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Thang Nguyen

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Everything posted by Thang Nguyen

  1. I think I should use front panel data binding.
  2. Hi, I have a DSC Modbus server which includes some Shared Variables. I tried to use the event register to catch the event which if one shared variable is changed value. What I did is in the picture. But if one shared variable in one type of register is changed value (for example 10004), all of the remain shared variable in the same type of register generate the event even their values are not changed at all? I don't know how to separate the one which really change the value form the event. I don't want to use the method of comparing the new value with the value stored in shift register based on some reasons. Please tell me how to solve this issue. Thank you, Thang Nguyen
  3. QUOTE (freddayz @ Jul 1 2008, 04:28 PM) You can consider parameters as input terminals. So what wrong with connecting the output result of the RtxServiceDevices)(void) to the terminal of RtxConfigPollingMode() dll function?
  4. Should I use an addition indicator to inform the HMI the current status of the I/O Server, so the HMI know how to deal with the control?
  5. QUOTE (sachsm @ Jul 1 2008, 06:36 AM) To build the DSC I/O Server, first of all we have to build a custom VI then after that we publish all of the necessary controls and indicators to network shared variable and the communication between HMI and I/O Server through these shared variables. Currently I am working on the custom VI about the interface between this VI with HMI. Thanks.
  6. Hi, I am working on a custom periodic I/O DSC server. The article about building the Periodic I/O Server says that I cannot use the local variable, property node, or control reference for the controls or indicators I want to publish. But I have a simple case like this. I want to build a feature which handle the reset signal the device communicated with system by the I/O server. I use a boolean control as the interface to signal when the I/O Server send the reset command to the device. But after sending the signal, I need to clear the true value so it will not do it again in the next polling state. Without using local variable and property not, I don't know how I should do this. I still cannot thing another way, so I ask for help. Thank you for your time. Thang
  7. @Athony: You are right. My problem is, in the initialize ActiveX, I used a register event callback VI node. I tried to use the "initialize array" module to build an array of callback VI reference with only one callback VI reference. I have just tried to create seperate callback VIs and use the "build array" module to build the input reference for my callback register function. And it looks like the problem is solved. @Ton: your idea is really good. Even my first solution is wrong but when I use your methode, I can handle the hang situation. I also use the execution.state to track the sate of the VI. If it got hang the state will be "Bad". This is the first time I know how to use this property . Thank you guys.
  8. @tcplomp: I am testing using your method. I also try with the property node return the state of the execute VI. QUOTE (bmoyer @ Jun 25 2008, 02:41 PM) @Bruce: the PC will hang at the first frame. The 2nd frame has no chance to start. I am still testing it. Let you know when I got sth
  9. Hi, After I try the code in the picture, it still cannot help. The PC got hang means nothing run anymore. If I turn on the hightlight to track, everything runs fine. But I don't turn on the hightlight, the PC got hang. Do you have any recommendation?
  10. Hi, I am working on a project which require to use an activeX module to communicate with another system. When I intialize the communication, sometime it got hang, sometime it's not. I try to use the delay module, but it didn't help. I would like to know how to implement a timeout module or watchdog so I can jumpout of the subVI. I intend to use this module (picture is attached) inside the subVI dealling with initialize the activeX module, but it stop the whole program. Do you have any suggestion? Thank you, Thang
  11. QUOTE (normandinf @ Jun 19 2008, 11:12 AM) Thank Normandinf. I haven't thought about passing the Subpanel reference.
  12. QUOTE (Yren @ Jun 19 2008, 09:20 AM) You should at least start doing something before asking the question. I also feel interesting about your topic, but you should provide more information like Antonie questions.
