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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. Why do I think this comment is related? Don't know. Did you ever stop to ponder that when most people screw-up it is a mistake, an error, or an over-sight. When an engineer screws up, it is a disaster. Ben
  2. See here http://www.lulu.com/content/180165 Chris, The "e" constant from the numerics pallette will add some color variation to your signature. Ben
  3. I did not like rading that either and have not tried getting around it. The only thought I had re: this issue was I wonder if I could open a ref to the app instance and then open a ref to a VI in the target context and use invoke nodes to ge at the queue. Sorry it the only idea I had. Ben
  4. I requested an AE look at your post. If you do not see action in the next 48 hours, PM me and I will push harder. Ben
  5. Jim, Thank you very much for your reply to my Nugget thread. That took the whole Q factor up an order of magnitude. Ben
  6. Ouch! This reminds of an old Dilbert cartoon. Dilbert is sitting in front of his PC and we can read the mesages on his screen. "Preparing to install software" "Clearing hard drive" "placing order for software updates" Ben
  7. Good point, thank you. That was one of the reasons I selected this node to force the wire branch. i was somewhat suprised to still see the buffer copy. I'd say! At first glance I'd say the array size was a NO-OP and toss it in about two seconds. I wonder if the VIA would say anything about the construct. This part tricked me too! It appears tht the buffer must be in the wire feeding the lopp (SR or not) for it to be re-used. Ben
  8. .... So that would involve scanning through all of the branches of all of the widgets hanging from the BD reference and matchinging up identicle branches... hmmm... but when i create sub-VI I think about what they do when creating the names and icons. I could see the utility finding common code snippets and expecting me to name them! I do not know if that would be much fun. Re: Jims Q Well Darren has shown that you can quntify bad stuff. Would a neatly laid-out Rube Goldberg machine implemented in LV count as "Good Code"? The only indicator I have found for good LV applications is the (brace yourself) aspect ratio of the VI Hierarchy screen. Somewhere around 3:4 seems to be a good balance between complexity of code and use of sub-VI's. I t seems the worst VI I have seem are either very flat (all code in top level, ussually the rsult of over-using wizards) or very deep, which are the result of very good ex-C developers. Ben
  9. I agree with most of what are saying yao. Please see attached image for how I "interpret the entrails" A) a buffer is allocated of the size you specify and is filled in with 0's lets call it Buffer_A. B) A branched wire has to be handled delicately since all of the sinks want to see an un-mollested "copy" of the buffer produced by the source (in the case the the Buffer A). C) The array size shown by C has to match that of Buffer_A. We can not predict if it runs before or after the Array Subset runs. D) Since the output of the Array Subest function can change the size of the buffer it is passed, and since its source wire branches, the Array subset function will place a copy of the dat from Buffer_A in a new buffer Buffer_D. E) a buffer is allocated of the size you specify and is filled in with 0's Buffer_E. F) See D above. The Array subset function will under the proper conditions, not create a new buffer but will re-use the buffer it has been passed. In this case Buffer_E just has to have some pointer updated to reflect the subset. It simply passes the pointers along. But in-so doing, it appears to mask the buffer it recieved from down-wire enties. G) I am not sure why Buffer_E can't be re-used by the sub-VI call. Maybe its "to far away" for the buffer re-use logic to "see it" so a copy is passed via a new buffer. I believe this to be a complication of using the "Array Subset. H) Since the Buffer_D is the input to the sub-VI call can simply pass the refence Buffer_D since it "knows' about it. So I suspect there is something in the fine print of the array subset functin that is coming into play. All of the above is just my speculation about what is really happening. If I have mis-represented any of the above please correct me. :thumbup: Ben Download File:post-29-1169924586.zip
  10. I would think that if the wire does not have an excessive number of bends and it does not pass under any objects, the VIA would not even comment. Ben
  11. Ton, Talk to your local rep about the Mac License. Ben
  12. I do not have any more answers but another Q The non-0 and 255 values are factors of 51. THe 256 color values must also map to the 16 color version. Like I said, more Q's an A's. Ben
  13. Work-around: Select Pop-up >>> Ignore attributes Ben
  14. Dennis Knutson (the 9000+ poster on the NI Exchange) used to develop LV for HP and his office was just around the corner from the HP VEE group. I think Dennis being who he is says a lot for LV. Ben
  15. This is weird. See this thread on the wrong forum. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...4&jump=true Ben
  16. Hi Alfa, I had the opertunity to watch "What the 'bleep' do we know" this week-end and it made me think of you. The "plot" was sorta lame but the interviews by the scientist were very interesting. If any of you are open for a mind bending experience (that is not demonstrated on spiders) give that film a listen. Warning: If you are comforatable with your view of the world, then do NOT watch that flick. Alfa, I'm sure you would say "See what I was talking about!" Take care all, Ben
  17. That reads like the warning meassge before South Park. "... and should not be viewed by anyone." Ben
  18. Ditto that! BTW I recieved my digest this AM. Ben
  19. Thanks Ton! I was hoping to get one good suggestion but youave me two. (Why did I limit it to only three beans?) Ben
  20. Is that a semi-transparent needle? Yes it is! Cool. Are you going to share? Ben
  21. Hi all, I have not read the whole thread here http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?showtopi...amp;#entry22451 but I'd like to ask a hypthetical (sp?) question. If I gave your three "magic beans" that when eaten would give you a password to any of the password protected VI's that ships with LV... Which three VI's would you use the "beans" on? Ben PS I am asking this question to learn more about what I have been missing. This is a re-post of the Q I posted to the previous thread as per Aristos Queues suggestion.
  22. Hi all, I have not read the whole thread but I'd like to ask a hypthetical (sp?) question. If I gave your three "magic beans" that when eaten would give you a password to any of the password protected VI's that ships with LV... Which three VI's would you use the "beans" on? Ben PS I am asking this question to learn more about what I have been missing.
  23. Thank you LV Punk for flipping that switch for me. At first I thought I was dealing with a snake, and then I thought it was a tree, and then again I thought it may have been a wall. :headbang: Ben
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