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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. If you send me your email address via PM I can email you an example since LAVA apparently ran out of disk space... What version of LabVIEW are you using? (I have 8.5, 8.6 and 2010)
  2. Same for me, can't upload PNG file in a post or in a PM. Using Firefox 4.
  3. Hi, I have IMAQ 4.5 and here's what I can do. Not sure which version of IMAQ introduced the grey U16... [screenshot won't upload , probably related to that, anyway it works fine for me with IMAQ 4.5] If you just need to extract a color pane top display it and don't need to have a greyscale u16 to do processing on it then you can create a second RGB U64 and use the "color image to array" function and extract only the red pand from the 2D array (by replacing the other panes with 0). Just an idea... hope this helps
  4. Here is a simple modicifation of the VI you posted on the first thread. I used another VI for the rake, I think it's easier to use. Hope this helps 10 ATTEMPT AT IMAQ.vi
  5. Hi, Since you didn't answer back on this thread I thought you found out how to do it. Are you still at the same point or do you go any further? You're not far from the solution, with you inner and outer circles you can define an annulus and then use the Annulus to ROI vi to then use the rake. Do you need an example?
  6. la Terre est un village où seul les mauvaises nouvelles font du bruit

  7. is 100% unsuccessful with VIPM 2010 :-¦

  8. Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen.

  9. Hello, Your attempt is not bad. My suggestion would be that you use the function "ROI to Annulus" with the first 2 ROIs you define, then combine the these 2 annulus into one and then use the "Annulus to ROI" so you can perform the rake. Secondary question, have you used VBAI as a starting point? If yes I could send you an example inspection with images that might help you. Hope this helps
  10. Ok, thank for the explanations, I was hopping to find a way to spare myself upgrading my project to 8.6, but as you said, I'll have to chose between that and not using the feature.
  11. oldman: "students are stupid because they don't vote for me, don't let'em vote"

  12. Yes, I saw Rolf's post that's about the same subject. I'm not sure what all this implies. Now the point is that in LV 8.6 I can pass the ref of an image display indicator and so edit it from another VI and in LV 8.5 I can't
  13. Men... we struggle here each time we try to hire a new LabVIEW developer... The situation here (Switzerland) is weird, the economy is pretty active and rather stable, but there is a huge lack of engineers. We are 6 developers here, only one is Swiss (2 french, 1 german, 1 italian), this shows how Switzerland is hiring its engineers from the countries around I think. At NIDays in Zurich last week there was a stage discussion and NI's branch manager was pointing out this issue for Switzerland.
  14. Hi, I haven't dug into it but I'm pretty confident you can find a lot of inspiration in this example : http://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-15359 Hope this will be of interest
  15. Hi all, The image display indicator is giving hard time (in LV 8.5), on the block diagram, I create a reference to my image display indicator and then try to create a control form the reference... it doesn't work, no error shows up, it's just like LabVIEW ignores the action. After digging a bit I saw that if I just open LabVIEW, create a new VI, place a generic control ref constant on the diagram and try to select "ImageControl" class, it's not possible because it's not in the list. Then if I place a image display control on the front panel, the "imageControl" item appears in the selectable class list under "control" but at the end - not alphabetically sorted. That leads me to think that this control is somewhat a bit special in LabVIEW. Anyone can explain that to me? [EDIT] Ha! Even more interesting... I could create an Image Control ref terminal using scripting in LV 8.5 but the VI that contains it will always have a broken arrow (because the VI cannot be compiled) and most the time I would have a LV crash when trying to save the VI. BUT, after LV 8.5 crashes if I open the VI in LV8.6, the VI will work fine. Trying to save for previous version that VI from LV 8.6 will lead to a crash... So I have a solution for 8.6 but not for 8.5... Anyone can help? PS: here is the trick to create the image control ref terminal in 8.5. script.vi test.vi
  16. There is a way I think, you should have a look at the CCT, it has a function to put data into windows' clipboard.
  17. OpenG is still suffering from a lot of spam
  18. Hi, That's about 26Mbyte/s that you have to save to disk, what's the maximum duration? Maybe you could avoid the RAID and just have a good SSD (the Crucial C300 256Go is a pretty nice product!). A few years ago I made a small streaming system with a non-triggered Basler Camera - A2xx I think - 60fps, 8bit, don't remember the frame size. At the time the most efficient method I found was IMAQ > BMP > Disk and wait till the acquisition ends to generate the AVI file. SDDs didn't exist nor NI streaming hardware so we just got an HP workstation with a built-in RAID, it worked just fine. Also, in April 2007 I made a compression filter benchmark - in french, but that might help anyway. hope this helps
  19. NIDays Swiss ppt done... finally

  20. I did work a there a bit during summer break when I was a student... but my mum and my dad both work at Saphir... That's a good enough reason to me. Yes, Saphir was the first NI Alliance Member in France, but Qualimatest has been an NI Select Integrator (the level above) since 2001 (maybe the first in Europe?) so it's a nice company as well. And there is a big lake in Geneva, you don't get that near Saphir. And being in Switzerland (where rugby is not popular at all, and totally amateur) I get to play in the top national league and some of my team-mates play for the Swiss national team, in France (where rugby is a professional sport) I would play in 10th division. Maybe...
  21. I feel lucky, I didn't have to look very far for a mentor :-o
  22. chose your logo carefully :-o http://tinyurl.com/4n5x9la

    1. Phillip Brooks

      Phillip Brooks

      Je parle francais un petite peu, mais les photos parlez beaucoup!

    2. Antoine Chalons

      Antoine Chalons

      yep.. to be honest i didn't even read the article, i just laughed at the pictures :D

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