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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. Hi all, I've just had a look at the drag & drop example that comes with LabVIEW and I was wandering if and how I could use this technique to transfer cluster values between 2 instances of the same EXE. Anyone has done something similar? Any advice?
  2. Just a quick wild guess : amongst the reasons for a VI to have this option gray-out, you'd find "this VI is currently running, or is a dependency of another VI that is running", there are probably other reasons of course. Can you give more details concerning your use case? Is a part of your code running when you have this issue? Is your VI part of a class or lvlib that is protected, etc...
  3. Good questions... I don't know the answers. I can't edit my previous post, you're right, I should have described it differently. I personally don't use the JKI Fast Mass Compile Tool but I know it exists and I thought it could help petit_spirou.
  4. Sorry I'm a bit short in time so I'm only going to give you a few links : - LabVIEW Tray Launcher : is a n app (built in LabVIEW that lets you launch any LabVIEW version that's on you computer - JKI Fast Mass Compile : a mass compile utility that's faster than NI's These links should help you with your project, good luck!
  5. No, I simply wanted to zip a folder and all its content, so I'm going to use LabVIEW's ZIP VIs form the ~\example\file\Zip Tool.llb Thanks for your answers anyway.
  6. Hi, Is it a known limit of OpenG LabVIEW ZIP Library that it doesn't work with LabVIEW 64 bit (2011 SP1 on Windows 7 64 bit in my case) or is it just a problem on my computer? When I mass compiled the package after installing it with VIPM it turned out that quite a few VIs were broken. It seems that the issue is that lvzlib.dll is 32 bit only and therefore won't work in 64 bit LabVIEW.
  7. I've seen this in Italy, nowhere else.
  8. Our default is : %<%Y%m%d_%Hh%Mm%S>T most of our customers have no specific requirements about that and would accept anything we offer, we never needed sub-second in our applications. Only once someone asked for week number.
  9. Have you ever been through the NI Software Activation process for a computer without internet? So much hassle and possible mistake... vote for a smartphone app to facilitate the process!
  10. this is probably the idea with the most duplicate ideas I guess NI added up the votes, it's not only a great idea but it's also vital for the developers sanity!
  11. Never heard of that, never read that in any doc... Is there a way in Windows to monitor the GPU's activity?
  12. Yes, it gets tricky quickly. With trees you also other things to be carefull about if you want to auto-show/hide the horizontal scroll : are symbols visible? is the vertical scroll visible? how wide is your scroll? etc... Have fun!
  13. I do - great tool by he way! - I just new dug into it
  14. Any way to make the new version (2.4) support LV2010? Starts from 2011 at the moment... cheers.
  15. Want more scripting capabilities around the event structure? vote here!
  16. I suggest you take a look a the article listed here, interesting comparison between SVN, Mercurial, Git and Bazaar before making a choice. Hope this helps
  17. for some reason I'm not allowed to report blog posts, here is a spam : http://lavag.org/blog/13/entry-35-lv-offre-est-arriva-a-la-sixiame-rejeton-are-raelle-associae/ And here's what I see when I try to report it :
  18. Can't vote twice Wouldn't it be cool if, say for 100 kudos received on the forum (not on idea exchange) or for 20 "accepted solutions" you would get an extra vote for the idea exchange?
  19. Better late than never... Here's the link to a github rep that I called XControls, it contains : - the password XControl with some new features (auto-replace a new character with a * after a delay, delay is a property of the XControl) - a tree XControl that I found somewhere on the web and never had the time to edit - AQ's LED XControl example mentioned above (I used it to learn some tricks) - a magic ring XControl, it's a work in progress - other example XControls that I found on the web https://github.com/AntoineChalons/XControls.git
  20. In the high level "write" VI, the "float format" control in not connected to the subVI
  21. If anyone thinks the State Diagram Editor was a good tool and want it back, vote up!
  22. I think the "0" is reserved for "no symbol". If you insert an empty image at the beginning of your array, you wil get what you expect. Hope this helps
  23. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/quot-ROI-change-quot-event-on-image-display-control/idi-p/1999021 Catch ROI change events on image display controls
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