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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE(Darren @ Jun 6 2007, 01:59 PM) Darren, The customer ruled out that approach. Tell the developer "Nice code". I like their style. :thumbup: PJM, That looks great! I am definately going to have to try that. Ben
  2. I have also posted this query on the NI forums at http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...9&jump=true I am looking fro idea on how to implement "palettes" in the GUI of a new application. The requirements would read; Given a set of icons, present a po-up palette populated by those icons that will allow a user to select one of the icons. The ability to group sub-sets of the icons into sub-palettes is highly desirable" As an example, just look at the function and control palette as used in LV. No I am not trying to re-write LabVIEW, just expand it envelope. So if you have ideas or examples, please share. Thank you! Ben
  3. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 3 2007, 12:08 PM) Thank you Yen. THe nature of the GUI objects are the subject of this project were we will be allowing users to compose their own GUI's to understand how different people interact with a variety of systems. Ben
  4. "Automatic teller" I did one of those. It was a Diebold Tabs 510 circa 1980. That was back when a "stack dump" could refer to a misallignment of the dispenser and the facia resulting in all of the bills piling up in no-where land. That was a clean-up that was closely monitored. Ben
  5. QUOTE(alfa @ Jun 5 2007, 06:43 AM) Charles Russel wrote similarly in about 1890 or there abouts. (see "Studies in the Scriptures") Ben
  6. Thanks guys! This is good info for me to think about before I get into this too deep. I'll post back after we learn some more, after all these things take time. Ben
  7. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ May 31 2007, 12:13 PM) OK I am done poking (for now ). The in-placeness algorithm is a dragon* I'd love to drop a sadle on and put a bit in its mouth rather than watching it wonder around and then re-arranging my castles (data structures) to exploit it power. Ben *I just finished reading "The Children of Hurin" the day before yesterday. :thumbup:
  8. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ May 31 2007, 11:03 AM) That explains why there is never a bug associated with it. If its behaviour does not have any specifications, it can never fail to meet them. Maybe my question should have been along the lines of "If there were a specification...." Should I assume a response of "mu" to that Q as well? Ben
  9. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ May 31 2007, 10:00 AM) I am convinced the conversion of developing LV in LV is already happening and may play a large role in the performance hits we have seen with LV 8 plus. Look at the charts. graphs tables and thier recent bugs. They are now implemented as X-controls using the picture control to present the graphics. It is happening now! Ben
  10. QUOTE(TiT @ May 31 2007, 05:41 AM) BTW: What does "Na zdrowie!" mean? Ben
  11. I have been asked to put together an application that uses (2) large touch panel displays ( >22 inch but < 36 inch). What advice would you share regarding the interface and how large screen sizes affect performance? If you have experience or would like to offer any warnings, please feel free! Thank you, Ben
  12. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ May 29 2007, 11:55 AM) I would ask Jeff K (because I beileve he has his hands into this), the Q "Could you please pass me a copy of and include me in the distribution of changes to the specifactions for the "in-placeness" algorithm?" Ben
  13. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ May 30 2007, 12:16 PM) Thank you PJM! This looks similar to a product that Philips was working on. Ben
  14. QUOTE(ohiofudu @ May 30 2007, 11:15 AM) That movie from that link never comes up for me. Could someone post a screen-shot please? Ben
  15. QUOTE(Guillaume Lessard @ May 29 2007, 03:31 PM) I believe they are legally obligated to defend their IP or risk loosing it. Xerox was vey aggresive in prohitibit the word "Xerox" to refer to a xerographic image. Ben
  16. QUOTE(TiT @ May 29 2007, 11:09 AM) It has been years and NI no longer makes the board ... Re:over-sampling... The chips (when last I looked) do X10 over-sampling themselves so to do it correctly would required even more over-sampling. If they want to look a tht rise time response then ingore the data transfer rates and look at it as an anlog signal and do the Nyquist math. Ben QUOTE(Ben @ May 29 2007, 11:49 AM) It has been years and NI no longer makes the board ... Re:over-sampling... The chips (when last I looked) do X10 over-sampling themselves so to do it correctly would required even more over-sampling. If they want to look a tht rise time response then ingore the data transfer rates and look at it as an anlog signal and do the Nyquist math. Ben I have also used a "ESCC-PCI" from Commtech to do this type of work. It gave me the flexibility do send bad packets. Of course the FPGA stuff should allow similar results these days. Ben
  17. Y'all probably know this already but in this thread http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...=248768#M248768 an NI AE posted the attached llb that finds all shared variables in a project. Ben
  18. I have not noticed any slow start of LV itself but I did notice that if I open a VI ( I did not write) that uses a global VI that contains many globals and the other VI's that use globals contained in the global VI ( I did not write), VI's open very slowly. I saved all of the VI's (I did not write) and the top level VI opened much quicker. But that all makes sense ( and is another good reason why I do not use globals). Ben
  19. QUOTE(crelf @ May 21 2007, 03:13 PM) Please let me add to the above. This thread asked how to prepare for the CLA and not how to become a super LV developer. I work with another CLA who had very little LV experience but has been working in large software developement for decades. He passed the CLA on his first attempt. The CLA is not so much a test of LV Grand-mast level but more about the skills required to take a complex set of requirements and efficiently delivering a solution htat just happens to be developed in LV. Ben
  20. QUOTE(crelf @ May 16 2007, 01:42 PM) I have to second the Advanced course as good prep stuff. I wil be attending the new version of the course in prep for my re-certification. Ben
  21. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ May 3 2007, 06:32 PM) A waveform datatype Chart (LV 6.0 and above) will allow muiltiple plots with non-periodic time stamps and a different number of samples for each plot. The "t0" value of the waveform will define the "x" value. Note: If you present an update to the chart tha contains a "to" that is earlier that data already plotted, the chart will reset. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5742''>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5742'>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5742 Ben
  22. QUOTE(george seifert @ May 2 2007, 05:00 PM) 1) Are you using the latest and greatest VISA ? 2) Does NI-Spy tell you what is happening? The "hanging around" tells me that something is not releasing a resource so Windows keeps it around. That is all I have to offer for now. Ben
  23. QUOTE(dannyt @ May 2 2007, 07:56 AM) Bravo! I felt the same way. Although I signed up early for LAVA (member #29 6-Dec-2002) I only prowled in the shadows until last year because I did not feel I was up to the LAVA standards. The recent comments about "go to the NI Forum" has had me thinking twice if I was ready to join this forum. Lets return to the idea that LAVA is a team of diverse contributors contributors with our own parts to play. If we we all "perfect goalies" we would only be able to play a very boring game of soccer (football). We need people who do NOT know everything already who are willing to ask the "dumb questions" or voice thought that are outside the adopted norm. Doing my best to "play the fool", Ben
  24. QUOTE(Nullllll @ Apr 27 2007, 12:52 PM) I am sorry Nullll. It was not right for me to have posted earlier. I have deleted my posting and I ask for your forgiveness. Ben
  25. QUOTE(Mikkel @ Apr 27 2007, 07:32 AM) If we look at that quote in its original context, and still apply it to the curent situation, its only a matter of time until the "Nulll sect" will be taking root and given enough time, the Nullll crusades will follow. "Hold on lady, we goin for a ride." (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) Ben Regarding the above. As I have demonstrated above, it is a very bad idea to play "name that verse" before your morning coffee. My bad! Ben
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