this is the right thread for me to drop a few lines
most of the stuff posted on that "I hate LabVIEW page" is pure bullsh**! Those guys simply should do a Basics I + II course or read a book like "LabVIEW for Newbies" or something like that and most of their "problems" would be gone. If the don't understand how to use LabVIEW and how it works, it's not the failure of the Tool or NI, it's their fault.
If I read things like:
I'd like to answer: why don't you stupid use the VI Documentation? and why don't you use the text-tool in the BD?
--> have you ever heard about the text-tool? You can even change the colour of your text with the color tool, really!
--> ROFL! you need a Basics I course man, really, or just use Java, C# or whatever. You are to stupid to understand what dataflow means and what it is good for ...
noone, who is serious with LV would really care about the complaints of a no0b which is not willing to learn at least some of the basics.
LV is a great tool and a great programming language and I love it (and I earn most of my bucks with it …) but there are also some points I really hate:
This yearly major version updates really suck! If someone would ask me I’d say: a major release once in 5 years would be enough, like Microsoft does with Visual Studio. And of course: all VIs written with this major Release should be compatible to all the other minor releases of that major release.
The quality of the new releases sucks! I’d really like to se a stable version like 7.1.1 again and I hate it being an unpaid beta-tester in a so-called “release”. What I need is a stable version, I can work with and rely on if things come tough. I don’t need all those new features, where most of them are mainly good for marketing, but almost useless in production. I need reliability, stability and features that improve my daily work and help me getting faster, more precise, etc.
For me, the behavior of NI over the last 5 years is like (in the dilbert cartoon posted above): who the fu** needs customers? All we want is the money! And I really don’t like being treated like that!