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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. I'm currently using NI Source distribution builder together with VIPM to create a LVTN version of the Code Capture Tool. One of our (mine and Yair) targets is to be independent on other tools like OpenG (however when using VIPM that is very unlikely). So I made a source distro with LabVIEW, and included any stuff in user.lib (OpenG) and excluded vi.lib. Just for fun I embedded vi.lib, and the support folder went from 500 kb (OpenG) to 2.8 MB (including all the config files for instance). Ton
  2. peek and poke on the Commodore 64 after loading the game but before running it! Ton
  3. I was just building a tool and wanted to include OpenG as sub-vis of the tool. And that is possible, I can uncheck the 'exclude files from user.lib' to achieve that. However if we move OpenG to vi.lib we cannot use the 'exclude files from vi.lib'. Since that would include a lot of internal vi.lib stuff... So in a blink of a second I changed from 'YES' to 'NO'
  4. For formatting the string I would prefer the ISO8601 format. Current timestamp 2011-10-10T17:43Z .
  5. On Stackoverflow someone posted a question on how to recover a VI's password To my surprise there was a thorough answer containing two methods: Look up the stored MD5 hash in a VI file I can understand this, and am not really concerned, this might be a valid method if you know a password is from a given list (choosing a password from a dictionary is dumb anyway). Modify the LabVIEW executable binary to ignore the password checking. I have not tried this on LabVIEW 2011, but if this works it basically means that passwords are just a sign that says 'Do not trespass' Can anyone verify the LabVIEW edit function in 2011. On a more general discussion, does this troubles you anyway? Ton
  6. Yet another web-page that sends (and thus stores) my password in an email... luckily I generated it randomly with @lastpass

  7. So you mean that the FP-update is the real killer? That would be very strange. Notice that I took a file of 5.5 Megabytes resulting in an array of 5.5 Million Elements, since a single string char is 5 bytes, the total array would be 27.5 Megabytes, with the resulting string being 11 Megabytes. I had the same results in 2010 though. It might be that the size of the input file is important. Ton
  8. If you XOR the old and new values, all the changed booleans will be True. Ton
  9. You have one case structure, that has two cases 'write' and 'read'. Both case-names are in red because they don't match the selector data-type (an unconnected selector defaults to boolean allowing 'False' and 'True'). If you want to use a string as selector you need to add a 'default' case (or make one of the two cases default). You could also add a Boolean as selector, making it a read or write boolean. Ton PS if you are in the error dialog (ctrl-L), you can double click on the error and you'll get send to the error.
  10. I was looking at a function to format a binary string as hex, and tried to get some performance. I was shocked with the following results: What i've concluded is that the Integer to Hex-string function for arrays is not working with U8's but with something else (U32's?). Ton
  11. Two suggestions: use the Icon of the polymorphic instance instead of the icon of the polymorphic VI. Add a to-lower-case in the Hexidecimal VI, LabVIEW formats HEX with UPPERcase, while we've seen that the official standard is lowercase Ton
  12. I would suggest to make the Upper limit required, and check for the min/max (use the native sort 2 number primitive). And I would make this a polymorphic VI with all the Int/UInts and double. Ton
  13. Could you upload the VI, since I don't understand what you want. Your message title mentions User Events, while your code doesn't show any, you post mentions 'Data Calibrated', but your code doesn't show something like that. Ton
  14. OTher use cases are chunking of data into data-sections. Ton
  15. What kind of throughput do you get? (megabits/second) Ton
  16. I've got on (little) thing: This shows that the primary input (the string) is not in the center of the Left hand Side of the Icon. For programming style where this is in a wire, this gives odd layouts. All of the basic LabVIEW =xxxx (ref, 0, >0, >=0, <0, <=0, NaN etc) the primary input is inline with the primary output. The optional input (strict Character case) can be connected at te bottom or top (I prefer top). Another (more major) point is the documentation: I find this misleading. This functions tests if this is TRUE, it looks to me like I have to make sure the input string is a Valid MD5 string before using this function (creating a chicken-and-egg situation). I would rewrite this to: .Ton
  17. No, I don't the rules for an AES key are something I need to study first. Ton
  18. Are you sure you need to go low-level? We used Datasocket for such issues, and it works great, datasocket takes care of the actual connection, and we had it running as fast as possible (we starte to see throttling at the effective 100 mbit/s rate.), since then we moved to gigabit over optical fibre. In our setup we published the data at the client PC, leaving our ADC-PC as lean as possible. One thing to check, is it LV or is it the networ?. You can test this by copying a large file with a tool that shows the copy rate (like Total Commander). Make sure you have good cables, bad cables can kill your transfer rate. Ton
  19. You can use AES (de)-cyphering to securly store your data. Without encrypting the data anyone with a keen eye can decipher your data. ' Ton PS What is Perce?
  20. Jon, I don't see where this happens. Inverse cypher returns the data just as the input of the cypher, however the control is set to HEX-display (very usefull during debuggin), if you drop a control based on that you definitly get something different than you expect, but you shouldn't need to use an additional conversion. Yes/No, it would be nice if there is some standard of padding... I've looked throught several NIST documents and they only mention padding with 'nulls', not defining an official accepted form of padding. Note that padding depends on the type of block mode you use. Ton
  21. Does anybody have a good name for such a functionset?
  22. #ilovemercurial because I can revert to an older version without the repo-server

  23. One of the flags (mods) of the Mouse Down event is 'Double Click': Ton
  24. The source is available on SourceForge: http://opengtoolkit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/opengtoolkit/trunk/pure_abstract_ref_class_tmpl/ http://opengtoolkit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/opengtoolkit/trunk/active_obj_tmpl/ http://opengtoolkit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/opengtoolkit/trunk/class_tmpl_lib/ http://opengtoolkit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/opengtoolkit/trunk/ref_obj_tmpl/ http://opengtoolkit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/opengtoolkit/trunk/openg_object/ Ton
  25. I would like to offer my SHA-1, SHA-2 HMAC and AES files to OpenG to add to the MD5 library (I suppose we need to rename that palette). You can find these functions currently in the LAVA Code Repository. The code is currently in 2010, but I can backsave to 2009. Ton
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