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Reopen Labview with the same configuration

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Hello to all.

I would like to know hoe can open my VI with the same configuration. I mean with every indicators, controls, graphs... are equal than when Labview was closed the las time.


Is it that possible?

I am asking this because I am developing a vision application with vision and motion toolkit. And a ROI is changed every time when I run again Labview in the same position of display.


Thanks a lot.

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You have to code it yourself in a way or the other. For example having your VI save the important values in some kind of config file on exit, and read them in (if the file is present) first thing on start. Your choice whether to dump plainly the control values in a binary file (inflexible and obfuscated), to use a standard format like xml or json, or a plain format of your design for human readability, and how to treat file errors and make room for future changes. OpenG should have something in this direction, never used.

Another way may be invoking "Make current values default" and then saving the VI, programmatically. I find the first solution preferable in general.

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7 minutes ago, ensegre said:

You have to code it yourself in a way or the other. For example having your VI save the important values in some kind of config file on exit, and read them in (if the file is present) first thing on start. Your choice whether to dump plainly the control values in a binary file (inflexible and obfuscated), to use a standard format like xml or json, or a plain format of your design for human readability, and how to treat file errors and make room for future changes. OpenG should have something in this direction, never used.

Another way may be invoking "Make current values default" and then saving the VI, programmatically. I find the first solution preferable in general.

Thanks a lot. I am gonna try the first sollution you mentioned.!

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A pretty common technique that works for the simple cases, is to use the OpenG Write Panel to INI, and Read Panel From INI.  This will take all the control on the front panel and save their current values to an INI file.  The reverse can take the INI file and put the values back on the controls.  These functions are found in the Variant Configuration OpenG package.

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