Without a more qualified statement about how you get to this conclusion such as what numbers are used, there is no way I can believe this. If you look at other indicators such as participation in the various forums, NI, LavaG and LabVIEWForum.de all I can say is that those numbers look VERYYYYYY much lower than a few years back.
So either all those new users that are added year over year are real cracks who do not need any support of any kind, or NI has a secret support channel they can tap into, that us mere mortals do not have, or something is totally off.
The public visible exposure of LabVIEW, just as NI itself, definitely has been diminishing in the last 5 years tremendously. Maybe all those new users are inherent user licenses included with the semiconductor test setups that are sold. Buying LabVIEW on the website is an almost impossible exercise recently and getting informed quotes also.