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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. There are some specifics about LabVIEW event and drag/drop. I think that if one registers for the 'Drag source update' event, LabVIEW assumes that you will handle the drag and drop event. Here is some more info. Ton
  2. NI has provided quite some VIs to get info from variant data. This is placed in vi.lib\utility\Utility\Variant Data Type. The VI 'GetRefnumInfo' returns an enum with the type of the actual refnum. Here is some code I used to get a VI and control refnum extracted: . You say that you don't know the refnum type beforehand. But I can imagin you can exclude a large deal of the possibilites? Ton
  3. I am expanding the 'Variant to Control' VI with a 'C-typedef to LabVIEW Control' function. This means I have to read a C-typedef. Does anyone have a good reliable syntax description for this? Currently I am parsing the following: typedef struct{type name;type2 name2;}struct_name; typedef enum{enum_value1,enum_value2,}enum_name; For type I have the following possibilities: int8 int, int16 int32 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 float double char What other constructs are standard? Ton
  4. One of the advantages of decentralized storage is the following workscheme: -Production at 'the office' where a SCC server resides -You go onsite to a client -You find some minor bugs -You change the production code -You can however not commit the changes because the SCC server is not available to you -So you save everything, make some notes -The next day (or week) you come back at the ofice, take your notes and commit the code My understanding is that with GIT, you can always commit your code. Ton
  5. Hi François, how are things coming with christmas passing by? I really liked the teaser. Any help I can offer? One little bug. The palette menu called 'Edition' should be called 'Editting' (I think, I'm no native English speaker) Ton
  6. Trying to keep this topic on topic. Here is a note on using LabVIEW and GIT, it references a Google Docs. Ton
  7. Not really, I have saved a part (the main event structure), and documented the rest as an HTML doc. And could totally recreate the VI (not the problem). On other possible explanation is the use of the Auto Clean Up. Ton
  8. But could we get back to the original question? If Tanner can get Git to work with the LabVIEW Diff and Merge tools, that would be awesome. I will be disconnected from my private SCC server for a few weeks and with Git I can still commit on a normal basis and re-sync when I get back. So getting this to work will be a benefit for us all. Ton
  9. Sorry I should have written: Ton
  10. Could you upload the global control and a saved (malformed) VI? Ton
  11. Not sure if this fits the loung but here goes: I have a VI I cannot save. Every time I hit CTRL-S in various ways (menu/project/keyboard) I get a messag that of that specific VI the block diagram cannot be loaded. I have seen the following strage things: string constants are truncated to the first character I have one string constat that is huge in size and fully pink, when selected a larger selection is drawn I was using the following techniques in the VI JKI State Machine template JKI Right Click framework Linked tunnels LabVIEW 2009 Windows 7 CaseSelect Right Click extension When I tried to copy the main while loop, LabVIEW copied nothing to the clipboard The event structure could be copied though. When I tried to close LabVIEW I finally got a LinkObj.cpp error. For obvious reasons I cannot share the VI. Ton
  12. It would be nice if we could drag and drop a case name into the VI. For instance by selecting a case with the 'ctrl' down. This would not show the case, but allow for a drag and drop of the case name. If you drop this into a string constant it would contain the name of the case you selected. Ton
  13. That should be doable, but we ran stand alone test with standard car batteries, don't think they can handle 30 g. What about a wire connected for the power supply? Like a taser gun? (the fun thing is, according to wikipedia it is not a firearm so you can bear it, but that is another discussion). Do you know how fast a CRIO will switch from one power input to the other one? Ton
  14. I can integrate even further, Using Push OK SVN/SCC bridge I can directly set the bug-id from the LabVIEW project checkins! Ton
  15. Are you sure that in an executable multiple App Instances can run? And TorekP where do you get 'error 7' Ton
  16. I don't think you can open a VI inside an executable any more (8.2 and up) with a path. One idea is to just load the VI into memory in the remote application (server). In the client you only use the VI name (as a string constant), one option is to get a list of all the Exported VIs running (don't know if this works for a remote app). Also don't forget to set the Exported VIs to '*' PS your ini says 3362 and the code says 3363) Ton
  17. LabVIEW\resource\plugins\IconEditor\Discover Who Invoked The Icon Editor.vi Ton
  18. What application ref did you provide for the 'open VI ref'? And the error code looks like you provided a VI that is the parent of the VI trying to open the reference. Is the plugin VI a 'private' VI for a given library? Ton
  19. Here's a method to open the actual control: I haven't checked if you can edit the icon with this ref. Ton
  20. Nice set Antoine! One question, is there a specific reason you made the boolean controls as Typedefs? It creates a new (unnecessary) dependency, I can understand that the Outlook Enum is a typedef, however the boolean controls seems a little bit awkward to me. Ton
  21. If there is no block diagram present If the VI is a 'system VI' If the VI is a member of a class? Better tell us what VI (or test if it's one specific VI) is the 'problem' Ton
  22. It's really funny how flexible your brain is. I can (for me) seemlessly switch between dutch and english. Geen probleem. Sometimes I am reading a text and I have to think if it's written in dutch or not. Ton
  23. What I normally do is set up a messaging scheme. When a property is set (or read) or a method is invoked, I add a cluster with a string (specific to the property/method) and a variant (with specific data) to an messaging array in the display state. In the facade VI I read the message and act appropriate. What do you mean with 'system information' Ton
  24. If you install the latest edition of the Variant Probe, yo will find the following VI inside your user.lib user.lib\_LAVA\VariantProbe\Resize Tree.vi In the owning XControl I have registered for the Pane.Size Event, and set the tree control to 'Resize with pane' Ton
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