This is pretty accurate. I know one ex-coworker in particular had an RSS feed push to his Outlook every post on LAVA. When LAVA had a major crash his Outlook was used to restore as much content as was possible. As for the content moderation, we try to self police our selves, enough to not get on NI's bad side. I have very rarely ever needed to intervein. One time I had to ask one user, to tread carefully on the topic they were sharing, but I did not delete any content or post. Thanks for the additional history. Jim has mentioned this story to me in the past but I didn't remember the details. I believe there was a meeting with NI where they were insisting that the scripting code wouldn't be made public, and someone called their bluff basically stating the tools for scripting are already being made by the community, and that if these were good enough for NI to use, we should also have access to them.