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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2015 in all areas

  1. APIs, quickdrop and most of the other stuff isn't language.Sure. There's a few good toolkits, and primitives that have been added over time but even the language aspects that you've listed; e.g classes and DVRs and most of the others are between 5 and 10 years old (2005 for classes?) and pretty much all the other stuff with a very small number of exceptions is in 2009 (QD, DVR, bluetooth, XML, Web services, Shared variables and yes, dynamic user events) and those that aren't I have solutions for. Conditional tunnels and network streams I might give you but none of what you are talking about is project busting technology. Where's the inheritable FP controls? Where's the event driven VISA? Where's the inheritance that actually inherits methods and properties without recreating them? (I'm looking at you x-controls ). Where's the thousands of events to choose from in the event structure (maximise, minimise, open etc).. Why are there still bugs from 8.x? Perhaps I'm being harsh. It's probably because I've looked every year at upgrading on a wave of enthusiasm. Then I weigh project risk vs features I might actually use it seems there are too few pros once the eye candy is taken out. Upgrade to LV2013 because of a JSON primitive? Almost did but it was a real pain to use than the open source one, so back to 2009.
    1 point
  2. Often times I find the most useful things tucked away in old threads that I missed. Here is one semi-recently I saw showing one of the most useful express VIs I've seen. https://lavag.org/topic/10836-is-this-the-most-useful-express-vi-ever/ It is an express VI that can perform specific actions, based on the error it gets. Things like retry 4 times if you get error code X, or run a VI if you get code Y. This can help in making of a central error handler for things like logging. I'm not sure how this could improve the core of error handling but I like it a lot. Certainly error in general could be done better in LabVIEW, but I have a hard time describing the way that they could be improved that wouldn't either break things, or have corner cases that are hard to handle. Often times knowing what errors a function can return is part of the problem. If I had a list of what errors I could expect from a given function (and the functions it calls) I would probably be easier to look at the potential errors and come up with custom actions for each, a selection. Another issue I've heard others talk about, is that there isn't a standard way of formatting that source string. It is flexible, but it isn't standard. Adding more complicated data to the error wire, like the array of string for the call chain might help. But honestly most of these things have been discussed in other threads (like the ones mentioned). Looking at the crelf presentation there is the "Wouldn't it be cool if we could" slides which are pretty good list.
    1 point
  3. For the 2015 LAVA BBQ, Delacor have teamed up with author, friend of Delacor and all round outstanding guy; Steve Watts at SSDC to offer a truly unique door prize. Steve has kindly signed a copy of his book "A Software Engineering Approach to LabVIEW" but not only that. Steve has included the draft / amended pages that would have gone into any potential future second edition of his book. These are the only copies of these pages anywhere in the world and you as a LAVA member can have a chance to win them (and the signed book itself)
    1 point
  4. With NIWeek 2015 around the corner community events like the "World's Fastest Coding Challenge" are getting spun up. Another one of my favorite community event is the "Challenge the Champions", a competition between 5 LabVIEW Champions (including the new LabVIEW Champions being inducted at NIWeek 2015) and 5 challengers who think they can usurp these leaders of the LabVIEW community. In case you're unfamiliar with the LabVIEW Champions program you can find out all about it at bit.ly/lv_champions. I already have three challengers who'll definitely give the Champions a run for their money lined up. So I'm looking for two brave souls to step up to the plate on Tuesday evening, August 4 at 6pm sharp. To those two challengers out there, please send me a private message by Wednesday July 29th. Fame and glory await! NIWeek 2015... 8 days and counting! All systems go!
    1 point
  5. Let's care about anyone Alternatively don't care about anyone... but that's no fun
    1 point
  6. Won't work on Windows. Only works on Windows Lets see who cares about what
    1 point
  7. Or you can get the fonts using the Windows registry. Get Fonts Installed.vi
    1 point
  8. I would be looking at something related to <lvdir>/resource/dialog/PreferencesDialog/PreferencePages/prefPage_Misc.vi, but haven't yet figured out what.
    1 point
  9. Just registered. Looking forward to seeing you there :-) Cheers, Steen
    1 point
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