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Problem with the funcionality of my sub VI

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I have created a sub-vi which un-pack data comnig from an embedded board with 8 channels and puts on its output the results. Now I'd like to implement an addictional feature which regards the filtering of this data through a low and high pass. So I created another sub-vi that integrate these kind of filters with inputs to set their configuration.

When I use the filtering sub-vi on only one channel all seems to work well, but as soon as I add another one on another channel it doesn't work: the output signals are not filtered; there some changes in their trends but it's a indefinite behavior, not a low/high pass processing. It seems thet the presence of one filtering sub-vi intereferes with the other. I tryed to understand the problem but actually I'm in a dead end.

Can anyone give me any suggestion or maybe a solution?



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I suspect this has to do with the filtering VI you have used, they are "Point by Point" so internally they remember their state. As you have then wrapped these in a sub VI (which you also call on multiple independent channels) you will probably need to set the sub VI reentrancy to clone so that you don't stomp all over your data when you have multiple copies of your sub VI. 

Sub VI reentrancy.PNG

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6 hours ago, Neil Pate said:

I suspect this has to do with the filtering VI you have used, they are "Point by Point" so internally they remember their state. As you have then wrapped these in a sub VI (which you also call on multiple independent channels) you will probably need to set the sub VI reentrancy to clone so that you don't stomp all over your data when you have multiple copies of your sub VI. 

Sub VI reentrancy.PNG

Thank you!!!

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