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Mark Balla

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Everything posted by Mark Balla

  1. I am heading to NI Week again this year and bringing along my camera and mic. I'm taking request for sessions that you would like recorded. Please give me you top 2 to 3 choices. No promises but it will influence my decision. The session guide can be found Here Thanks Mark
  2. Certified 7-21-14 Placed in LabVIEW IDE category
  3. Certified 4-15-2014 Placed In the Custom Probes Category.
  4. Certified 3-29-14 Placed in Database and File IO
  5. Certified 3-28-2014 Placed in OOP
  6. Hi Sadraque, I was only able to look at the ATM code quickly so wasn't able to test functionality. Style looks good Documentation looks good. You should include some type of error handling. The way was it is written If an error occurs the application it will discard it. Mark
  7. Certified 12-1-2013 Placed in Database & File IO Category.
  8. I've been working on this Idea for a few years and have a tool in the CR that helps reduce the time it takes to fix the FP layout to the connector pane pattern. There are also videos showing how the tool works. FP SubVI Fixer ver 6 It doesn't do exactly what Jack is asking for but there is a lot of possible reuse code in the tool to help save you time and effort. Mark
  9. VI Shots did a video creating a basic project using Arduino and LabVIEW 007 VISV Getting Started With the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Michael also did a podcast on the Arduino 007 VISP Interview with the Developer of the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino
  10. Josh Bates from Rockwell Collins Has generously donated 3 additional videos that he recorded at NI week Bob Preis_LabVIEW Application Builder - Tips and Tricks for Deploying Desktop Applications Mike Aivaliotis_Making the Most of New User Event Features in LabVIEW 2013 What’s New in LabVIEW 2013 Thanks Josh
  11. They were temporarily moved to a different location until the 2013 rush slowed down. I just put them back along with the 2012 CLA videos.
  12. NIWeek 2013 videos are ready for download. http://lavag.org/topic/17040-niweek-2013-videos/
  13. The NIWeek 2013 Videos are compressed and ready for down load from Tecnova's ftp server All of the videos are files and are around 400 to 450 MB for an hour presentation. I would strongly recomend using an ftp client to transfer them to your computer. A web browser may work but if you want to download multiple viedos the ftp client makes things much easier. My ftp client of choise is FileZilla and it is free. FileZilla can be downloaded at http://filezilla-project.org/ If you are unfamiliar with FileZilla there is a youtube tutorial video found here Thanks to my IT department at Tecnova for giving me the space. V I Engineering has also volunteered the ftp server to help distribute the videos. Thank you Chris for your help. Use this log in information ftp://frc.tecnova.com login: LabVIEW_Videos pw: LabVIEW login and password is case sensitive. if you are using Filezilla your site manager window will look like this. For Use this log in information ftp://tahoe.viengineering.net/LabVIEW_Videos login: LabVIEW_Videos pw: LabVIEW login and password is case sensitive. if you are using Filezilla your site manager window will look like this. I compressed and uploaded these videos in a rush and didn't have time to look through them all so if you find issues please post to this thread. Please enjoy and share the videos with anyone you can. Mark
  14. Tecnova will be donating 3x Arduino Unos Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Ni also has created a free toolkit for LabVIEW to interface with the Arduino. If you want to see LabVIEW running Arduino in action check out this video from VI Shots.
  15. I Call Back Balcony. See you there
  16. The CLA 2013 videos are now available. The CLA 2013 videos are only posted on the Tecnova server. Enjoy Mark
  17. Submission was removed from the Code Repository due to locked code.
  18. Certified 2-18-2013 Placed in General Category
  19. I would put them in the code repository in the uncertified area found at http://lavag.org/files/category/12-uncertified/
  20. There is a website called LabVIEW Hacker . The idea is NI brings in college interns for a summer and lets them build anything they can dream up with LabVIEW. Last year at NI Week they showed an AR Drone controlled with LabVIEW. ​ Details and libraries can be found here Good luck on your project please let us know what selections you have made and how your project turns out Mark
  21. Certified 11-22-2012 Placed in Database & File IO.
  22. There was another person video recording sessions. I spoke with him at NI Week and he did record Darren's as well as other sessions. He promised to send me a DVD of all of his recordings and when I receive them I will upload them to the ftp. Mark
  23. I totally agree this was the best session of NI Week for me. Mostly because I had fallen into the same trap where I wasn't separating my states from my actions. I liked this session so much that our next user group will be using this as our main topic. Hopefully with Norm presenting in person. Keeping all the links in one place, If you are looking for the offical NIWeek 2012 youtube videos. They can be found
  24. Many of the slides for the presentations can be found at https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/niweek-2012?view=documents
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