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hooovahh last won the day on December 20 2024

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    Detroit MI

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    LabVIEW 2020
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  1. Well regardless of the reason, what I was trying to say is that references opened in a VI, get closed when the VI that opens them goes idle.
  2. This sounds like the expected behavior of LabVIEW. Many references go idle and the automatic garbage collector takes care of it, if the VI that made the reference goes idle. I'd suggest redesigning your software to handle this in a different way. Like maybe initializing the interface in a VI that doesn't go idle.
  3. I think everything in here is the expected behavior. As Crossrulz said an array can be empty, if one of the dimensions are zero, but other dimensions aren't. Yes this can cause things like a FOR loop to execute with an empty array. Lets say I have some loop talking to N serial devices. Each device will generate an array of values. So if I index those values coming out of the loop, it will create a 2D array. Now lets say I want to close my N serial devices. A programmer may ask how many devices are there? Well you can look at the number of Rows in that 2D array and it will be the number of devices that were used earlier. We might run that 2D array from earlier into a FOR loop and close each of them. But what if each of the N serial devices returned an empty array? Now if arrays worked like you expected, then the 2D array is empty and the loop should run zero times. But LabVIEW knows the 2D array has N rows, and 0 columns. So it can run the loop N times. This isn't the exact scenario, but something like this is a reason why you might want your 2D array to be empty, but have a non zero number of rows. You want it to run some other loop on the rows, even if the columns are empty.
  4. Glad it eventually worked for you. After several spammers took over LAVA extra restrictions were put on account creation. I suspect this is part of the issue you had.
  5. I never thought about it because of muscle memory. But logically it should be there.
  6. I did do something similar years ago and posted the code here. With a youtube link demoing the graph functions. I never actually used it on a real project but put some decent time into the UX. It also allows for dragging out the graph into a new semi transparent window. It is not a generic framework, and mostly a proof of concept that could be used in an application, if you don't mind the various limitations, and restrictions.
  7. I don't have anything to contribute to the development here. Only to say that I really like this type of function, and looking at your source it sure looks efficient. Thanks for sharing.
  8. This is pretty accurate. I know one ex-coworker in particular had an RSS feed push to his Outlook every post on LAVA. When LAVA had a major crash his Outlook was used to restore as much content as was possible. As for the content moderation, we try to self police our selves, enough to not get on NI's bad side. I have very rarely ever needed to intervein. One time I had to ask one user, to tread carefully on the topic they were sharing, but I did not delete any content or post. Thanks for the additional history. Jim has mentioned this story to me in the past but I didn't remember the details. I believe there was a meeting with NI where they were insisting that the scripting code wouldn't be made public, and someone called their bluff basically stating the tools for scripting are already being made by the community, and that if these were good enough for NI to use, we should also have access to them.
  9. You shouldn't need to delete and reinsert for the icon to be updated. Just close and reopen the builder if it is open to have it refresh.
  10. That's because you didn't add it. The Palette does not show all VIs. It is a place where you can add your VIs, or directories that you want it to show. If you added a VI, and the package builder already has it open, then click File >> Close, then pick your project in the new window. Then go to Palette, then Right Click >> Insert >> Control or VI and pick your new VI. This video shows some of the process even if it is older.
  11. Why would you repeat steps 1 and 2 every time? Just open the the VIPB you made from the last build you made, then click Build Package. The Palette you made previously will only have items removed if the file it references no longer exists. You may also want to update the Release Notes or Change Log with every release but realistically that's all you should have to do. Is your Source Directory and palette getting wiped away after each build?
  12. VIPM has an package builder that is free, and has some really nice features. One of them is the ability to make a palette laying out items how you want. Then installing this package will give the user the API you want them to see. You don't need to create the MNU files your self manually, but if you do use the Palette API built into LabVIEW which lets you read and write MNU files.
  13. Probably. Again NI-CAN drivers, which you need to use your 8473, only work on LabVIEW 32 bit. Do you have LabVIEW 32 bit installed? Do you have the NI-CAN drivers installed? Do you see the "CAN" palette under Measurement IO? If not then you need to resolve this. Sorry.
  14. No you can't. This lets you use XNet hardware (which I don't think you have) but use the older NI-CAN drivers. This was intended to help developers transition to the newer XNet hardware but use their old software. You cannot use any XNet sessions on the 8473 hardware.
  15. I can't open it at the moment it is new too of a version. But based on the name it looks like it is again using the XNet drivers not the NI-CAN. You need these drivers for the USB-8473.
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