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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Do you guys really use FGV or AE much anymore? I would think it's a dying practice now with native classes.
  2. Only got 3 of them recorded: https://vine.co/v/hbQKIF2V62U https://vine.co/v/hbQKPQHTp3g https://vine.co/v/hbQAui2OlDU
  3. Unfortunately, i did not get to see your presentation because it was at the same time as mine However, I will devour Mark Balla's video of it. The feedback I heard from others was that each of you (David and Staab) could have had your own dedicated sessions. So not sure how you can add more content. But I will reserve judgement until I see the video.
  4. The new Events features is my favorite. I did a presentation on this topic at NIWeek. I started a new thread to spur discussion (i don't want to derail the current thread). I'd like to get the community's input on the new event features. New Events Features in LabVIEW 2013
  5. I did a presentation at NIWeek 2013 on the new user event features in LabVIEW 2013. I will post a link here when it's ready for online consumption. For now, I'd like to start a discussion on what all the LAVA members think of the changes and additions. If you have questions on how one feature or another work, please post here and we'll get it answered. To summarize, here is what was changed, added: New - Event Inspector Window (you're gonna love this!) New - High Priority events New - Flush Event Queue Function New - VI Scripting methods and properties for events New - Mouse Scroll Wheel Event Improvements to the Edit Events Dialog: It's now resizable (Finally) You can filter search the list of event sources and events. For easy navigation. You can limit instances of the event in the static queue (Similar to Flush Queue function) [*]Finally, there was a behaviour change: Non-handled, dynamically registered events do not reset the Event structure timeout terminal. In LabVIEW 2012 and older: Non-handled, dynamically registered events reset the Event structure timeout terminal. Let's keep this positive. We all need to learn how to use these new features and how to integrate them within our frameworks. I know a lot of you are using user events as the main communication mechanism for your processes and modules. Let's figure out how to make our code better with all this new cool stuff.
  6. If anyone knows Norm, you know how much hand waving he does when he gets excited. Well, the Leap Motion got hand wave overload
  7. Just found out about this "NIWeek tradition" https://www.facebook.com/events/678470302167587/
  8. http://youtu.be/ASO_zypdnsQ
  9. A follow up to this. I've added this feature in VIPM Pro. It's not available in the public release but you can get it in our VIPM Labs section here: http://support.jki.net/entries/24071293-VIPM-Labs . Even though it's not a public release, we are fully supporting it just like any other release. Just wanted to make a correction. The licensing and activation toolkit from NI is free.
  10. Photoset: byebyebananas: thefrogman: Come one, come all to Bill Shatner’s School of Overacting! Forget... http://t.co/X51NhONg8t

  11. JKI will be releasing VIPM 2013 for the Mac soon. If you want to try a preview release, you can download it here: https://jki.box.com/s/d3ux8pknhu39znpc0re8 It supports Package configurations, building, repositories and The LabVIEW Tools Network. All the same cool stuff that the Windows version has. The power of LabVIEW allowed us to use the same code base for both Windows and Mac versions which was pretty awesome. Let us know if you have any issues.
  12. In order to get VIPM running again, you just need to install the LabVIEW 2011 run-time engine. You can get info about this here: http://support.jki.net/entries/20959253-LabVIEW-RunTime-Engine-for-VIPM If that doesn't help. Send an email to support@jki.net and JKI will open a one-on-one support ticket where we can get this resolved. This issue is on our (JKI's) radar for VIPM 2013 and will be fixed in a way where you won't have this problem anymore. In regards to the other comment: "I'm concerned that if I ask NI about VI Package Manager, they'll bounce me over to JKI, and the reverse if I ask JKI about it." - I want to say that both JKI and NI take customer support and problem solving very seriously and we will always do whatever we can to get problems like this resolved. So don't be afraid to ask.
  13. works for me
  14. Need a solution for LabVIEW on the Mac. I'm looking for a way to list all running Mac apps. Then I want to pick one of them and issue a quit message and have it exit gracefully. Does anyone know how to do this on the Mac?
  15. Please do not report any of these issues to this thread anymore since the problem is already quantified by me and I am trying to address the root cause. The problem is intermittent and when it happens, I can fix it by repairing certain tables in the database. If you notice this problem, you can Skype me at michaelaivaliotis with a short message stating that LAVA is down. I will then promptly fix it. But don't expect a response on Skype acknowledging receipt of the message. You will just see LAVA work again.
  16. So another Mac issue. Whenever I try to use the ZLIB Store File.vi, I get an (always helpful, generic File IO) error. See the screenshot. Can someone (Rolf?) help me with a workaround? I need to stick with the OpenG Zip library because of the low-level VI's it provides, which are very powerful.
  17. The following VI is part of the OpenG LabVIEW Zip Library: ZLIB Specific Path to Common Path__ogtk.vi If you notice, the case structure supports Mac OS, but not Carbon. The App.TargetOS output is Carbon. I'm running this on Mac OSX 10. This has a ripple effect in that I cannot use some of the Zip tools to compress files on Mac. Not sure who will be fixing this, since JGCode is on hiatus. But I'm reporting it here for the Googlers of the future.
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