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Neil Pate

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Everything posted by Neil Pate

  1. I actually had a similar experience when first moving everything to the new OpenG structure. It broke heaps of stuff (even inside its own OpenG stuff), so I rolled back the change. Some time later I tried again, and think I did have to deal with a bit of pain initially with relinking or maybe some missing stuff, but since then things have been stable.
  2. Put the acquire image and save to file in the event structure timeout case, but only write to file conditionally (i.e. if the user has clicked the button)
  3. ok, a couple of things to address. The IMAQ close error probably happens because there is no open session the first time. It would probably be fine just to silence that error by clearing it. The first error is a bit surprising as you dont have a timeout value wired into the case-structure so I would have expect that portion of the code to never execute. Another slightly strange thing is the name of the VI in the error message does not match the name of the VI in your code (IMAQ Write BMP vs IMAQ AVI 2 Write Frame). Try wire a value into the timeout (like 1000 ms or something like that) and move your acquisition code into that event., I do not currently have the vision toolkit installed so cannot test your code.
  4. @Natiq this (non-functional example) should be enough to get you started. The weird arrow thing on the boundaries of the while loop is a shift register. The event structure can also be configured to have a timeout case where you can then perform other stuff, like reading your image and writing it to the reference on the the shift register. There is heaps of information out there (YouTube for example), a bit of searching will lead to some more details.
  5. You have not implemented the Event Structure.
  6. Close should be inside the loop. Before you start a new file you would close the old one. The file reference you get from opening the file would be put onto a shift register so that you can access it in the next iteration of the while loop. Can you share your code?
  7. You are likely getting only 1 video because you are re-using the same filename. There are a bunch of ways to solve your problem. For me the easiest would be to look to using an Event Structure as this stops you from needing to poll the button all the time. Do a bit of googling to see how the Event Structure works. (tip, you will configure an event that responds to the save button click, and in that event you will prompt for a new filename (or autogenerate with timestamp) and then open a reference to this new file).
  8. Welcome back! Yes we remember you 🙂 So I think you can now actually buy perpetual licenses again. I have not needed to do this myself as my org has an enterprise agreement with NI, but it is possible (I think...)
  9. A is for Argumentative, right?
  10. Yeah it is getting out of hand. Like others have mentioned, I used to browse here daily (often multiple times per day) but since the spam bots took over I stopped coming altogether.
  11. Back again today, new user related I think
  12. ^ 100% all these things.
  13. Interesting! I never actually tested my assumption.
  14. Will be in the order you specify the channels, so 1,7,3,6
  15. You are trying to run before you can walk. Try and get something (anything!) to display on the 3d graph. Read some docs to understand how to use its API. Once you understand the data you need to pass into it you should be able to display something on it. Then you will need to figure out how to get the actual measurements/information you care about to be displayed.,
  16. Pasting this here for others to see in case they don't want to download the VI. OK, so it looks like you "just" need to update the graph now. What have you tried so far?
  17. What have you done so far?
  18. Don't give them any ideas!
  19. Hi Diac, What in particular do you need help with as you ask about how to implement the whole project! If you have something working with an ESP32 try and mimic the implemention in LabVIEW
  20. Hi @greatjames don't take this personally but are you are human? I really don't think it is appropriate for an LLM to generate content in response to advice on something as nuanced as a LabVIEW career.
  21. We do not have too many Chinese readers on this forum, so you will probably have more success if you try in English
  22. I have not used that Windows API before. Why don't you just resize the window to as big as the area you want to remain?
  23. Nice! I did not know about this.
  24. This question can be interpreted a bunch of ways. Can you explain with a bit more detail? Maybe show us some pictures?
  25. Wow this thread is a blast from the past. I have actually used LapDog in a project many years ago! And Steve called it: I remember reading this thread and totally glossing over this idea, which I now 100% support.
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