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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2014 in all areas

  1. Today I learned you can pass an I32 into the To Upper Case prim. Did this totally by accident. Has anybody ever used this feature before?
    1 point
  2. Newer applications on MS Windows have removed "Exit" from their menus. They either rely upon the user using the [x] on the application window or on someone right-clicking on the MS Windows task bar and choosing "Close Window" as their signal to exit. LabVIEW has a plethera of windows open and no "master window" to close them all, so we still need a File >> Exit, but most applications that I've seen written *with* LabVIEW are single window applications (or single master window with floating supports, which amounts to the same). So, I'm curious... when you folks are writing your applications, have you started leaving out File >> Exit? What are your thoughts on that trend?
    1 point
  3. I have used it many times. This as well as the fact that many of the string-comparison nodes accepts numbers as well This can be quite useful when processing strings, e.g. stream data, and you want to stay in the U8-array domain for speed. /J
    1 point
  4. If you're thinking about dropping this into the "Resetting VI..." dialog, I'd gladly take a "File >> Exit" ... a [X] button ... a big red [sTOP] button... In all seriousness, I've not even considered removing this menu option. (... beyond, using the OS X and more sane standard of placing "Quit/Exit" under the main application menu rather than "File", which I guess causes less theoretical cognitive dissonance, if not actually moving the needle on actual UX for those of us with years of Windows experience. For what it's worth, my #1 UX consultant -- my 2.5yr daughter -- tends to naturally swipe at screens as if shooing away -- to exit applications. This is how iOS works after tap-tapping the Home button. Though having once been a touch screen designer, let's agree arm movements and fat fingers will not and can not displace a mouse from 8:00-5:00 for ergonomic health reasons, and Win8/touch/mobile trends that bank on this will likewise not win out.)
    1 point
  5. I always put File-->Exit on every application that has a menu-bar, however my personal preference (as others have also said) these days is to handle the Panel close event so I put in both. To me the only no-no is a big fat Exit button on the GUI.
    1 point
  6. Microsoft has been messing a lot with the GUI lately. I think this article sums it up quite nicely: http://www.nngroup.com/articles/windows-8-disappointing-usability/ Most programs I make have multiple windows, but they also have a main window, which is the one that is shown after startup (once the splash screen has disappeared). The main window then has File>>Exit (Ctrl+Q). If I had an application with multiple windows that could all be perceived as "main" (meaning for example that it makes sense to have the app running with just one of them open), I would add the exit option to each window. It should be possible to shut-down the whole app without having to close each window individually, and the File>>Exit option is a well established and hence intuitive way to to that...
    1 point
  7. That is C++ name mangling. The developer of the DLL forgot to tell the compiler/linker to not mangle the exported function names. It looks ugly and can be inconvinient but can't be the reason for your runtime error. Looking at the function prototype and the CLN configuration I have to say that there is no obvious problem visible. I would rather suspect that the DLL needs to have another function called first before you are allowed to call this function. Or there is a bug in the DLL (well I would consider the possible requirement to first call another function before you can call Initialize() a bug in itself ).
    1 point
  8. I actually never do that. The main cluster is a set of data related by being “stuff this QSM needs”, rather than being a cohesive single thing. Even when 90% of it is a cohesive thing (and then that part can be an object), there will be extra bits of data (update flags, say) that don’t belong in it. So I never make the full cluster a typedef or object, even though it is mostly composed of typedef/objects.
    1 point
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