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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. The express VI you use to create a block-form wave to switch on and of the blinking. Ton
  2. And running win8. That's a pretty quick install!

  3. That is exactly what I'm asking. If you have a task manager, it would be nice to have a 'last event' status of the VI. Ton
  4. There are several options to do so. Your first start with a seperate loop will work, however I would use a 'Wait n ms' function instead of your square block function. Where the changing only happens if the button is True (You reset the button with a Value change of the string). Or a seperate VI that you tell to start and stop, with a reference to the string control. Ton
  5. I think that an output name of 'MD5 Hash?' is better, if that's the case we should change the name of the function to 'Is an MD5 hash?' Ton
  6. One feature request is a drop-down VI, that sends a message to the taskmessenger, with info about the owning VI and perhaps a custom string, so we can track start-stop and runtime Ton
  7. Yes, I think the code should check for duplicate names and throw an error. Additionally we could an 'auto-generate' option (default=false) that implies the suggestion by tanksalm and then throws a warning. Ton
  8. I can top that: 10 RT @smithsqrlI know have 6 versions of #LabVIEW running on my machine #fb

  9. Your bottom while loop runs continiously, and the sinus gets simultated every 0 ms (try to add an indicater to the loop counter and see how fast it goes, it also utilizes full power of your CPU, that is bad coding style and the speed of blinking will depend on the used computer. If you want to flash with every boolean press, you can use the 'New Value' of the Value changed event, for your case structure. If you want a timed flash, you can abuse the time-out event, the only thing you need to make sure is that you don't have other events that can reset the time-out: Ton
  10. I have to say, I have totally lost interest in Google+. Hard to pin down exactly why. /via @RobertTalbert you are not alone.

  11. I'm not sure but what is call stack of a recursive VI? Wouldn't that show the same VI name (except for the instance number)? So we can autodetect it's in a recursive call. Ton
  12. Renewed my @lavag subscription, 30 euros well spent

  13. HI pgupta That statement (Row, page/volume,column) is definitly wrong, row and column are next to each other at least. I never really cared about that, and I don't think it's neccesary for the exam, you need to make sure that you understand how (auto)-indexing works, how arrays can be constructed etc. Succes, Ton
  14. I didn't here a reason why not to move to vi.lib (except for Chris's reasoning about manpower), so I guess it's save to go for the move. However we should go package by package, is there anybody that has a dependency map of OpenG packages? Ton
  15. You can iterate over all controls and query the information you need: Ton
  16. If your gamepad supports a joystick port, you can use native LabVIEW functions for this. Ton
  17. Wouldn't this work like the Riffle function in LabVIEW (where your code takes the first n outputs) Ton
  18. Nope, simply because there is no <OpenG> symbolic path in LabVIEW. So any code you develop using OpenG, can open up on any computer with OpenG installed without needing to search for the OpenG stuff. By placing OpenG code in <vi.lib> or <user.lib> we can guarantee a smooth experience for the OpenG user (that might not even know it's using OpenG libraries).
  19. Name: Encryption Submitter: Ton Plomp Submitted: 07 Sep 2011 Category: *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version: 2010 License Type: BSD (Most common) This package consist of a series of tools in native LabVIEW 2010 code. For encryption/decription the AES (Rijndael) routine is used with key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bytes. The encryption supports the following block modes: EBC CBC CFB128 OFB For signing of string/packages it performs the SHA-1 and SHA-2 hashing, for MD5 hashing the OpenG functionality is used. The hash functions return a binary string and a hex-formatted string with the hash. The following hashes are supported: MD5 (via OpenG library) SHA1 SHA-2 224 bit SHA-2 256 bit SHA-2 384 bit SHA-2 512 bit For Hashed key authentication the HMAC functionality is provided based on the supported hash functions. The used functions are tested against NIST public test vectors. The use of these functions is not: secure the code does not try to protect it's memory nor the used keys. © Ton Plomp 2011 - No warranty implied. Click here to download this file
  20. Version V 1.0


    This package consist of a series of tools in native LabVIEW 2010 code. For encryption/decription the AES (Rijndael) routine is used with key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bytes. The encryption supports the following block modes: EBC CBC CFB128 OFB For signing of string/packages it performs the SHA-1 and SHA-2 hashing, for MD5 hashing the OpenG functionality is used. The hash functions return a binary string and a hex-formatted string with the hash. The following hashes are supported: MD5 (via OpenG library) SHA1 SHA-2 224 bit SHA-2 256 bit SHA-2 384 bit SHA-2 512 bit For Hashed key authentication the HMAC functionality is provided based on the supported hash functions. The used functions are tested against NIST public test vectors. The use of these functions is not: secure the code does not try to protect it's memory nor the used keys. © Ton Plomp 2011 - No warranty implied.
  21. If we are going to use this functionality, we nood to change the MD5 hash-vi with an extra output. CUrrently the VI outputs a binary string, that should be converted to a hex-string to produce a valid MD5-hash.
  22. zucht Rutger van Castricum, zucht.

  23. Instead of ShiftRight I guess you mean 'Rotate with carry': And since there is essentially such a node, we don't need a new OpenG function. Wouter, thanks for the idea. Ryan thanks for the little used function. Ton
  24. This might be a usefull function. Another implementation is 'Request and remainder' with 2, and typecast the remainder output to boolean. (that would be an 'is even?' output. Ton
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