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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. 's just asked the customer if the WIFI cable was plugged correctly

  2. I've just posted posted a feature request on NI LabVIEW Idea Exchange to ask for a native LV way to that, if you're tired of using .NET go and vote for it! http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Add-quot-place-in-recycle-bin-quot-options-to-quot-Delete-quot/idi-p/1601294
  3. Hi Hugo, I see one advantage for the solution I posted, it doesn't need to read (via property node) the current state - deferred or not - because the current state is held in the shift register. And like your solution it only sets the state if necessary. It might not be very important but my solution only opens the panel ref once and closes it when the App is shut down
  4. All right, let's start from the beginning, what I call an action engine is also sometimes called a FGV (functional global variable) or USR (un-initialized shift register) or LV2 global, if you search the forum for these terms you'll find clear definitions for them. But basically, the block diagram I posted is a subVI that you call once at the initialization of you application in "init" mode and feed it with the panel ref of your main front panel (here I'm assuming you have mono-front panel user interface), then the shift register will keep that panel ref during all the execution of your application AND it will also retain the last state you set, therefore from anywhere in the application you can call again this subVI to set the defer panel update ON or OFF and the change will be made only when necessary. Here's a hint :
  5. Don't report, simply report your message to moderator and ask for the post to be moved. Regarding your question, here's my suggestion : When you start your application, put the panel ref into an action engine (init case) and then where-ever when-ever in the application call the action engine to set which-ever state (deferred / un-deferred) you want. Hope this helps
  6. At the moment it's only available to users who have an account registered in the USA, is there any plan to open it up to a wider base?
  7. Well.. I've made the code, now you can make the user interface, is there anything that blocks you?
  8. Yes you can do that, it's not too complicated, see this example that comes up when called, wait a few second and goes away. You can place it in antoher VI like you would put the "two button dialog" primitive. The VI is in LV 8.6, let me know if you have question about it. no button dialog.vi
  9. Hi, You can use a property node to set the "value" or the "value (signaling)" property of your combo box, the difference between the two is that the first one will NOT generate a value change event on the combo box (event that you might want to detect with an event structure). So, populate you combo box with you device list, check if a known device is connected, if yes, set the combo box value to the name of that connected device. Quick example attached in LV 8.6 Hope this helps combo box.vi
  10. new website looks nice www.qmt.ch (no english version yet though)

  11. Those who want to weigh in, you can support it on the NI LabVIEW idea exchange.
  12. I don't understand what you mean by that... Here is another try, using a function global (FGV) to store the "database" so that you can use it anyhwere in you main VI after it has been loaded. Hope this helps main vi Folder.zip
  13. really nice
  14. Support the iPad as an RT target I wander if that idea would get good ratings on NI Idea exchange
  15. A custom send me that link and asked if we could deploy our LabVIEW applications on the iPad.
  16. hi, I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean but maybe you could use variant attributes for that, I think it's pretty cool to associate a name (string) to set set of parameters. See quick example attached in LV8.6. Hope this helps variabt example.vi
  17. Legend! That's perfect, thanks a lot!
  18. Hi, Yes, if I was the developer of both apps I could do that but in my case app_a.exe is in fact VBAI (developed by NI). Until recently the port could be read in the INI file of the exe, bu t now that the VBAI engine is instantiable, each instance will allocate itself a port dynamically. I'm pretty sure there is "LabVIEW way" to determine the port that was dynamically allocated though.
  19. Hi Tim, I don't understand what you mean, can you explain how you would do that practically? I dug a bit more into my specific issue which is to communicate with Vision Builder Engines (VBAI 2010), the VBAI API lets you start multiple VBAI Engines on a computer and basically I put some custom plugins in VBAI and try to access data contained in those from LabVIEW. The issue was to know what port to use for each VBAI Engine, I found a solution (see attached) : in the API.llb there is a VI to do just that "Service Provider Get Info.vi". It solves my problem. But still I was wondering how it works (of course it is password protected)... Any clue?
  20. trying to communicate with VBAI 2010 Engine

  21. Hi all, Let's say I have app_a.exe and app_b.exe two LabVIEW applications. app_a.exe is instantiable and allocates itself a VIServer port dynamically - a different one for each instance of course. How can app_b.exe find out the VIServer port of each app_a.exe instance?
  22. Like this : And now that LAVA has been upgraded, here is the VI I was talking about earlier : u64_generate or load.vi Hope this helps
  23. Here's the link to NI's web site for VDM / LabVIEW compatibility : http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/244E6DDF9A92A6CD8625730100629047
  24. your image is pretty big, so to avoid the error maybe you can use the function "IMAQ get file info" to get the size of the image and pre-allocate the right size when you use the IMAQ create.
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