Hi all,
The image display indicator is giving hard time (in LV 8.5), on the block diagram, I create a reference to my image display indicator and then try to create a control form the reference... it doesn't work, no error shows up, it's just like LabVIEW ignores the action.
After digging a bit I saw that if I just open LabVIEW, create a new VI, place a generic control ref constant on the diagram and try to select "ImageControl" class, it's not possible because it's not in the list. Then if I place a image display control on the front panel, the "imageControl" item appears in the selectable class list under "control" but at the end - not alphabetically sorted.
That leads me to think that this control is somewhat a bit special in LabVIEW.
Anyone can explain that to me?
Even more interesting... I could create an Image Control ref terminal using scripting in LV 8.5 but the VI that contains it will always have a broken arrow (because the VI cannot be compiled) and most the time I would have a LV crash when trying to save the VI.
BUT, after LV 8.5 crashes if I open the VI in LV8.6, the VI will work fine. Trying to save for previous version that VI from LV 8.6 will lead to a crash...
So I have a solution for 8.6 but not for 8.5...
Anyone can help?
PS: here is the trick to create the image control ref terminal in 8.5.