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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. Thenyou only choice is the picture control! Ben
  2. I think you have selected the right person to become the first TALM ! Chris' posting are one of the big reasons I check in regularly. I get a kick out his humour and "damit" he teaches me stuff while he is at it. Congratulations Chris! Ben
  3. I love it! First they have to learn how to take things apart.... War story time: When I was a teenager, my partner in crime (mentioned above) detroyed two perfectly good reel to reel tape decks in an attempt to build a variable delay "echoplex". To this day there is a running joke that comes up anytime we open a chassis that goes "Look out, they are going to make it BETTER". At least the chimbley survived (BTW the chimbley design introduced in the Rocket revolutionised the steam engine by creating a forced air draft through the fire box) Ben Chris, Pass along compliment to your brother from me. My father and brother do HO and G-scale)
  4. Excellent! Start 'em young. Get them hooked early. Good strategy. :thumbup: Ben
  5. For a pre-anotation solution you could use the code CC posted in this thread. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...ssage.id=125040 on the NI forum. In that example he controls all of the aspects of the cursor using a reference to the cursor legend. Un-fortunately that method has been shutdown for LV 8 or greater. And if none of the above help out, you can always use a picture control and "roll your own". If you go that route then this thread http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...4&jump=true contains a bunch of links that I have been collecting to help get stated with the Picture control. Here is a sample of what can be done with a pcture control (note:This example is NOT part of that thread). Ben
  6. I am too predicatble! In this thread I go on for pages talking about my model railraod. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...3&jump=true Here is a wide angle shot that includes the scratch built controller layout and the LabVIEW application that controls it. It is an N-scale (eg an N-Scale coal car is about as long as a four post LEGO block ) layout that is theoretically capable of handling 11 trains at the same time (after I code up the collision avoidence functionality). The most we can do now is three, and I say "we" because I can only handle two but my partner in crime can keep three going. Ben
  7. Did someone say bear? Oh no that was beer. :beer: In that case see this thread on the NI forum http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...=133303#M133303 But if you are really talking about BER, then tell us more about the device you are trying to test and do not hold back any details. We can handle it. Ben
  8. Adam, Thank you very much for updating this thread! Ben
  9. Thank you Chris. In its defense. A) I did not cross any wires. B) Its fun to watch in execution highlighting mode. Should I have posted this to the fifth dimension thread? (insert Twilight Zone music here). Ben
  10. Here is another new one for me. I often am asked to "just" make a small change to horendous code developed by others. Following long wires in a diagram is made easier by triple-clicking but as soon as you click off of the wire, you can get lost again. You can now pop-up on the wire and add a description that shows up when the help window is open and you float over the wire with the wiring tool. I wonder how long this has been around. Ben
  11. I have kept looking at Michael response mutiple times and I though the issue was an upper-case "D". After studying again I now see that the "c" and "o" are transposed. How I hate spelling ( american or otherwise) ! :headbang: Ben
  12. An answer but no question.... Jeopardy ! Hmmm.... How can I download images from a web-site.... No, no,no wait.... How can I increase sales of my book? :thumbup: I think you just sold another copy provided I can get permision from my wife of course. Ben
  13. I had to take a look after reading the others reaction. I got as far as "frame 0" spotted a race condition! So do you think the delay was a workaround for the race condition? I hope we never find out! The lower level VI may be good for harvesting syntax (I did not look). Ben
  14. Thank you Omar. I posted this to the Bug list here. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...6&jump=true Ben
  15. If you drop a compound arithmatic from the boolean palette is is configured as "OR". :thumbup: Ben
  16. ... and then imagine what the bull-pen full of debugging developers would sound like! Quoting myself; " ' We don't no stinkin' speakers' the only sound a computer should make, is the the sound of moving fans and relays opening and closing." Ben
  17. Chris, Your exachange with Aristos Queue prompts me to relay the message my wife used to have on her cubical wall that read; " You should not tease the IT manager. They do not have a sense of humour and they know the root password. " Ben
  18. Welcome back Alfa! Hows the family doing? How are you adjusting to being back home? Alfa wrote ".... We have another
  19. "Now that is a horse of a different color!" (Wizard of OZ) Download the latest and greatset VISA drivers and try it again. See this thread on the NI forum where I said more and the user has reported improvement. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...=215294#M215294 Ben
  20. I believe I learned that technique from a Jean-Pierre Drolet posting ( see my posting in the "Becoming an Expert" thread :thumbup: ). Ben
  21. YES! This would invalidate the half dozen threads where I explained what you just said! Serious now: I see no problem with that change and it would make the rings behave as many users expect. :thumbup: Thank you, Ben
  22. Does anyone else remember Dr. Suess' "The Star-bellied Sneaches" (sp?) It addresses the idea of a group that has a special gift using it as a reason to look down on others. Some of us were not given the gift of spelling. That does not mean that we can not communicate effectively. A rough quote from a hebrew tutorial illustrates. "F y cnt rd ths yv gt rcks n yr hd!" Now back to my pictograms and associated wiring. Ben
  23. I like the improvemnts to the auto-wiring functions. INI file functions will wire both the erro cluster and the file ref. Good. The "Insert" is also smarter. Click on an error cluster wire and do an "insert" it wires the cluster. Nice. Ben
  24. about once every 3 months or so. I direct them to public forums or sales. Ben
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