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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. Hi Confidence, could you add your solution? It looks like you were able to solve it quite easy, so sharing that could help many. Ton PS There are no stupid mistakes.
  2. Depends on how you define scripting, but this toolkit has an example VI to create an enum from an array of strings. Ton
  3. The dutch minister for 'Culture, Education and Science' Ronald Plasterk was a molecular genetecist. Ton
  4. Have a look at this code-post, the code inside the rectangle will deal with your offset. Ton
  5. Well the LabVIEW timestamp has it's epoch set to 1 january 1904 GMT. It consists of two I64's, the first one the number of seconds since it's epoch, the second one is a fraction of that second. What is the size of the C++ timestamp? Ton
  6. An installer built shouldn't take too long, it basically creates some script files and zips the files to be installed into a cab file. Should be quite trivial. Ton
  7. Strange crosslinking issue with the NI builder. I have reopened the probes and relinked them. Ton
  8. What elements are resizing that you don't want to? If I amke the following arrangement on Page 2 (grouping the label, Boolena 9 and BOolean 10) I see them all sticked to the upper left corner of the tab-page. I achieve this by grouping them to a item in a sticked postion. You can use a hidden control for this. Ton
  9. No need to use .Net, LabVIEW has an App.Display.AllMonitors property that returns the info you want: ton
  10. Ton Plomp


    The best thing you can do is make undoutly clear how you feel about it. He is young and at his first job, he needs to learn the rules. And you teach him that scholar behaviour (divide and conquer) work. It might help to tell him about the old topic. This topic is just a selfish, I need a shoulder to cry on topic. Confront him how you feel, and give him advice 'If I were you I would do....', however don't make it look like you are just putting stuff back. Provide help and support. In some ways you are his mentor, so tread him like a serious person. Remember in most sociaties 'No' is a valid answer, if he asks for you to put the wire straight just say 'No, remember what we discusses?' If this all doesn't work, and don't be easy on him like you were on his wife, then you should go to your supervisor and ask how you should deal with him in general, not this specific project that might be due in 3 days. Good luck, Ton
  11. Something strange. LabVIEW went down fast in the latest TIOBE index (number 48). Ans somehow LabWindows/CVI went up to 36: 36 LabWindows/CVI 0.226% 48 LabVIEW 0.162% Ton
  12. Now that is a trick I didn't know! (and I thought I knew all about events). About the 'client code can delete the user event' discussion, they can as easily delete the registration refnum. In this case the general rule is 'delete what you created, leave what you received'. Ton
  13. I see now that you placed the code I showed, however you placet it after saving the library, thus thwowing away the info. I have checked your lvlib, but it fully uses realitive paths (../foo.vi), so I can easily open the lvlib without errors, but when I open the main VI (Make Palettes for Library) it tries to load the subVIs from user.lib/lavacr/..... What probably would work is saving the tool outside user.lib and submitting that. Ton
  14. Hi, here is some code that should set the mnu file as the default palette: One thing to speed it up, it is good that you refresh the palettes however I don't think this is needed after every library, you can place it outside the main while loop in the Process event. Ton
  15. When I try to rename the layer while the text tool is selected, the key strokes go into the icon. Ton
  16. To clarify, I mean an event that is generated inside the XControl and where the owning application is registring for. I can see how to create the event reference in the property node instead of the init ability. Ton
  17. Here is a XControl design question: If I want to use user events to generate events in the owning VI where should these events be created? (not generated) Option A Inside the XControl and with a read-only property a VI could get the user event and register for it. Pro: you have a tight integration between the control and the event. Using the Init and Uninit abilities you can exactly define when to create and destroy the event references - you can have multiple listeners Con: you can create useless event references which get very much events which are never written. Option B Inside the owning VI, with a special 'Create Event Reference' VI and a write-only property. Pro: only event references that are really used are created Con: a special event typedef is needed. After writing these things up I lean toward option A. I only have used option B, does anyone have some experience with option A? Ton
  18. It could also mean you have a different decimal sign ('.' vs ','). use %.; in the start of your formatter to specify a dot as the decimal sign. Ton
  19. And the boolean operations (AND, NAND, XOR, OR, Implies, OR) can be done on integers as well. Ton
  20. Another tip, when you are using mySQL (or any other server) on Linux, Webminis a great/superb tool to manage the server. For mySQL you can create backups and restore them, view data or table definitions. Ton
  21. OK so the problem is not the opening of the file, it's more the reading of contents. Have you checked localization (. vs , time formatters). It's best to post some code and an example file. Ton
  22. Hi All, I am looking for beta testers of a new version of the Code Capture Tool. Especially people in posession of multiple LabVIEW versions on Mac and Linux. So if you could sent me a PM with your configuration, I try to respond to you. Ton
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