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Clarification re "Register for Events"

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Occasionally, I find the conciseness of the LabVIEW documentation a bit lacking.  Here's an example that I would appreciate some assistance with.


As shown in the screenshot below, the documentation for the "Register for Events" function states that the event source reference must be to a "local object" and not a "remote object".  I'm assuming that:

  1. the term "object" here refers to an "application, VI, control or user event";
  2. "local" means on the same physical platform as that on which the Register for Events function is located; and,
  3. "remote" means on a separate physical platform from the platform on which the Register for Events function is located.

Can anyone confirm these assumptions, or better yet, point me to NI documentation that defines these terms?


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


(PS - The screenshot below is from LabVIEW 2012, but LabVIEW 2013 has the same description)


-John Bergmans


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So I did a quick test out of curiosity.  I created two projects, in the same version of LabVIEW.  So this should be two different application instances.  In one project I got a reference to a boolean control, then used type cast get the array of bytes that the reference represents. In the other project I typed in the array of bytes then used type cast to convert the data back to reference.  Then I registered for the reference on a value change.  To my surprise I could actually register for the control, and it worked as expected.


I tried the same thing on two different versions of LabVIEW, but that didn't work.  It stated the reference was invalid.  Not sure if this helps clear up, or muddy the definition of local objects or not.

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