C code generator toolkit. This is how the cost is kept low I am too, excited about this.
  20. This is great ouadji. i made it a featured download on the CR.
  21. I'm starting to use bookmarks more and more these days. I just wish it were more efficient. It hinders me rather than helps me. The concept and idea is great but the execution is bad. We need more tools from NI to help us develop and manage our workflow more efficiently. - still waiting. But to your question. Ya, breaking code to force a broken arrow that you have to follow, is common practice. You're not the only one. However committing broken code to the repo in a team environment is not recommended. It will cause some conflicts, and not the code development kind.
  22. This assumes you have an ftp server running on your local machine, right? That's what implies. In any case, error 7 is always a file not found error. So probably the path to the local file is wrong.
  23. This thread made me LOL.
  24. Just a small Christmas present to the community. You'll notice that LAVA is now running from an https URL instead of http. You shouldn't notice any difference in behaviour. But if you do, let me know. If you are using images in your signature. Please link to the https versions. You can use the lava gallery to host your image. Enjoy. PS. Some topic threads may give you a mixed content warning. This is because some of you embed remote images.
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