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Destruct object from an Array after Cleanup

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I am trying to figure out if i'm missing something in my approach.

I am using an Array of Objects as Class Data of a handler Class. I Dynamically add these Instanced to the handler and when i'm done, I'd like them to be released from memory.


When adding the Instance of the class (using the Insert Into Array function of LabVIEW), I call methods to add the data, set a status and create a file backup of the object so it can be retrieved after a program restart.



When I'm done I'd like to remove the Instance from the Array by using the Delete From Array function of LabVIEW and delete the file backup of the object like this:



My question is if the Instance of the probe object still remains in memory after this and if so, is there any way I can tell LabVIEW to destruct it?







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My question is if the Instance of the probe object still remains in memory after this and if so, is there any way I can tell LabVIEW to destruct it?


The way your VI is implemented is the correct way to dispose of objects (or any given non-reference type in LabVIEW).

The wire has "loose" ends (after the last VI), so that particular copy of the object is removed from memory automatically.


Only reference-types must be closed explicitly (like the DVR). So your final VI just has to take care of references within that object to prevent reference leaks.

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The way your VI is implemented is the correct way to dispose of objects (or any given non-reference type in LabVIEW).

The wire has "loose" ends (after the last VI), so that particular copy of the object is removed from memory automatically.


Only reference-types must be closed explicitly (like the DVR). So your final VI just has to take care of references within that object to prevent reference leaks.


Danke :)

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