It came down the pipe yesterday as an update, of course I did the custom update option and removed it from the download list (for now). I'm sure there will be many IE7 specific 'patches' that will follow shortly.
B&B electronics offers a product from AutoTap- a serial/USB interface converter for OBD II interfaces. Very slick.
Are you using the correct termination character upon read to correctly parse the data? The instrument manual should define what character(s) are required. Usually \r\n
National Instruments will provide 64-bit hardware drivers after Vista is available in 2007.
See last line in section 3:
Judging from MS's track record on releasing mainstream OS's, we can expect 64 bit drivers in 200n (insert integer of choice, 7<=n<=9)
Here's a list of expected drivers from NI:
Yes, I too thought it was or was on it's way out. Upon checking, it's still in the printed catalog and looks like it is at v6.x. The discussion board on NI for Lookout still looks pretty active.
SCADA = Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. So LabVIEW can provide the supervisory control portion in conjuction with a DAQ card or communications port can comprise the data acquisition portion.
Unless you meant South Carolina Automotive Dealers Association, all I can suggest is the 'auto' wiring tool
Same thing down here. I'm running out of room on the shelf! Have thought about getting binders with CD sleeves in them as an alternative with all the paper documentation in a separate pocket.
Could you take 6 digital photos of the holder, one for each of the positions. Then based on the setting of your sample selection control, dipslay the appropriate picture in one of LabView's native picture controls?
Pretty cool! :thumbup:
It would be neat to wire up logic to simulate TTL circuits, flip flops, counters, timers, display decoders, muxes. A good learning tool too.
And speak of the devil, my 8.20 from SSP came in this morning. Packaged in a nice soft CD caddy
Oddly enough, it contains individual LV8, 8.01, and 8.2 CD's for some reason.
Head mounted detectors could be applied, camera would have a harder time maintaining the field of view too. Low pass filtering/hysteresis should assist in ignoring blinks