  13. Hi, I have a situation which I need your recommendation. I have a main VI A which has a subpanel. I have 2 subVI B1 and B2. First of all, I load B1 into the subpanel of A. Now inside the B1 VI, I have a button which call for B2. What I want is when I click on this button, the VI A will load the B2 VI into the subpanel. There is also another button on this B2 VI to turn back to the B1 VI. My solution is I pass a reference of one trigger button on the main VI, and I try to generate the signal form the B1 VI to inform main VI close the B1 VI itself and load the B2 VI. I don't know if this solution is a right way to do or not. I am looking for a smatter solution. Currently I am still working on my solution. There is something wrong about the reference and I also get this error message: "The VI is not in a state compatible with this operation." So I hope you can help me. THank you so much, Thang Nguyen
  14. This is how you get data from callback VI
  15. Hi, I want to ask a question. Is it true that the program will wait for 1 sec to get data for the first time reading the number of samples set by the rate? So in this case the whole system will be late by 1 sec. Is it true? Thank you
  16. I need to confirm that I understand right or wrong: If at the setting time DAQmx, I put Continuous Samples at the sample mode input,and set a constant rate x samples/sec, it means that the system will polling countinously with that rate into a buffer, and the data will be changed by the rate. Or when ever the program meet the DAQmx, it will wait for 1 sec to get enough data for the rate then return the data? But what is the relation between rate with samples per channel? If the buffer is full, will data be refilled from the start of the buffer. Where we can set the size of the buffer? Thank you, Thang Nguyen. In the second picture, I use a timeout for the queue to make the data acquisition run continuously.
  17. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Mar 1 2008, 12:44 AM) Ton, The rate = 200, does it mean 200 samples/sec? Actually I try not use the delay before, but I still get the error. So I am quite confuse about this setting time.
  18. Hi everybody, I need help for setting the rate for DAQmx. I have an application and I need to acquire data at 200 samples/sec. I did use the dynamic VI to do Data Acquisition which is seperate with the main VI. My problem is I don't know how to set the timing right. I try to set number of sample per channel to 200 and the rate in DAQmx Read to 200, but I received the error. Error -200279 occurred at DAQmx Read (Analog 1D Wfm NChan NSamp).vi:2 Possible reason(s): Measurements: Attempted to read samples that are no longer available. The requested sample was previously available, but has since been overwritten. Increasing the buffer size, reading the data more frequently, or specifying a fixed number of samples to read instead of reading all available samples might correct the problem. I don't quite understand relation between the number of sample per channel with the rate. I attach here my screenshots. Thank you so much for your time reading this question. Thang Nguyen
  19. QUOTE(AnalogKid2DigitalMan @ Feb 8 2008, 02:42 PM) I think these are really important information to consider. Making a circuit to drive a motor at 200V with a large current may cost you many MOSFETs for testing . In this case you should use a heatsink with a dimension correspondent to the current.
  20. Hi everyone, I am working on a project which requires communicating with multiple similar devices. The communication with these devices is done through ActiveX, so I need multiple Callback VIs to process the tasks. But these Callback VIs have the same functions. Currently, I create the callback VI by right click on the VI Ref input of Reg Event Callback property node and select create Callback VI. I wonder if there is anyway more effective such as using multiple instants of only one VI (use reentrant). It likes we can put the Reg Event Callback property node in the For Loop and connect with an array of VI. I try to put the VI ref inside an array constant but I cannot do that. And event I can do that, I don't know how to identify these instants incase I need to debug them. Thank you for your time. Thang Nguyen
  21. QUOTE(gammalight @ Feb 5 2008, 10:54 AM) If you use crossover cable, you should use the same 3 IP address fields which is 169.254.92.xxx in your case. Because you use, there is no way the host computer can communicate with the cRIO. That's what I think.
  22. Hi everybody, I would like to ask you for recommendation to build the DSC VI server in LabVIEW 8.5. I would like to make a VI Server which controls 6 similar devices. In each device I have multiple controls, indicators. I think about building the clusters which will group these variables together so I have only to build one time. After deploying the server, I will have only some of shared variables instead of thousand of separate shared variables. This is a big server which will control and monitor thousand of variables. The idea is I don't know if it will be convenient to control a signal or read a sensor's parameter or not. This is the reason why I want to ask for your recommendations before I try it myself. Thank you so much for your time. Thang Nguyen
  23. Hi, I have a callback VI which works with a communication activeX. The return data has one element with variant type. The display of variant element is:Value-> Array (Non Displayable). I want to get this data but I cannot. I did try to use Variant To Data VI or Variant to Flat String VI, but I still get nothing. Do you have any idea?
  24. QUOTE(Darren @ Oct 15 2007, 02:13 PM) Could you please tell me where I can find the BDWin property node? I am currently working on the callback VI with ActiveX, and I have no clue how it works. Thank you so much, Thang Nguyen
  25. Maybe you should try with the Property Value (Signaling) of the boolean control. This also generate the event for the boolean control. You put a delay before assign the input for this property node and put the boolean control in the event structure. Thang Nguyen
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