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Aristos Queue

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Everything posted by Aristos Queue

  1. But this is different from the usual arguments for strict typing: the wire is strictly typed. And what other type could you have picked? Path doesn't convert to anything else.
  2. That's completely untrue. For easy contradiction, all the Value Changes on controls are in the subpanel VI. Mouse Over of panel is in both the subpanel and the owner VI.
  3. Something must be writing it. Try putting a breakpoint in <LabVIEW>\resource\dialog\lvconfig.llb\LV Config Write Numeric (I32).vi (make a backup copy of this llb first in case you need to restore it)
  4. Feature. That kind of magical backpropagation is rare in LV but a few nodes have implemented it. There's a lot of internal debate about how good an idea it is. Myself, I would rather the type terminal be a required input.
  5. The DETT does trace dynamic dispatch VIs. The issue affects the RTETT only.
  6. Yeah... I didn't even know this feature was being worked on, so I didn't advocate for any class items to be included in the set of supported options... Luckily the Create Accessor dialog already allows you to do multiple select within itself. And time. And staff. Which is why I've encouraged us to just focus on making LV self aware, so it can upgrade itself.
  7. Which VI did you pull that from? Because, yeah, the true case will never execute.
  8. No other data type can define its composition function. If you want to create a class to wrap a raw cluster type, that's easy enough to do. But something has to supply the data translation layer and no other type has that ability.
  9. Used to do so back in 2006. Worked, but didn't scale well beyond two modules in one app, for various reasons. Learned a lot since then about scaling up dataflow. Generally dropped the technique entirely these days -- avoiding anything that even remotely smacks of sharing state data anywhere in strong favor of message passing systems that scale much better in my experience. http://ni.com/actorframework But the notifiers are a reasonable starting point for exploration.
  10. Indeed. It makes your test bed more useful for refactoring "this shouldn't change functionality" type testing especially.
  11. You might be interested in this ongoing project of mine: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-24015 If I hadn't broken my hand a week ago, it would be making active progress toward completion, but it is fully functional for the ~15 data types so far supported, without variant overhead.
  12. The Infinite Reset Of Death dialog (that's what I call it anyway) almost never comes back in my experience, even though, as far as I can tell, it is always at least theoretically possible for it to come back. It's ancient code, deep in the execution system, but several years ago I went spelunking to try to figure it out. Seems to be -- and this is me not really understanding -- a tug of war in your code between a VI wanting to shut down and itself saying "Actually, wait, I'm not done with myself yet" and if the one process could ever get just a little more thread time, it could actually shut down. LV gets thoroughly hung because the UI thread is involved in the tug of war. That may be completely wrong. If anyone else chimes in claiming to know better, go with their answer. Regardless of the cause, I have waited multiple hours on that dialog, just to see, and only once of multiple tries did it unstick, and that happened after about 10 minutes. I treat it as a crash, myself, and if it occurs, I re architect to avoid it, though, as I say, I'm not really sure what causes it. What this means in practice is I change stuff until it goes away.
  13. No, it does not force the load. It is better IMHO to NOT test your private VIs ever. If you cannot test it through your public interface then it cannot happen. Your test suite is more usable for refactoring if you only test public interface. (lots of other arguments to make here but hand is tired... search lava... i think we've discussed this philosophy option before).
  14. Ah, but you can open a password protected diagram while the VI is running. You can't turn on debugging while it is running.
  15. the latest bug fix for Siri had an explicit fix for Australian accents listed in the upgrade notes.
  16. AlexA: you would also need a queue that is specifically typed to that specific message type. but the idea is generally correct.
  17. Debugging is a setting that requires changing compilation. Entering the password can be done without recompiling. Thus having a password does not imply turning on or turning off debugging. They're completely independent settings.
  18. Actually, they do exactly that. It is very common for building contracts to include clauses to make the new building more livable post-opening. The building is functional, but not necessarily usable. And there is always the possibility of a leak in some window or something like that.Software isn't special because it is harder. It's special because it is easier. Don't like the carpets in new building? Expensive to replace and lots of waste on top of developer time. Don't like app theme? Only developer time. Might as well run a beta and see if you've got it right.
  19. Consider making these into project templates for LV 2012 for those parts that do not overlap the shipping templates.
  20. Fixed. I had edited my XNode... the equivalent of the "conpane does not match" error for subVIs. I was playing around and forgot to undo my changes before posting the library.
  21. Martin: a slight variation on drjdpowell's suggestion, which works if it is not a constant: Add the value and a Boolean "has been set?". The data accessor VI that returns the value first checks the Boolean. If the value has never been set, it returns the default for that class (call the dynamic dispatch function exactly as described by drjdpowell above). If it has been set, it returns whatever value has been stored into the object.
  22. The optimization is *already* in LV 2013. I saw the changelist go through about two weeks ago. This should not be taken as a promise that it will still be in 2013 when all is said and done -- features have been backed out before -- but I think this one is a fairly safe bet.
  23. Did you install the Error Ring XNode from the web or something? This shouldn't happen with the one that ships with LV 2012. (And you probably don't shy away from them... lots of nodes in the palettes are XNodes but don't look like it.)
  24. Prototype of my Serialization library now available (JSON, XML, your favorite format...)
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