I once worked for a company that built a device that collected very large volumes of air samples and concentrated the particulate matter of those air samples into a fluid. It had to work in a wide range of temperatures and humidities and the sample size had to be consistent. The hotter and drier the ambient air the more fluid had to be dumped into the device to get the correct sample size and vice-versa and every combination in-between. To determine the correct flow rate for each combination of temperature and humidity manually would have taken months. So I had LabVIEW, an environmental test chamber, the "blower" that collected the air sample, the "collector" (kind of looked like a small stainless steel horn with tubes running in and out of it), syringe pumps, feet and feet of teflon tubing wrapped in brass wire transferring fluids all over the place, lab stands and jacks holding everything together, a balance, a pump that emptied the sample cup sitting on the balance, etc. etc. My LabVIEW code ran it all unattended for days at a time. It looked like a prop from a science fiction B movie. She was a real beaut. I had a blast putting that thing together and even more fun just watching it run.